// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html #include "precomp.hpp" #include "persistence.hpp" enum { CV_XML_INDENT = 2, CV_XML_INSIDE_COMMENT = 1, CV_XML_INSIDE_TAG = 2, CV_XML_INSIDE_DIRECTIVE = 3, CV_XML_OPENING_TAG = 1, CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG = 2, CV_XML_EMPTY_TAG = 3, CV_XML_HEADER_TAG = 4, CV_XML_DIRECTIVE_TAG = 5 }; namespace cv { class XMLEmitter : public FileStorageEmitter { public: XMLEmitter(FileStorage_API* _fs) : fs(_fs) { } virtual ~XMLEmitter() {} void writeTag( const char* key, int tag_type, const std::vector& attrlist=std::vector() ) { char* ptr = fs->bufferPtr(); int i, len = 0; FStructData& current_struct = fs->getCurrentStruct(); int struct_flags = current_struct.flags; if( key && key[0] == '\0' ) key = 0; if( tag_type == CV_XML_OPENING_TAG || tag_type == CV_XML_EMPTY_TAG ) { if( FileNode::isCollection(struct_flags) ) { if( FileNode::isMap(struct_flags) ^ (key != 0) ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "An attempt to add element without a key to a map, " "or add element with key to sequence" ); } else { struct_flags = FileNode::EMPTY + (key ? FileNode::MAP : FileNode::SEQ); //fs->is_first = 0; } if( !FileNode::isEmptyCollection(struct_flags) ) ptr = fs->flush(); } if( !key ) key = "_"; else if( key[0] == '_' && key[1] == '\0' ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "A single _ is a reserved tag name" ); len = (int)strlen( key ); *ptr++ = '<'; if( tag_type == CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG ) { if( !attrlist.empty() ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "Closing tag should not include any attributes" ); *ptr++ = '/'; } if( !cv_isalpha(key[0]) && key[0] != '_' ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "Key should start with a letter or _" ); ptr = fs->resizeWriteBuffer( ptr, len ); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { char c = key[i]; if( !cv_isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '-' ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "Key name may only contain alphanumeric characters [a-zA-Z0-9], '-' and '_'" ); ptr[i] = c; } ptr += len; int nattr = (int)attrlist.size(); CV_Assert( nattr % 2 == 0 ); for( i = 0; i < nattr; i += 2 ) { size_t len0 = attrlist[i].size(); size_t len1 = attrlist[i+1].size(); CV_Assert( len0 > 0 ); ptr = fs->resizeWriteBuffer( ptr, (int)(len0 + len1 + 4) ); *ptr++ = ' '; memcpy( ptr, attrlist[i].c_str(), len0 ); ptr += len0; *ptr++ = '='; *ptr++ = '\"'; if( len1 > 0 ) memcpy( ptr, attrlist[i+1].c_str(), len1 ); ptr += len1; *ptr++ = '\"'; } if( tag_type == CV_XML_EMPTY_TAG ) *ptr++ = '/'; *ptr++ = '>'; fs->setBufferPtr(ptr); current_struct.flags = struct_flags & ~FileNode::EMPTY; } FStructData startWriteStruct(const FStructData& parent, const char* key, int struct_flags, const char* type_name=0) { std::vector attrlist; if( type_name && *type_name ) { attrlist.push_back("type_id"); attrlist.push_back(type_name); } writeTag( key, CV_XML_OPENING_TAG, attrlist ); FStructData current_struct; current_struct.tag = key ? std::string(key) : std::string(); current_struct.flags = struct_flags; current_struct.indent = parent.indent + CV_XML_INDENT; return current_struct; } void endWriteStruct(const FStructData& current_struct) { writeTag( current_struct.tag.c_str(), CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG ); } void write(const char* key, int value) { char buf[128], *ptr = fs::itoa( value, buf, 10 ); writeScalar( key, ptr); } void write( const char* key, double value ) { char buf[128]; writeScalar( key, fs::doubleToString( buf, sizeof(buf), value, false ) ); } void write(const char* key, const char* str, bool quote) { char