#include using namespace cv; std::string genArgument(const std::string& argName, const std::string& help, const std::string& modelName, const std::string& zooFile, char key = ' ', std::string defaultVal = ""); std::string genPreprocArguments(const std::string& modelName, const std::string& zooFile); std::string findFile(const std::string& filename); std::string genArgument(const std::string& argName, const std::string& help, const std::string& modelName, const std::string& zooFile, char key, std::string defaultVal) { if (!modelName.empty()) { FileStorage fs(zooFile, FileStorage::READ); if (fs.isOpened()) { FileNode node = fs[modelName]; if (!node.empty()) { FileNode value = node[argName]; if (!value.empty()) { if (value.isReal()) defaultVal = format("%f", (float)value); else if (value.isString()) defaultVal = (std::string)value; else if (value.isInt()) defaultVal = format("%d", (int)value); else if (value.isSeq()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) { FileNode v = value[(int)i]; if (v.isInt()) defaultVal += format("%d ", (int)v); else if (v.isReal()) defaultVal += format("%f ", (float)v); else CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "Unexpected value format"); } } else CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "Unexpected field format"); } } } } return "{ " + argName + " " + key + " | " + defaultVal + " | " + help + " }"; } std::string findFile(const std::string& filename) { if (filename.empty() || utils::fs::exists(filename)) return filename; const char* extraPaths[] = {getenv("OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH"), getenv("OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH")}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (extraPaths[i] == NULL) continue; std::string absPath = utils::fs::join(extraPaths[i], utils::fs::join("dnn", filename)); if (utils::fs::exists(absPath)) return absPath; } CV_Error(Error::StsObjectNotFound, "File " + filename + " not found! " "Please specify a path to /opencv_extra/testdata in OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH " "environment variable or pass a full path to model."); } std::string genPreprocArguments(const std::string& modelName, const std::string& zooFile) { return genArgument("model", "Path to a binary file of model contains trained weights. " "It could be a file with extensions .caffemodel (Caffe), " ".pb (TensorFlow), .weights (Darknet), .bin (OpenVINO).", modelName, zooFile, 'm') + genArgument("config", "Path to a text file of model contains network configuration. " "It could be a file with extensions .prototxt (Caffe), .pbtxt (TensorFlow), .cfg (Darknet), .xml (OpenVINO).", modelName, zooFile, 'c') + genArgument("mean", "Preprocess input image by subtracting mean values. Mean values should be in BGR order and delimited by spaces.", modelName, zooFile) + genArgument("scale", "Preprocess input image by multiplying on a scale factor.", modelName, zooFile, ' ', "1.0") + genArgument("width", "Preprocess input image by resizing to a specific width.", modelName, zooFile, ' ', "-1") + genArgument("height", "Preprocess input image by resizing to a specific height.", modelName, zooFile, ' ', "-1") + genArgument("rgb", "Indicate that model works with RGB input images instead BGR ones.", modelName, zooFile); }