If you have a question rather than reporting a bug please go to https://forum.opencv.org where you get much faster responses.
If you need further assistance please read [How To Contribute](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute).

This is a template helping you to create an issue which can be processed as quickly as possible. This is the bug reporting section for the OpenCV library.

##### System information (version)
<!-- Example
- OpenCV => 4.2
- Operating System / Platform => Windows 64 Bit
- Compiler => Visual Studio 2017

- OpenCV => :grey_question:
- Operating System / Platform => :grey_question:
- Compiler => :grey_question:

##### Detailed description

<!-- your description -->

##### Steps to reproduce

<!-- to add code example fence it with triple backticks and optional file extension
    // C++ code example
 or attach as .txt or .zip file

##### Issue submission checklist

 - [ ] I report the issue, it's not a question
   OpenCV team works with forum.opencv.org, Stack Overflow and other communities
   to discuss problems. Tickets with questions without a real issue statement will be
 - [ ] I checked the problem with documentation, FAQ, open issues,
       forum.opencv.org, Stack Overflow, etc and have not found any solution
   Places to check:
   * OpenCV documentation: https://docs.opencv.org
   * FAQ page: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/FAQ
   * OpenCV forum: https://forum.opencv.org
   * OpenCV issue tracker: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues?q=is%3Aissue
   * Stack Overflow branch: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/opencv
 - [ ] I updated to the latest OpenCV version and the issue is still there
   master branch for OpenCV 4.x and 3.4 branch for OpenCV 3.x releases.
   OpenCV team supports only the latest release for each branch.
   The ticket is closed if the problem is not reproduced with the modern version.
 - [ ] There is reproducer code and related data files: videos, images, onnx, etc
   The best reproducer -- test case for OpenCV that we can add to the library.
   Recommendations for media files and binary files:
   * Try to reproduce the issue with images and videos in opencv_extra repository
     to reduce attachment size
   * Use PNG for images, if you report some CV related bug, but not image reader
   * Attach the image as an archive to the ticket, if you report some reader issue.
     Image hosting services compress images and it breaks the repro code.
   * Provide ONNX file for some public model or ONNX file with random weights,
     if you report ONNX parsing or handling issue. Architecture details diagram
     from netron tool can be very useful too. See https://lutzroeder.github.io/netron/