:: variables required for OpenCV build :: :: Note: all pathes should be specified without tailing slashes! SET ANDROID_NDK=C:\full\path\to\your\copy\of\android\NDK\android-ndk-r5b SET CMAKE_EXE=C:\full\path\to\cmake\utility\cmake.exe SET MAKE_EXE=C:\full\path\to\native\port\of\make\utility\make.exe :: variables required for android-opencv build :: SET SWIG_DIR=C:\full\path\to\SWIG\directory\swigwin-2.0.3 SET ANDROID_SDK=C:\full\path\to\your\copy\of\android\SDK\android-sdk-windows SET ANT_DIR=C:\full\path\to\ant\directory\apache-ant-1.8.2 SET JAVA_HOME=C:\full\path\to\JDK\jdk1.6.0_25 :: configuration options :: :::: general ARM-V7 settings SET ARM_TARGET=armeabi-v7a SET BUILD_DIR=build :::: uncomment following lines to compile for emulator or old device ::SET ARM_TARGET=armeabi ::SET BUILD_DIR=build_armeabi :::: uncomment following lines to compile for ARM-V7 with NEON support ::SET ARM_TARGET=armeabi-v7a with NEON ::SET BUILD_DIR=build_neon :::: other options ::SET ANDROID_API_LEVEL=8 &:: android-3 is enough for OpenCV but android-8 is recommended