# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Root CMake file for OpenCV # # From the off-tree build directory, invoke: # $ cmake # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disable in-source builds to prevent source tree corruption. if(" ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL " ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") message(FATAL_ERROR " FATAL: In-source builds are not allowed. You should create a separate directory for build files. ") endif() set(CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS true) # Following block can broke build in case of cross-compilng # but CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING variable will be set only on project(OpenCV) command # so we will try to detect crosscompiling by presense of CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE if(NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) # it _must_ go before project(OpenCV) in order to work if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install" CACHE PATH "Installation Directory") else() set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local" CACHE PATH "Installation Directory") endif() else(NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) #Android: set output folder to ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} set( LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH_ROOT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} CACHE PATH "root for library output, set this to change where android libs are compiled to" ) # any crosscompiling set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install" CACHE PATH "Installation Directory") endif(NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Top level OpenCV project # -------------------------------------------------------------- if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Xcode AND XCODE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.3) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) elseif(IOS) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) else() cmake_minimum_required(VERSION endif() if(POLICY CMP0026) cmake_policy(SET CMP0026 NEW) endif() if (POLICY CMP0042) # silence cmake 3.0+ warnings about MACOSX_RPATH cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 OLD) endif() # must go before the project command set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "Debug;Release" CACHE STRING "Configs" FORCE) if(DEFINED CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8") set_property( CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES} ) endif() enable_testing() project(OpenCV CXX C) if(MSVC) set(CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() include(cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake) ocv_cmake_eval(DEBUG_PRE ONCE) ocv_clear_vars(OpenCVModules_TARGETS) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Break in case of popular CMake configuration mistakes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(NOT CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P GREATER 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake fails to determine the bitness of the target platform. Please check your CMake and compiler installation. If you are cross-compiling then ensure that your CMake toolchain file correctly sets the compiler details.") endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect compiler and target platform architecture # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(cmake/OpenCVDetectCXXCompiler.cmake) # Add these standard paths to the search paths for FIND_LIBRARY # to find libraries from these locations first if(UNIX AND NOT ANDROID) if(X86_64 OR CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) if(EXISTS /lib64) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib64) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib) endif() if(EXISTS /usr/lib64) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib64) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib) endif() elseif(X86 OR CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) if(EXISTS /lib32) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib32) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib) endif() if(EXISTS /usr/lib32) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib32) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib) endif() endif() endif() # Add these standard paths to the search paths for FIND_PATH # to find include files from these locations first if(MINGW) if(EXISTS /mingw) list(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH /mingw) endif() if(EXISTS /mingw32) list(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH /mingw32) endif() if(EXISTS /mingw64) list(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH /mingw64) endif() endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenCV cmake options # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional 3rd party components # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(WITH_1394 "Include IEEE1394 support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_AVFOUNDATION "Use AVFoundation for Video I/O (iOS/Mac)" ON IF APPLE) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CARBON "Use Carbon for UI instead of Cocoa" OFF IF APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CUDA "Include NVidia Cuda Runtime support" ON IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_VTK "Include VTK library support (and build opencv_viz module eiher)" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CUFFT "Include NVidia Cuda Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) library support" ON IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CUBLAS "Include NVidia Cuda Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library support" OFF IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_NVCUVID "Include NVidia Video Decoding library support" OFF IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND NOT APPLE) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_EIGEN "Include Eigen2/Eigen3 support" ON) OCV_OPTION(WITH_VFW "Include Video for Windows support" ON IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_FFMPEG "Include FFMPEG support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS)) OCV_OPTION(WITH_GSTREAMER "Include Gstreamer support" ON IF (UNIX AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_GSTREAMER_0_10 "Enable Gstreamer 0.10 support (instead of 1.x)" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_GTK "Include GTK support" ON IF (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_IMAGEIO "ImageIO support for OS X" OFF IF APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_IPP "Include Intel IPP support" OFF IF (MSVC OR X86 OR X86_64) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_JASPER "Include JPEG2K support" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_JPEG "Include JPEG support" ON) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENEXR "Include ILM support via OpenEXR" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENGL "Include OpenGL support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENNI "Include OpenNI support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_PNG "Include PNG support" ON) OCV_OPTION(WITH_PVAPI "Include Prosilica GigE support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_GIGEAPI "Include Smartek GigE support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_QT "Build with Qt Backend support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_WIN32UI "Build with Win32 UI Backend support" ON IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_QUICKTIME "Use QuickTime for Video I/O" OFF IF APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_QTKIT "Use QTKit Video I/O backend" OFF IF APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_TBB "Include Intel TBB support" OFF IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENMP "Include OpenMP support" OFF) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CSTRIPES "Include C= support" OFF IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_TIFF "Include TIFF support" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_UNICAP "Include Unicap support (GPL)" OFF IF (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_V4L "Include Video 4 Linux support" ON IF (UNIX AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_LIBV4L "Use libv4l for Video 4 Linux support" ON IF (UNIX AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_DSHOW "Build HighGUI with DirectShow support" ON IF (WIN32 AND NOT ARM) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_MSMF "Build HighGUI with Media Foundation support" OFF IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_XIMEA "Include XIMEA cameras support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_XINE "Include Xine support (GPL)" OFF IF (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENCL "Include OpenCL Runtime support" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENCLAMDFFT "Include AMD OpenCL FFT library support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENCLAMDBLAS "Include AMD OpenCL BLAS library support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_INTELPERC "Include Intel Perceptual Computing support" OFF IF WIN32 ) # OpenCV build components # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries (.dll/.so) instead of static ones (.lib/.a)" NOT (ANDROID OR IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_opencv_apps "Build utility applications (used for example to train classifiers)" (NOT ANDROID) IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES "Build examples for Android platform" ON IF ANDROID ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_DOCS "Create build rules for OpenCV Documentation" ON ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build all examples" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PACKAGE "Enables 'make package_source' command" ON ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PERF_TESTS "Build performance tests" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TESTS "Build accuracy & regression tests" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_WITH_DEBUG_INFO "Include debug info into debug libs (not MSCV only)" ON ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT "Enables use of statically linked CRT for staticaly linked OpenCV" ON IF MSVC ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_FAT_JAVA_LIB "Create fat java wrapper containing the whole OpenCV library" ON IF NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID_SERVICE "Build OpenCV Manager for Google Play" OFF IF ANDROID AND ANDROID_SOURCE_TREE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID_PACKAGE "Build platform-specific package for Google Play" OFF IF ANDROID ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TINY_GPU_MODULE "Build tiny gpu module with limited image format support" OFF ) # 3rd party libs OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ZLIB "Build zlib from source" WIN32 OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TIFF "Build libtiff from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_JASPER "Build libjasper from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_JPEG "Build libjpeg from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PNG "Build libpng from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_OPENEXR "Build openexr from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TBB "Download and build TBB from source" ANDROID ) # OpenCV installation options # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_CREATE_DISTRIB "Change install rules to build the distribution package" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_C_EXAMPLES "Install C examples" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES "Install Python examples" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_ANDROID_EXAMPLES "Install Android examples" OFF IF ANDROID ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS "Enables mangled install paths, that help with side by side installs." OFF IF (UNIX AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_TESTS "Install accuracy and performance test binaries and test data" OFF) # OpenCV build options # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_CCACHE "Use ccache" (UNIX AND NOT IOS AND (CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Makefile" OR CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Ninja")) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CUDA "Enabled dynamic CUDA linkage" ON IF ANDROID ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS "Use precompiled headers" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS "Solution folder in Visual Studio or in other IDEs" (MSVC_IDE OR CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Xcode) IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8.0") ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_PROFILING "Enable profiling in the GCC compiler (Add flags: -g -pg)" OFF IF CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_COVERAGE "Enable coverage collection with GCov" OFF IF CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_OMIT_FRAME_POINTER "Enable -fomit-frame-pointer for GCC" ON IF CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND NOT (APPLE AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CLANGCXX) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_POWERPC "Enable PowerPC for GCC" ON IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES powerpc.*) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_FAST_MATH "Enable -ffast-math (not recommended for GCC 4.6.x)" OFF IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE "Enable SSE instructions" ON IF ((MSVC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE2 "Enable SSE2 instructions" ON IF ((MSVC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE3 "Enable SSE3 instructions" ON IF ((CV_ICC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSSE3 "Enable SSSE3 instructions" OFF IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE41 "Enable SSE4.1 instructions" OFF IF ((CV_ICC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE42 "Enable SSE4.2 instructions" OFF IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_AVX "Enable AVX instructions" OFF IF ((MSVC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_AVX2 "Enable AVX2 instructions" OFF IF ((MSVC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_NEON "Enable NEON instructions" AARCH64 IF CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (ARM OR AARCH64)) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_VFPV3 "Enable VFPv3-D32 instructions" AARCH64 IF CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (ARM OR AARCH64)) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_NOISY_WARNINGS "Show all warnings even if they are too noisy" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(OPENCV_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS "Treat warnings as errors" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_WINRT_MODE "Build with Windows Runtime support" OFF IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_WINRT_MODE_NATIVE "Build with Windows Runtime native C++ support" OFF IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_LIBVS2013 "Build VS2013 with Visual Studio 2013 libraries" OFF IF WIN32 AND (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1800) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_WINSDK81 "Build VS2013 with Windows 8.1 SDK" OFF IF WIN32 AND (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1800) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_WINPHONESDK80 "Build with Windows Phone 8.0 SDK" OFF IF WIN32 AND (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1700) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_WINPHONESDK81 "Build VS2013 with Windows Phone 8.1 SDK" OFF IF WIN32 AND (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1800) ) # uncategorized options # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(CMAKE_VERBOSE "Verbose mode" OFF ) # backward compatibility # =================================================== include(cmake/OpenCVLegacyOptions.cmake OPTIONAL) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get actual OpenCV version number from sources # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(cmake/OpenCVVersion.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build & install layouts # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save libs and executables in the same place set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin" CACHE PATH "Output directory for applications" ) if (ANDROID) if (ANDROID_ABI MATCHES "NEON") set(ENABLE_NEON ON) endif() if (ANDROID_ABI MATCHES "VFPV3") set(ENABLE_VFPV3 ON) endif() endif() if(NOT DEFINED OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH) if(ANDROID OR WIN32) set(OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH doc) elseif(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS) set(OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV-${OPENCV_VERSION}/doc) else() set(OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV/doc) endif() endif() if(WIN32) if(DEFINED OpenCV_RUNTIME AND DEFINED OpenCV_ARCH) set(OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX "${OpenCV_ARCH}/${OpenCV_RUNTIME}/") else() message(STATUS "Can't detect runtime and/or arch") set(OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX "") endif() elseif(ANDROID) set(OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX "sdk/native/") else() set(OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX "") endif() if(ANDROID) set(OPENCV_SAMPLES_BIN_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX}samples/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}") else() set(OPENCV_SAMPLES_BIN_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX}samples") endif() if(ANDROID) set(OPENCV_BIN_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX}bin/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}") else() set(OPENCV_BIN_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX}bin") endif() if(NOT OPENCV_TEST_INSTALL_PATH) set(OPENCV_TEST_INSTALL_PATH "${OPENCV_BIN_INSTALL_PATH}") endif() if(ANDROID) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/lib/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}") set(3P_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/3rdparty/lib/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}") set(OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/libs/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}) set(OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}) set(OPENCV_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/jni) set(OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/jni/include) set(OPENCV_SAMPLES_SRC_INSTALL_PATH