buf[CV_FS_MAX_LEN*6+16]; char* data = (char*)str; int i, len; if( !str ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsNullPtr, "Null string pointer" ); len = (int)strlen(str); if( len > CV_FS_MAX_LEN ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "The written string is too long" ); if( quote || len == 0 || str[0] != '\"' || str[0] != str[len-1] ) { bool need_quote = quote || len == 0; data = buf; *data++ = '\"'; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { char c = str[i]; if( (uchar)c >= 128 || c == ' ' ) { *data++ = c; need_quote = true; } else if( !cv_isprint(c) || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&' || c == '\'' || c == '\"' ) { *data++ = '&'; if( c == '<' ) { memcpy(data, "lt", 2); data += 2; } else if( c == '>' ) { memcpy(data, "gt", 2); data += 2; } else if( c == '&' ) { memcpy(data, "amp", 3); data += 3; } else if( c == '\'' ) { memcpy(data, "apos", 4); data += 4; } else if( c == '\"' ) { memcpy( data, "quot", 4); data += 4; } else { snprintf( data, sizeof(buf) - (data - buf), "#x%02x", (uchar)c ); data += 4; } *data++ = ';'; need_quote = 1; } else *data++ = c; } if( !need_quote && (cv_isdigit(str[0]) || str[0] == '+' || str[0] == '-' || str[0] == '.' )) need_quote = true; if( need_quote ) *data++ = '\"'; len = (int)(data - buf) - !need_quote; *data++ = '\0'; data = buf + (int)!need_quote; } writeScalar( key, data ); } void writeScalar(const char* key, const char* data) { fs->check_if_write_struct_is_delayed(false); if ( fs->get_state_of_writing_base64() == FileStorage_API::Uncertain ) { fs->switch_to_Base64_state( FileStorage_API::NotUse ); } else if ( fs->get_state_of_writing_base64() == FileStorage_API::InUse ) { CV_Error( cv::Error::StsError, "At present, output Base64 data only." ); } int len = (int)strlen(data); if( key && *key == '\0' ) key = 0; FStructData& current_struct = fs->getCurrentStruct(); int struct_flags = current_struct.flags; if( FileNode::isMap(struct_flags) || (!FileNode::isCollection(struct_flags) && key) ) { writeTag( key, CV_XML_OPENING_TAG ); char* ptr = fs->resizeWriteBuffer( fs->bufferPtr(), len ); memcpy( ptr, data, len ); fs->setBufferPtr( ptr + len ); writeTag( key, CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG ); } else { char* ptr = fs->bufferPtr(); int new_offset = (int)(ptr - fs->bufferStart()) + len; if( key ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "elements with keys can not be written to sequence" ); current_struct.flags = FileNode::SEQ; if( (new_offset > fs->wrapMargin() && new_offset - current_struct.indent > 10) || (ptr > fs->bufferStart() && ptr[-1] == '>') ) { ptr = fs->flush(); } else if( ptr > fs->bufferStart() + current_struct.indent && ptr[-1] != '>' ) *ptr++ = ' '; memcpy( ptr, data, len ); fs->setBufferPtr(ptr + len); } } void writeComment(const char* comment, bool eol_comment) { FStructData& current_struct = fs->getCurrentStruct(); int len; int multiline; const char* eol; char* ptr; if( !comment ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsNullPtr, "Null comment" ); if( strstr(comment, "--") != 0 ) CV_Error( cv::Error::StsBadArg, "Double hyphen \'--\' is not allowed in the comments" ); len = (int)strlen(comment); eol = strchr(comment, '\n'); multiline = eol != 0; ptr = fs->bufferPtr(); if( multiline || !eol_comment || fs->bufferEnd() - ptr < len + 5 ) ptr = fs->flush(); else if( ptr > fs->bufferStart() + current_struct.indent ) *ptr++ = ' '; if( !multiline ) { ptr = fs->resizeWriteBuffer( ptr, len + 9 ); sprintf( ptr, "", comment ); len = (int)strlen(ptr); } else { strcpy( ptr, "" ); fs->setBufferPtr(ptr + 3); fs->flush(); } } void startNextStream() { fs->puts( "\n\n" ); } protected: FileStorage_API* fs; }; class XMLParser : public FileStorageParser { public: XMLParser(FileStorage_API* _fs) : fs(_fs) { } virtual ~XMLParser() {} char* skipSpaces( char* ptr, int mode ) { if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid input"); int level = 0; for(;;) { char c; ptr--; if( mode == CV_XML_INSIDE_COMMENT ) { do c = *++ptr; while( cv_isprint_or_tab(c) && (c != '-' || ptr[1] != '-' || ptr[2] != '>') ); if( c == '-' ) { CV_Assert( ptr[1] == '-' && ptr[2] == '>' ); mode = 0; ptr += 3; } } else if( mode == CV_XML_INSIDE_DIRECTIVE ) { // !!!NOTE!!! This is not quite correct, but should work in most cases do { c = *++ptr; level += c == '<'; level -= c == '>'; if( level < 0 ) return ptr; } while( cv_isprint_or_tab(c) ); } else { do c = *++ptr; while( c == ' ' || c == '\t' ); if( c == '<' && ptr[1] == '!' && ptr[2] == '-' && ptr[3] == '-' ) { if( mode != 0 ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Comments are not allowed here" ); mode = CV_XML_INSIDE_COMMENT; ptr += 4; } else if( cv_isprint(c) ) break; } if( !cv_isprint(*ptr) ) { if( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\r' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Invalid character in the stream" ); ptr = fs->gets(); if( !ptr || *ptr == '\0' ) break; } } return ptr; } bool getBase64Row(char* ptr, int /*indent*/, char* &beg, char* &end) { beg = end = ptr = skipSpaces(ptr, CV_XML_INSIDE_TAG); if( !ptr || !*ptr ) return false; // closing XML tag if ( *beg == '<' ) return false; // find end of the row while( cv_isprint(*ptr) ) ++ptr; if ( *ptr == '\0' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Unexpected end of line" ); end = ptr; return true; } char* parseValue( char* ptr, FileNode& node ) { if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid input"); FileNode new_elem; bool have_space = true; int value_type = node.type(); std::string key, key2, type_name; for(;;) { char c = *ptr, d; char* endptr; // FIXIT ptr[1], ptr[2] - out of bounds read without check or data fetch (#11061) if( cv_isspace(c) || c == '\0' || (c == '<' && ptr[1] == '!' && ptr[2] == '-') ) { ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, 0 ); if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid input"); have_space = true; c = *ptr; } d = ptr[1]; // FIXIT ptr[1] - out of bounds read without check or data fetch (#11061) if( c =='<' || c == '\0' ) { int tag_type = 0; int elem_type = FileNode::NONE; if( d == '/' || c == '\0' ) break; ptr = parseTag( ptr, key, type_name, tag_type ); if( tag_type == CV_XML_DIRECTIVE_TAG ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Directive tags are not allowed here" ); if( tag_type == CV_XML_EMPTY_TAG ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Empty tags are not supported" ); CV_Assert(tag_type == CV_XML_OPENING_TAG); /* for base64 string */ bool binary_string = false; if( !type_name.empty() ) { const char* tn = type_name.c_str(); if( strcmp(tn, "str") == 0 ) elem_type = FileNode::STRING; else if( strcmp( tn, "map" ) == 0 ) elem_type = FileNode::MAP; else if( strcmp( tn, "seq" ) == 0 ) elem_type = FileNode::SEQ; else if( strcmp( tn, "binary") == 0) binary_string = true; } new_elem = fs->addNode(node, key, elem_type, 0); if (!binary_string) ptr = parseValue(ptr, new_elem); else { ptr = fs->parseBase64( ptr, 0, new_elem); ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, 0 ); if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid input"); } ptr = parseTag( ptr, key2, type_name, tag_type ); if( tag_type != CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG || key2 != key ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Mismatched closing tag" ); have_space = true; } else { if( !have_space ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "There should be space between literals" ); FileNode* elem = &node; if( node.type() != FileNode::NONE ) { fs->convertToCollection( FileNode::SEQ, node ); new_elem = fs->addNode(node, std::string(), FileNode::NONE, 0); elem = &new_elem; } if( value_type != FileNode::STRING && (cv_isdigit(c) || ((c == '-' || c == '+') && (cv_isdigit(d) || d == '.')) || (c == '.' && cv_isalnum(d))) ) // a number { endptr = ptr + (c == '-' || c == '+'); while( cv_isdigit(*endptr) ) endptr++; if( *endptr == '.' || *endptr == 'e' ) { double fval = fs->strtod( ptr, &endptr ); elem->setValue(FileNode::REAL, &fval); } else { int ival = (int)strtol( ptr, &endptr, 0 ); elem->setValue(FileNode::INT, &ival); } if( endptr == ptr ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Invalid numeric value (inconsistent explicit type specification?)" ); ptr = endptr; CV_PERSISTENCE_CHECK_END_OF_BUFFER_BUG_CPP(); } else { // string int i = 0, len, is_quoted = 0; if( c == '\"' ) is_quoted = 1; else --ptr; strbuf[0] = '\0'; for( ;; ) { c = *++ptr; CV_PERSISTENCE_CHECK_END_OF_BUFFER_BUG_CPP(); if( !cv_isalnum(c) ) { if( c == '\"' ) { if( !is_quoted ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Literal \" is not allowed within a string. Use "" ); ++ptr; break; } else if( !cv_isprint(c) || c == '<' || (!is_quoted && cv_isspace(c))) { if( is_quoted ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Closing \" is expected" ); break; } else if( c == '\'' || c == '>' ) { CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Literal \' or > are not allowed. Use ' or >" ); } else if( c == '&' ) { if( *++ptr == '#' ) { int val, base = 10; ptr++; if( *ptr == 'x' ) { base = 16; ptr++; } val = (int)strtol( ptr, &endptr, base ); if( (unsigned)val > (unsigned)255 || !endptr || *endptr != ';' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Invalid numeric value in the string" ); c = (char)val; } else { endptr = ptr; do c = *++endptr; while( cv_isalnum(c) ); if( c != ';' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Invalid character in the symbol entity name" ); len = (int)(endptr - ptr); if( len == 2 && memcmp( ptr, "lt", len ) == 0 ) c = '<'; else if( len == 2 && memcmp( ptr, "gt", len ) == 0 ) c = '>'; else if( len == 3 && memcmp( ptr, "amp", len ) == 0 ) c = '&'; else if( len == 4 && memcmp( ptr, "apos", len ) == 0 ) c = '\''; else if( len == 4 && memcmp( ptr, "quot", len ) == 0 ) c = '\"'; else { if (len + 2 + i >= CV_FS_MAX_LEN) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("string is too long"); memcpy( strbuf + i, ptr-1, len + 2 ); i += len + 2; } } ptr = endptr; CV_PERSISTENCE_CHECK_END_OF_BUFFER_BUG_CPP(); } } if (i + 1 >= CV_FS_MAX_LEN) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Too long string literal"); strbuf[i++] = c; } elem->setValue(FileNode::STRING, strbuf, i); } if( value_type != FileNode::NONE && value_type != FileNode::SEQ && value_type != FileNode::MAP ) break; have_space = false; } } fs->finalizeCollection(node); return ptr; } char* parseTag( char* ptr, std::string& tag_name, std::string& type_name, int& tag_type ) { if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid tag input"); if( *ptr == '\0' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Unexpected end of the stream" ); if( *ptr != '<' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Tag should start with \'<\'" ); ptr++; CV_PERSISTENCE_CHECK_END_OF_BUFFER_BUG_CPP(); if( cv_isalnum(*ptr) || *ptr == '_' ) tag_type = CV_XML_OPENING_TAG; else if( *ptr == '/' ) { tag_type = CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG; ptr++; } else if( *ptr == '?' ) { tag_type = CV_XML_HEADER_TAG; ptr++; } else if( *ptr == '!' ) { tag_type = CV_XML_DIRECTIVE_TAG; CV_Assert( ptr[1] != '-' || ptr[2] != '-' ); ptr++; } else CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Unknown tag type" ); tag_name.clear(); type_name.clear(); for(;;) { char c, *endptr; if( !cv_isalpha(*ptr) && *ptr != '_' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Name should start with a letter or underscore" ); endptr = ptr - 1; do c = *++endptr; while( cv_isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '-' ); std::string attrname(ptr, (size_t)(endptr - ptr)); ptr = endptr; CV_PERSISTENCE_CHECK_END_OF_BUFFER_BUG_CPP(); if( tag_name.empty() ) tag_name = attrname; else { if( tag_type == CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Closing tag should not contain any attributes" ); if( *ptr != '=' ) { ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, CV_XML_INSIDE_TAG ); if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid attribute"); if( *ptr != '=' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Attribute name should be followed by \'=\'" ); } c = *++ptr; if( c != '\"' && c != '\'' ) { ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, CV_XML_INSIDE_TAG ); if( *ptr != '\"' && *ptr != '\'' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Attribute value should be put into single or double quotes" ); } char quote = *ptr++; endptr = ptr; for(;;) { c = *endptr++; if( c == quote ) break; if( c == '\0' ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Unexpected end of line" ); } if( attrname == "type_id" ) { CV_Assert( type_name.empty() ); type_name = std::string(ptr, (size_t)(endptr - 1 - ptr)); } ptr = endptr; } c = *ptr; bool have_space = cv_isspace(c) || c == '\0'; if( c != '>' ) { ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, CV_XML_INSIDE_TAG ); if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid input"); c = *ptr; } if( c == '>' ) { if( tag_type == CV_XML_HEADER_TAG ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Invalid closing tag for ' ) // FIXIT ptr[1] - out of bounds read without check CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "Invalid closing tag for ' && tag_type == CV_XML_OPENING_TAG ) // FIXIT ptr[1] - out of bounds read without check { tag_type = CV_XML_EMPTY_TAG; ptr += 2; break; } if( !have_space ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( "There should be space between attributes" ); } return ptr; } bool parse(char* ptr) { CV_Assert( fs != 0 ); std::string key, key2, type_name; int tag_type = 0; bool ok = false; // CV_XML_INSIDE_TAG is used to prohibit leading comments ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, CV_XML_INSIDE_TAG ); if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid input"); if( memcmp( ptr, "\'" ); ptr = parseTag( ptr, key, type_name, tag_type ); FileNode root_collection(fs->getFS(), 0, 0); while( ptr && *ptr != '\0' ) { ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, 0 ); if (!ptr) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP("Invalid input"); if( *ptr != '\0' ) { ptr = parseTag( ptr, key, type_name, tag_type ); if( tag_type != CV_XML_OPENING_TAG || key != "opencv_storage" ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( " tag is missing" ); FileNode root = fs->addNode(root_collection, std::string(), FileNode::MAP, 0); ptr = parseValue( ptr, root ); ptr = parseTag( ptr, key2, type_name, tag_type ); if( tag_type != CV_XML_CLOSING_TAG || key != key2 ) CV_PARSE_ERROR_CPP( " tag is missing" ); ptr = skipSpaces( ptr, 0 ); ok = true; } } CV_Assert( fs->eof() ); return ok; } FileStorage_API* fs; char strbuf[CV_FS_MAX_LEN+16]; }; Ptr createXMLEmitter(FileStorage_API* fs) { return makePtr(fs); } Ptr createXMLParser(FileStorage_API* fs) { return makePtr(fs); } }