#you may override this if you move the build #just define it before including this or on the command line - or with #an environment variable #this points to the root of the opencv trunk - where the original opencv #sources are - with modules 3rparty ... ifndef OPENCV_ROOT OPENCV_ROOT := ${opencv_root} endif #you may override this same as above #this points to the actually directory that you built opencv for android from #maybe in under opencv/android/build ifndef OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT := ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} endif OPENCV_INCLUDES := ${android_module_include_dirs} ANDROID_OPENCV_INCLUDES := $(OPENCV_ROOT)/android/android-jni/jni ARMOBJS := local/armeabi ARMOBJS_V7A := local/armeabi-v7a OPENCV_LIB_DIRS := -L$(OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT)/obj/$(ARMOBJS_V7A) \ -L$(OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT)/obj/$(ARMOBJS) -L$(OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT)/bin/ndk/$(ARMOBJS) \ -L$(OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT)/bin/ndk/$(ARMOBJS_V7A) ANDROID_OPENCV_LIB_DIRS := -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/android/android-jni/libs/armeabi-v7a \ -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/android/android-jni/libs/armeabi #order of linking very important ---- may have stuff out of order here, but #important that modules that are more dependent come first... OPENCV_LIBS := $(OPENCV_LIB_DIRS) -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_imgproc \ -lopencv_video -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_core -lopencv_lapack -lopencv_flann \ -lzlib -lpng -ljpeg -ljasper ANDROID_OPENCV_LIBS := $(ANDROID_OPENCV_LIB_DIRS) -landroid-opencv