samples/native) else() set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/lib") set(3P_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/3rdparty/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}") if(WIN32) if(OpenCV_STATIC) set(OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX}staticlib${LIB_SUFFIX}") else() set(OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX}lib${LIB_SUFFIX}") endif() set(OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_BINARIES_PREFIX}staticlib${LIB_SUFFIX}") set(OPENCV_SAMPLES_SRC_INSTALL_PATH samples/native) else() set(OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH lib${LIB_SUFFIX}) set(OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV/3rdparty/${OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH}) set(OPENCV_SAMPLES_SRC_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV/samples) endif() set(OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH "include") math(EXPR SIZEOF_VOID_P_BITS "8 * ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}") if(LIB_SUFFIX AND NOT SIZEOF_VOID_P_BITS EQUAL LIB_SUFFIX) set(OPENCV_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/cmake/opencv) else() set(OPENCV_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV) endif() endif() set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH}") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) if(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS) set(OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH ${OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH}/opencv-${OPENCV_VERSION}) endif() if(WIN32) # Postfix of DLLs: set(OPENCV_DLLVERSION "${OPENCV_VERSION_MAJOR}${OPENCV_VERSION_MINOR}${OPENCV_VERSION_PATCH}") set(OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX d) else() # Postfix of so's: set(OPENCV_DLLVERSION "") set(OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX "") endif() if(DEFINED CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX) set(OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX "${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}") endif() if(CMAKE_VERBOSE) set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 1) endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path for build/platform -specific headers # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(OPENCV_CONFIG_FILE_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/" CACHE PATH "Where to create the platform-dependant cvconfig.h") ocv_include_directories(${OPENCV_CONFIG_FILE_INCLUDE_DIR}) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path for additional modules # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Where to look for additional OpenCV modules") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Autodetect if we are in a GIT repository # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # don't use FindGit because it requires CMake 2.8.2 set(git_names git eg) # eg = easy git # Prefer .cmd variants on Windows unless running in a Makefile in the MSYS shell if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) if(NOT CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "MSYS") set(git_names git.cmd git eg.cmd eg) endif() endif() find_host_program(GIT_EXECUTABLE NAMES ${git_names} PATH_SUFFIXES Git/cmd Git/bin DOC "git command line client") mark_as_advanced(GIT_EXECUTABLE) if(GIT_EXECUTABLE) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe --tags --always --dirty --match "2.[0-9].[0-9]*" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENCV_VCSVERSION RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_RESULT ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(NOT GIT_RESULT EQUAL 0) set(OPENCV_VCSVERSION "unknown") endif() else() # We don't have git: set(OPENCV_VCSVERSION "unknown") endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenCV compiler and linker options # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # In case of Makefiles if the user does not setup CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, assume it's Release: if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Makefiles|Ninja" AND "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif() include(cmake/OpenCVCompilerOptions.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use statically or dynamically linked CRT? # Default: dynamic # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(MSVC) include(cmake/OpenCVCRTLinkage.cmake) endif(MSVC) if(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) add_definitions(-D_VARIADIC_MAX=10) endif(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CHECK FOR SYSTEM LIBRARIES, OPTIONS, ETC.. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(UNIX) if(NOT APPLE) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(pthread.h HAVE_LIBPTHREAD) if(ANDROID) set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} dl m log) elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "FreeBSD|NetBSD|DragonFly") set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} m pthread) elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "QNX") set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} m) else() set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} dl m pthread rt) endif() else() set(HAVE_LIBPTHREAD YES) endif() endif() include(cmake/OpenCVPCHSupport.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect endianness of build platform # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL iOS) # test_big_endian needs try_compile, which doesn't work for iOS # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=12288 set(WORDS_BIGENDIAN 0) else() include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect 3rd-party libraries # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsGrfmt.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsGUI.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsPerf.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect other 3rd-party libraries/tools # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- LATEX for pdf documentation --- unset(HAVE_DOXYGEN CACHE) if(BUILD_DOCS) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLATEX.cmake) find_host_program(DOXYGEN_BUILD doxygen) if (DOXYGEN_BUILD) set(HAVE_DOXYGEN 1) endif (DOXYGEN_BUILD) endif(BUILD_DOCS) # --- Python Support --- include(cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake) # --- Java Support --- include(cmake/OpenCVDetectApacheAnt.cmake) if(ANDROID) include(cmake/OpenCVDetectAndroidSDK.cmake) if(NOT ANDROID_TOOLS_Pkg_Revision GREATER 13) message(WARNING "OpenCV requires Android SDK tools revision 14 or newer. Otherwise tests and samples will no be compiled.") endif() else() find_package(JNI) endif() if(ANDROID AND ANDROID_EXECUTABLE AND ANT_EXECUTABLE AND (ANT_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 1.7) AND (ANDROID_TOOLS_Pkg_Revision GREATER 13)) SET(CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS TRUE) else() SET(CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS FALSE) endif() # --- OpenCL --- if(WITH_OPENCL) include(cmake/OpenCVDetectOpenCL.cmake) endif() # --- VTK support --- include(cmake/OpenCVDetectVTK.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add CUDA libraries (needed for apps/tools, samples) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(NOT HAVE_CUDA) set(ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CUDA OFF) endif() if(HAVE_CUDA AND NOT ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CUDA) set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} ${CUDA_npp_LIBRARY}) if(HAVE_CUBLAS) set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} ${CUDA_cublas_LIBRARY}) endif() if(HAVE_CUFFT) set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} ${CUDA_cufft_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Solution folders: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY PREDEFINED_TARGETS_FOLDER "CMakeTargets") endif() # Extra OpenCV targets: uninstall, package_source, perf, etc. include(cmake/OpenCVExtraTargets.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process subdirectories # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # opencv.hpp and legacy headers add_subdirectory(include) # OpenCV modules add_subdirectory(modules) # Generate targets for documentation add_subdirectory(doc) # various data that is used by cv libraries and/or demo applications. add_subdirectory(data) # extra applications if(BUILD_opencv_apps) add_subdirectory(apps) endif() # examples if(BUILD_EXAMPLES OR BUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES OR INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(samples) endif() if(ANDROID) add_subdirectory(platforms/android/service) endif() if(BUILD_ANDROID_PACKAGE) add_subdirectory(platforms/android/package) endif() if (ANDROID) add_subdirectory(platforms/android/libinfo) endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finalization: generate configuration-based files # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ocv_track_build_dependencies() # Generate platform-dependent and configuration-dependent headers include(cmake/OpenCVGenHeaders.cmake) # Generate opencv.pc for pkg-config command include(cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake) # Generate OpenCV.mk for ndk-build (Android build tool) include(cmake/OpenCVGenAndroidMK.cmake) # Generate OpenCVŠ”onfig.cmake and OpenCVConfig-version.cmake for cmake projects include(cmake/OpenCVGenConfig.cmake) # Generate Info.plist for the IOS framework include(cmake/OpenCVGenInfoPlist.cmake) # Generate environment setup file if(INSTALL_TESTS AND OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH) if(ANDROID) get_filename_component(TEST_PATH ${OPENCV_TEST_INSTALL_PATH} DIRECTORY) configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/opencv_run_all_tests_android.sh.in" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/opencv_run_all_tests.sh" @ONLY) install(PROGRAMS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/opencv_run_all_tests.sh" DESTINATION . COMPONENT tests) elseif(WIN32 OR UNIX) set(OPENCV_PYTHON_TESTS_LIST "") if(BUILD_opencv_python) file(GLOB py_tests modules/python/test/*.py) install(PROGRAMS ${py_tests} DESTINATION ${OPENCV_TEST_INSTALL_PATH} COMPONENT tests) if(BUILD_opencv_nonfree) file(GLOB py_nonfree_tests modules/python/test/nonfree_tests/*.py) install(PROGRAMS ${py_nonfree_tests} DESTINATION ${OPENCV_TEST_INSTALL_PATH}/nonfree_tests COMPONENT tests) endif() set(OPENCV_PYTHON_TESTS_LIST "test.py") endif() if(WIN32) configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/opencv_run_all_tests_windows.cmd.in" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/win-install/opencv_run_all_tests.cmd" @ONLY) install(PROGRAMS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/win-install/opencv_run_all_tests.cmd" DESTINATION ${OPENCV_TEST_INSTALL_PATH} COMPONENT tests) else() configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/opencv_run_all_tests_unix.sh.in" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/opencv_run_all_tests.sh" @ONLY) install(PROGRAMS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/opencv_run_all_tests.sh" DESTINATION ${OPENCV_TEST_INSTALL_PATH} COMPONENT tests) endif() endif() endif() if(NOT OPENCV_README_FILE) if(ANDROID) set(OPENCV_README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/platforms/android/README.android) endif() endif() if(NOT OPENCV_LICENSE_FILE) set(OPENCV_LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE) endif() # for UNIX it does not make sense as LICENSE and readme will be part of the package automatically if(ANDROID OR NOT UNIX) install(FILES ${OPENCV_LICENSE_FILE} PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ DESTINATION . COMPONENT libs) if(OPENCV_README_FILE) install(FILES ${OPENCV_README_FILE} PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ DESTINATION . COMPONENT libs) endif() endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Summary: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- status("") status("General configuration for OpenCV ${OPENCV_VERSION} =====================================") if(OPENCV_VCSVERSION) status(" Version control:" ${OPENCV_VCSVERSION}) endif() # ========================== build platform ========================== status("") status(" Platform:") if(NOT DEFINED OPENCV_TIMESTAMP AND NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.11 