#! /usr/bin/env python """ This script will test highgui's window move/resize functionality """ # name of this test and it's requirements TESTNAME = "cvMoveResizeWindow" REQUIRED = ["cvNamedWindow"] # needed for sys.exit(int) and .works file handling import sys import works # check requirements and delete old flag file, if it exists if not works.check_files(REQUIRED,TESTNAME): sys.exit(77) # import the necessary things for OpenCV from highgui import * from cv import * # create a window cvNamedWindow(TESTNAME, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # move the window around cvMoveWindow(TESTNAME, 0, 0) cvMoveWindow(TESTNAME, 100, 0) cvMoveWindow(TESTNAME, 100, 100) cvMoveWindow(TESTNAME, 0, 100) # resize the window for i in range(1,10): cvResizeWindow(TESTNAME, i*100, i*100) # destroy the window cvDestroyWindow(TESTNAME) # create flag file for following tests works.set_file(TESTNAME) # return 0 (success) sys.exit(0)