const isNodeJs = (typeof window) === 'undefined'? true : false; if (isNodeJs) { var Benchmark = require('benchmark'); var cv = require('../../opencv'); var HelpFunc = require('../perf_helpfunc'); var Base = require('../base'); } else { var paramsElement = document.getElementById('params'); var runButton = document.getElementById('runButton'); var logElement = document.getElementById('log'); } function perf() { console.log('opencv.js loaded'); if (isNodeJs) { = cv; global.combine = HelpFunc.combine; global.cvtStr2cvSize = HelpFunc.cvtStr2cvSize; global.cvSize = Base.getCvSize(); } else { enableButton(); cvSize = getCvSize(); } let totalCaseNum, currentCaseId; const PyrDownSize = [cvSize.sz1080p, cvSize.sz720p, cvSize.szVGA, cvSize.szQVGA, cvSize.szODD]; const PyrDownType = ["CV_8UC1", "CV_8UC3", "CV_8UC4", "CV_16SC1", "CV_16SC3", "CV_16SC4", "CV_32FC1", "CV_32FC3", "CV_32FC4"]; const combiPyrDown = combine(PyrDownSize, PyrDownType); function addPryDownCase(suite, type) { suite.add('pyrDown', function() { cv.pyrDown(src, dst); }, { 'setup': function() { let size = this.params.size; let matType = cv[this.params.matType]; let src = new cv.Mat(size, matType); let dst = new cv.Mat((size.height + 1)/2, (size.height + 1)/2, matType) }, 'teardown': function() { src.delete(); dst.delete(); } }); } function addPyrDownModeCase(suite, combination, type) { totalCaseNum += combination.length; for (let i = 0; i < combination.length; ++i) { let size = combination[i][0]; let matType = combination[i][1]; let params = {size: size, matType:matType}; addKernelCase(suite, params, type, addPryDownCase); } } function genBenchmarkCase(paramsContent) { let suite = new Benchmark.Suite; totalCaseNum = 0; currentCaseId = 0; if (/\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*CV\_\w+\)/g.test(paramsContent.toString())) { let params = paramsContent.toString().match(/\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*CV\_\w+\)/g)[0]; let paramObjs = []; paramObjs.push({name:"size", value:"", reg:[""], index:0}); paramObjs.push({name:"matType", value:"", reg:["/CV\_[0-9]+[FSUfsu]C[0-9]/"], index:1}); let locationList = decodeParams2Case(params, paramObjs, pyrDownCombinations); for (let i = 0; i < locationList.length; i++){ let first = locationList[i][0]; let second = locationList[i][1]; addPyrDownModeCase(suite, [pyrDownCombinations[first][second]], first); } } else { log("no filter or getting invalid params, run all the cases"); addPyrDownModeCase(suite, combiPyrDown, 0); } setBenchmarkSuite(suite, "pyrDown", currentCaseId); log(`Running ${totalCaseNum} tests from pyrDown`);{ 'async': true }); // run the benchmark } let pyrDownCombinations = [combiPyrDown]; if (isNodeJs) { const args = process.argv.slice(2); let paramsContent = ''; if (/--test_param_filter=\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*CV\_\w+\)/g.test(args.toString())) { paramsContent = args.toString().match(/\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*CV\_\w+\)/g)[0]; } genBenchmarkCase(paramsContent); } else { runButton.onclick = function() { let paramsContent = paramsElement.value; genBenchmarkCase(paramsContent); if (totalCaseNum !== 0) { disableButton(); } } } }; async function main() { if (cv instanceof Promise) { cv = await cv; perf(); } else { cv.onRuntimeInitialized = perf; } } main();