AND NOT BUILD_INFO_SKIP_TIMESTAMP ) string(TIMESTAMP OPENCV_TIMESTAMP "" UTC) set(OPENCV_TIMESTAMP "${OPENCV_TIMESTAMP}" CACHE STRING "Timestamp of OpenCV build configuration" FORCE) endif() if(OPENCV_TIMESTAMP) status(" Timestamp:" ${OPENCV_TIMESTAMP}) endif() status(" Host:" ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME} ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION} ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) status(" Target:" ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION} ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) endif() status(" CMake:" ${CMAKE_VERSION}) status(" CMake generator:" ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}) status(" CMake build tool:" ${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL}) if(MSVC) status(" MSVC:" ${MSVC_VERSION}) endif() if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Xcode) status(" Xcode:" ${XCODE_VERSION}) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Xcode|Visual Studio") status(" Configuration:" ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) endif() # ========================== C/C++ options ========================== if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION) set(OPENCV_COMPILER_STR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1} (ver ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION})") else() set(OPENCV_COMPILER_STR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1}") endif() string(STRIP "${OPENCV_COMPILER_STR}" OPENCV_COMPILER_STR) status("") status(" C/C++:") status(" Built as dynamic libs?:" BUILD_SHARED_LIBS THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" C++ Compiler:" ${OPENCV_COMPILER_STR}) status(" C++ flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" C++ flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}) status(" C Compiler:" ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1}) status(" C flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" C flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}) if(WIN32) status(" Linker flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" Linker flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG}) else() status(" Linker flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" Linker flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG}) endif() status(" ccache:" CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CCACHE THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Precompiled headers:" PCHSupport_FOUND AND ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS THEN YES ELSE NO) # ========================== OpenCV modules ========================== status("") status(" OpenCV modules:") string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD}") string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER}") string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE}") set(OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "") foreach(m ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO}) set(__mdeps "") foreach(d ${OPENCV_MODULE_${m}_DEPS}) if(d MATCHES "^opencv_" AND NOT HAVE_${d}) list(APPEND __mdeps ${d}) endif() endforeach() if(__mdeps) list(APPEND OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "${m}(deps: ${__mdeps})") else() list(APPEND OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "${m}") endif() endforeach() string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST}") status(" To be built:" OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD_ST} ELSE "-") status(" Disabled:" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER_ST} ELSE "-") status(" Disabled by dependency:" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST} ELSE "-") status(" Unavailable:" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE_ST} ELSE "-") # ========================== Android details ========================== if(ANDROID) status("") status(" Android: ") status(" Android ABI:" ${ANDROID_ABI}) status(" STL type:" ${ANDROID_STL}) status(" Native API level:" android-${ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL}) android_get_compatible_target(android_sdk_target_status ${ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL} ${ANDROID_SDK_TARGET} 11) status(" SDK target:" "${android_sdk_target_status}") if(BUILD_WITH_ANDROID_NDK) status(" Android NDK:" "${ANDROID_NDK} (toolchain: ${ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME})") elseif(BUILD_WITH_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN) status(" Android toolchain:" "${ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN}") endif() status(" android tool:" ANDROID_EXECUTABLE THEN "${ANDROID_EXECUTABLE} (${ANDROID_TOOLS_Pkg_Desc})" ELSE NO) status(" Google Play package:" BUILD_ANDROID_PACKAGE THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Android examples:" BUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES AND CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() # ================== Windows RT features ================== if(WIN32) status("") status(" Windows RT support:" HAVE_WINRT THEN YES ELSE NO) if (ENABLE_WINRT_MODE OR ENABLE_WINRT_MODE_NATIVE) status(" Windows (Phone) SDK v8.0/v8.1:" ${WINDOWS_SDK_PATH}) status(" Visual Studio 2012/2013:" ${VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH}) endif() endif(WIN32) # ========================== GUI ========================== status("") status(" GUI: ") if(HAVE_QT5) status(" QT 5.x:" HAVE_QT THEN "YES (ver ${Qt5Core_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) status(" QT OpenGL support:" HAVE_QT_OPENGL THEN "YES (${Qt5OpenGL_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5OpenGL_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) elseif(HAVE_QT) status(" QT 4.x:" HAVE_QT THEN "YES (ver ${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${QT_VERSION_MINOR}.${QT_VERSION_PATCH} ${QT_EDITION})" ELSE NO) status(" QT OpenGL support:" HAVE_QT_OPENGL THEN "YES (${QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY})" ELSE NO) else() if(DEFINED WITH_QT) status(" QT:" NO) endif() if(DEFINED WITH_WIN32UI) status(" Win32 UI:" HAVE_WIN32UI THEN YES ELSE NO) else() if(APPLE) if(WITH_CARBON) status(" Carbon:" YES) else() status(" Cocoa:" YES) endif() else() status(" GTK+ 2.x:" HAVE_GTK THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gtk+-2.