/* File : foobar.i */ %module OpenCV_SAMPLE /* * the java import code muse be included for the opencv jni wrappers * this means that the android project must reference opencv/android as a project * see the default.properties for how this is done */ %pragma(java) jniclassimports=%{ import com.opencv.jni.*; //import the android-opencv jni wrappers %} %pragma(java) jniclasscode=%{ static { try { //load up our shared libraries System.loadLibrary("android-opencv"); System.loadLibrary("OpenCV_SAMPLE"); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { //badness throw e; } } %} //import the android-cv.i file so that swig is aware of all that has been previous defined //notice that it is not an include.... %import "android-cv.i" %{ #include "cvsample.h" using cv::Mat; %} //make sure to import the image_pool as it is //referenced by the Processor java generated //class %typemap(javaimports) CVSample " import com.opencv.jni.*;// import the opencv java bindings " class CVSample { public: void canny(const Mat& input, Mat& output, int edgeThresh); void invert(Mat& inout); void blur(Mat& inout, int half_kernel_size); };