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" GThread :" HAVE_GTHREAD THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gthread-2.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" GtkGlExt:" HAVE_GTKGLEXT THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gtkglext-1.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif() endif() endif() status(" OpenGL support:" HAVE_OPENGL THEN "YES (${OPENGL_LIBRARIES})" ELSE NO) status(" VTK support:" HAVE_VTK THEN "YES (ver ${VTK_VERSION})" ELSE NO) # ========================== MEDIA IO ========================== status("") status(" Media I/O: ") status(" ZLib:" BUILD_ZLIB THEN "build (ver ${ZLIB_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE "${ZLIB_LIBRARY} (ver ${ZLIB_VERSION_STRING})") if(WITH_JPEG) status(" JPEG:" JPEG_FOUND THEN "${JPEG_LIBRARY} (ver ${JPEG_LIB_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${JPEG_LIB_VERSION})") else() status(" JPEG:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_PNG) status(" PNG:" PNG_FOUND THEN "${PNG_LIBRARY} (ver ${PNG_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${PNG_VERSION})") else() status(" PNG:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_TIFF) if(TIFF_VERSION_STRING AND TIFF_FOUND) status(" TIFF:" "${TIFF_LIBRARY} (ver ${TIFF_VERSION} - ${TIFF_VERSION_STRING})") else() status(" TIFF:" TIFF_FOUND THEN "${TIFF_LIBRARY} (ver ${TIFF_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${TIFF_VERSION} - ${TIFF_VERSION_STRING})") endif() else() status(" TIFF:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_JASPER) status(" JPEG 2000:" JASPER_FOUND THEN "${JASPER_LIBRARY} (ver ${JASPER_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE "build (ver ${JASPER_VERSION_STRING})") else() status(" JPEG 2000:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_OPENEXR) status(" OpenEXR:" OPENEXR_FOUND THEN "${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES} (ver ${OPENEXR_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${OPENEXR_VERSION})") else() status(" OpenEXR:" "NO") endif() # ========================== VIDEO IO ========================== status("") status(" Video I/O:") if (DEFINED WITH_VFW) status(" Video for Windows:" HAVE_VFW THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_VFW) if(DEFINED WITH_1394) status(" DC1394 1.x:" HAVE_DC1394 THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libdc1394_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" DC1394 2.x:" HAVE_DC1394_2 THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libdc1394-2_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_1394) if(ANDROID) if(HAVE_opencv_androidcamera) status(" AndroidNativeCamera:" BUILD_ANDROID_CAMERA_WRAPPER THEN "YES, build for Android${ANDROID_VERSION}" ELSE "YES, use prebuilt libraries") else() status(" AndroidNativeCamera:" "NO (native camera requires Android API level 8 or higher)") endif() endif() if(DEFINED WITH_FFMPEG OR HAVE_FFMPEG) if(WIN32) status(" FFMPEG:" WITH_FFMPEG THEN "YES (prebuilt binaries)" ELSE NO) else() status(" FFMPEG:" HAVE_FFMPEG THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() status(" avcodec:" FFMPEG_libavcodec_FOUND THEN "YES (ver ${FFMPEG_libavcodec_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" avformat:" FFMPEG_libavformat_FOUND THEN "YES (ver ${FFMPEG_libavformat_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" avutil:" FFMPEG_libavutil_FOUND THEN "YES (ver ${FFMPEG_libavutil_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" swscale:" FFMPEG_libswscale_FOUND THEN "YES (ver ${FFMPEG_libswscale_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" avresample:" FFMPEG_libavresample_FOUND THEN "YES (ver ${FFMPEG_libavresample_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif() if(DEFINED WITH_GSTREAMER) status(" GStreamer:" HAVE_GSTREAMER THEN "" ELSE NO) if(HAVE_GSTREAMER) status(" base:" "YES (ver ${GSTREAMER_BASE_VERSION})") status(" video:" "YES (ver ${GSTREAMER_VIDEO_VERSION})") status(" app:" "YES (ver ${GSTREAMER_APP_VERSION})") status(" riff:" "YES (ver ${GSTREAMER_RIFF_VERSION})") status(" pbutils:" "YES (ver ${GSTREAMER_PBUTILS_VERSION})") endif(HAVE_GSTREAMER) endif(DEFINED WITH_GSTREAMER) if(DEFINED WITH_OPENNI) status(" OpenNI:" HAVE_OPENNI THEN "YES (ver ${OPENNI_VERSION_STRING}, build ${OPENNI_VERSION_BUILD})" ELSE NO) status(" OpenNI PrimeSensor Modules:" HAVE_OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE THEN "YES (${OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_OPENNI) if(DEFINED WITH_PVAPI) status(" PvAPI:" HAVE_PVAPI THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_PVAPI) if(DEFINED WITH_GIGEAPI) status(" GigEVisionSDK:" HAVE_GIGE_API THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_GIGEAPI) if(DEFINED APPLE) status(" AVFoundation:" HAVE_AVFOUNDATION THEN YES ELSE NO) if(WITH_QUICKTIME OR HAVE_QUICKTIME) status(" QuickTime:" HAVE_QUICKTIME THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() if(WITH_QTKIT OR HAVE_QTKIT) status(" QTKit:" HAVE_QTKIT THEN "YES (deprecated)" ELSE NO) endif() endif(DEFINED APPLE) if(DEFINED WITH_UNICAP) status(" UniCap:" HAVE_UNICAP THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libunicap_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" UniCap ucil:" HAVE_UNICAP_UCIL THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libucil_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_UNICAP) if(DEFINED WITH_V4L) if(HAVE_CAMV4L) set(HAVE_CAMV4L_STR "YES") else() set(HAVE_CAMV4L_STR "NO") endif() if(HAVE_CAMV4L2) set(HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR "YES") elseif(HAVE_VIDEOIO) set(HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR "YES(videoio)") else() set(HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR "NO") endif() status(" V4L/V4L2:" HAVE_LIBV4L THEN "Using libv4l1 (ver ${ALIASOF_libv4l1_VERSION}) / libv4l2 (ver ${ALIASOF_libv4l2_VERSION})" ELSE "${HAVE_CAMV4L_STR}/${HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR}") endif(DEFINED WITH_V4L) if(DEFINED WITH_DSHOW) status(" DirectShow:" HAVE_DSHOW THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_DSHOW) if(DEFINED WITH_MSMF) status(" Media Foundation:" HAVE_MSMF THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_MSMF) if(DEFINED WITH_XIMEA) status(" XIMEA:" HAVE_XIMEA THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_XIMEA) if(DEFINED WITH_XINE) status(" Xine:" HAVE_XINE THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libxine_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_XINE) if(DEFINED WITH_INTELPERC) status(" Intel PerC:" HAVE_INTELPERC THEN "YES" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_INTELPERC) # ========================== Other third-party libraries ========================== status("") status(" Other third-party libraries:") if(WITH_IPP AND IPP_FOUND) status(" Use IPP:" "${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_STR} [${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_MAJOR}.${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_MINOR}.${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_BUILD}]") status(" at:" "${IPP_ROOT_DIR}") else() status(" Use IPP:" WITH_IPP AND NOT IPP_FOUND THEN "IPP not found" ELSE NO) endif() status(" Use Eigen:" HAVE_EIGEN THEN "YES (ver ${EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION}.${EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION}.${EIGEN_MINOR_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" Use TBB:" HAVE_TBB THEN "YES (ver ${TBB_VERSION_MAJOR}.${TBB_VERSION_MINOR} interface ${TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" Use OpenMP:" HAVE_OPENMP THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use GCD" HAVE_GCD THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use Concurrency" HAVE_CONCURRENCY THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use C=:" HAVE_CSTRIPES THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use Cuda:" HAVE_CUDA THEN "YES (ver ${CUDA_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) status(" Use OpenCL:" HAVE_OPENCL THEN YES ELSE NO) if(HAVE_CUDA) status("") status(" NVIDIA CUDA") status(" Use CUFFT:" HAVE_CUFFT THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use CUBLAS:" HAVE_CUBLAS THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" USE NVCUVID:" HAVE_NVCUVID THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" NVIDIA GPU arch:" ${OPENCV_CUDA_ARCH_BIN}) status(" NVIDIA PTX archs:" ${OPENCV_CUDA_ARCH_PTX}) status(" Use fast math:" CUDA_FAST_MATH THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Tiny gpu module:" BUILD_TINY_GPU_MODULE THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() if(HAVE_OPENCL) status("") status(" OpenCL:") if(HAVE_OPENCL_STATIC) set(__opencl_ver "static") else() set(__opencl_ver "dynamic") endif() status(" Version:" ${__opencl_ver}) if(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR) status(" Include path:" ${OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() if(OPENCL_LIBRARIES) set(__libs "") foreach(l ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES}) if(TARGET ${l}) get_target_property(p ${l} IMPORTED_LOCATION) if(p MATCHES NOTFOUND) list(APPEND __libs "${l}") else() list(APPEND __libs "${p}") endif() else() list(APPEND __libs "${l}") endif() endforeach() status(" libraries:" ${__libs}) endif() status(" Use AMD FFT:" HAVE_CLAMDFFT THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use AMD BLAS:" HAVE_CLAMDBLAS THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() # ========================== python ========================== status("") status(" Python:") status(" Interpreter:" PYTHON_EXECUTABLE THEN "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} (ver ${PYTHON_VERSION_FULL})" ELSE NO) if(BUILD_opencv_python) if(PYTHONLIBS_VERSION_STRING) status(" Libraries:" HAVE_opencv_python THEN "${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} (ver ${PYTHONLIBS_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) else() status(" Libraries:" HAVE_opencv_python THEN ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ELSE NO) endif() status(" numpy:" PYTHON_USE_NUMPY THEN "${PYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR} (ver ${PYTHON_NUMPY_VERSION})" ELSE "NO (Python wrappers can not be generated)") status(" packages path:" PYTHON_EXECUTABLE THEN "${PYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH}" ELSE "-") endif() # ========================== java ========================== status("") status(" Java:") status(" ant:" ANT_EXECUTABLE THEN "${ANT_EXECUTABLE} (ver ${ANT_VERSION})" ELSE NO) if(NOT ANDROID) status(" JNI:" JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS THEN "${JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ELSE NO) endif() status(" Java tests:" BUILD_TESTS AND (CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS OR HAVE_opencv_java) THEN YES ELSE NO) # ========================== documentation ========================== if(BUILD_DOCS) status("") status(" Documentation:") if(HAVE_SPHINX) status(" Build Documentation:" PDFLATEX_COMPILER THEN YES ELSE "YES (only HTML and without math expressions)") else() status(" Build Documentation:" NO) endif() status(" Sphinx:" HAVE_SPHINX THEN "${SPHINX_BUILD} (ver ${SPHINX_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" PdfLaTeX compiler:" PDFLATEX_COMPILER THEN "${PDFLATEX_COMPILER}" ELSE NO) status(" Doxygen:" HAVE_DOXYGEN THEN "YES (${DOXYGEN_BUILD})" ELSE NO) endif() # ========================== samples and tests ========================== status("") status(" Tests and samples:") status(" Tests:" BUILD_TESTS AND HAVE_opencv_ts THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Performance tests:" BUILD_PERF_TESTS AND HAVE_opencv_ts THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" C/C++ Examples:" BUILD_EXAMPLES THEN YES ELSE NO) # ========================== auxiliary ========================== status("") status(" Install path:" "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") status("") status(" cvconfig.h is in:" "${OPENCV_CONFIG_FILE_INCLUDE_DIR}") status("-----------------------------------------------------------------") status("") ocv_finalize_status() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CPack stuff # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(cmake/OpenCVPackaging.cmake) # This should be the last command ocv_cmake_dump_vars("" TOFILE "CMakeVars.txt") ocv_cmake_eval(DEBUG_POST ONCE)