# =================================================================================== # The OpenCV CMake configuration file # # ** File generated automatically, do not modify ** # # Usage from an external project: # In your CMakeLists.txt, add these lines: # # find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) # include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Not needed for CMake >= 2.8.11 # target_link_libraries(MY_TARGET_NAME ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # # Or you can search for specific OpenCV modules: # # find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED core videoio) # # You can also mark OpenCV components as optional: # find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED core OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS viz) # # If the module is found then OPENCV__FOUND is set to TRUE. # # This file will define the following variables: # - OpenCV_LIBS : The list of all imported targets for OpenCV modules. # - OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS : The OpenCV include directories. # - OpenCV_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES : The version of compute capability. # - OpenCV_ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL : Minimum required level of Android API. # - OpenCV_VERSION : The version of this OpenCV build: "@OPENCV_VERSION_PLAIN@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR : Major version part of OpenCV_VERSION: "@OPENCV_VERSION_MAJOR@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR : Minor version part of OpenCV_VERSION: "@OPENCV_VERSION_MINOR@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH : Patch version part of OpenCV_VERSION: "@OPENCV_VERSION_PATCH@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_STATUS : Development status of this build: "@OPENCV_VERSION_STATUS@" # # Advanced variables: # - OpenCV_SHARED : Use OpenCV as shared library # - OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH : OpenCV location # - OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS : Present OpenCV modules list # - OpenCV_USE_MANGLED_PATHS : Mangled OpenCV path flag # # Deprecated variables: # - OpenCV_VERSION_TWEAK : Always "0" # # =================================================================================== # ====================================================== # Version variables: # ====================================================== SET(OpenCV_VERSION @OPENCV_VERSION_PLAIN@) SET(OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR @OPENCV_VERSION_MAJOR@) SET(OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR @OPENCV_VERSION_MINOR@) SET(OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH @OPENCV_VERSION_PATCH@) SET(OpenCV_VERSION_TWEAK 0) SET(OpenCV_VERSION_STATUS "@OPENCV_VERSION_STATUS@") include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.8 AND OpenCV_FIND_COMPONENTS # prevent excessive output ) # HANDLE_COMPONENTS was introduced in CMake 2.8.8 list(APPEND _OpenCV_FPHSA_ARGS HANDLE_COMPONENTS) # The missing components will be handled by the FindPackageHandleStandardArgs # module. set(_OpenCV_HANDLE_COMPONENTS_MANUALLY FALSE) else() # The missing components will be handled by this config. set(_OpenCV_HANDLE_COMPONENTS_MANUALLY TRUE) endif() # Extract directory name from full path of the file currently being processed. # Note that CMake 2.8.3 introduced CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR. We reimplement it # for older versions of CMake to support these as well. if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.8.3") get_filename_component(CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH) endif() # Extract the directory where *this* file has been installed (determined at cmake run-time) # Get the absolute path with no ../.. relative marks, to eliminate implicit linker warnings set(OpenCV_CONFIG_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") get_filename_component(OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH "${OpenCV_CONFIG_PATH}/@OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH_RELATIVE_CONFIGCMAKE@" REALPATH) # Search packages for host system instead of packages for target system. # in case of cross compilation thess macro should be defined by toolchain file if(NOT COMMAND find_host_package) macro(find_host_package) find_package(${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() if(NOT COMMAND find_host_program) macro(find_host_program) find_program(${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() @CUDA_CONFIGCMAKE@ @ANDROID_CONFIGCMAKE@ @IPPICV_CONFIGCMAKE@ @IPPIW_CONFIGCMAKE@ # Some additional settings are required if OpenCV is built as static libs set(OpenCV_SHARED @BUILD_SHARED_LIBS@) # Enables mangled install paths, that help with side by side installs set(OpenCV_USE_MANGLED_PATHS @OpenCV_USE_MANGLED_PATHS_CONFIGCMAKE@) set(OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS @OPENCV_MODULES_CONFIGCMAKE@) set(OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS @OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS_CONFIGCMAKE@) if(NOT TARGET opencv_core) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/OpenCVModules${OpenCV_MODULES_SUFFIX}.cmake) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.8.11") # Target property INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES available since 2.8.11: # * http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.11/cmake.html#prop_tgt:INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES foreach(__component ${OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS}) if(TARGET ${__component}) set_target_properties( ${__component} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) endif() endforeach() endif() if(NOT DEFINED OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG) if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio" OR MSVC) # OpenCV supports Debug and Release builds only. # But MSVS has 'RelWithDebInfo' 'MinSizeRel' configurations for applications. # By default CMake maps these configuration on the first available (Debug) which is wrong. # Non-Debug build of Application can't be used with OpenCV Debug build (ABI mismatch problem) # Add mapping of RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel to Release here set(OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG "RELWITHDEBINFO=!Release;MINSIZEREL=!Release") endif() endif() set(__remap_warnings "") macro(ocv_map_imported_config target) if(DEFINED OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG) # list, "RELWITHDEBINFO=Release;MINSIZEREL=Release" get_target_property(__available_configurations ${target} IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS) foreach(remap ${OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG}) if(remap MATCHES "^(.+)=(!?)([^!]+)$") set(__remap_config "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") set(__final_config "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}") set(__force_flag "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") string(TOUPPER "${__final_config}" __final_config_upper) string(TOUPPER "${__remap_config}" __remap_config_upper) if(";${__available_configurations};" MATCHES ";${__remap_config_upper};" AND NOT "${__force_flag}" STREQUAL "!") # configuration already exists, skip remap set(__remap_warnings "${__remap_warnings}... Configuration already exists ${__remap_config} (skip mapping ${__remap_config} => ${__final_config}) (available configurations: ${__available_configurations})\n") continue() endif() if(__available_configurations AND NOT ";${__available_configurations};" MATCHES ";${__final_config_upper};") # skip, configuration is not available if(NOT "${__force_flag}" STREQUAL "!") set(__remap_warnings "${__remap_warnings}... Configuration is not available '${__final_config}' for ${target}, build may fail (available configurations: ${__available_configurations})\n") endif() endif() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_${__remap_config} "${__final_config}" ) else() message(WARNING "Invalid entry of OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG: '${remap}' (${OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG})") endif() endforeach() endif() endmacro() # ============================================================== # Form list of modules (components) to find # ============================================================== if(NOT OpenCV_FIND_COMPONENTS) set(OpenCV_FIND_COMPONENTS ${OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS}) list(REMOVE_ITEM OpenCV_FIND_COMPONENTS opencv_java) if(GTest_FOUND OR GTEST_FOUND) list(REMOVE_ITEM OpenCV_FIND_COMPONENTS opencv_ts) endif() endif() set(OpenCV_WORLD_COMPONENTS @OPENCV_WORLD_MODULES@) # expand short module names and see if requested components exist foreach(__cvcomponent ${OpenCV_FIND_COMPONENTS}) # Store the name of the original component so we can set the # OpenCV__FOUND variable which can be checked by the user. set (__original_cvcomponent ${__cvcomponent}) if(NOT __cvcomponent MATCHES "^opencv_") set(__cvcomponent opencv_${__cvcomponent}) endif() list(FIND OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS ${__cvcomponent} __cvcomponentIdx) if(__cvcomponentIdx LESS 0) if(_OpenCV_HANDLE_COMPONENTS_MANUALLY) # Either the component is required or the user did not set any components at # all. In the latter case, the OpenCV_FIND_REQUIRED_ variable # will not be defined since it is not set by this config. So let's assume # the implicitly set components are always required. if(NOT DEFINED OpenCV_FIND_REQUIRED_${__original_cvcomponent} OR OpenCV_FIND_REQUIRED_${__original_cvcomponent}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${__cvcomponent} is required but was not found") elseif(NOT OpenCV_FIND_QUIETLY) # The component was marked as optional using OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS message(WARNING "Optional component ${__cvcomponent} was not found") endif() endif(_OpenCV_HANDLE_COMPONENTS_MANUALLY) #indicate that module is NOT found string(TOUPPER "${__cvcomponent}" __cvcomponentUP) set(${__cvcomponentUP}_FOUND "${__cvcomponentUP}_FOUND-NOTFOUND") set(OpenCV_${__original_cvcomponent}_FOUND FALSE) else() # Not using list(APPEND) here, because OpenCV_LIBS may not exist yet. # Also not clearing OpenCV_LIBS anywhere, so that multiple calls # to find_package(OpenCV) with different component lists add up. set(OpenCV_LIBS ${OpenCV_LIBS} "${__cvcomponent}") #indicate that module is found string(TOUPPER "${__cvcomponent}" __cvcomponentUP) set(${__cvcomponentUP}_FOUND 1) set(OpenCV_${__original_cvcomponent}_FOUND TRUE) endif() if(OpenCV_SHARED AND ";${OpenCV_WORLD_COMPONENTS};" MATCHES ";${__cvcomponent};" AND NOT TARGET ${__cvcomponent}) get_target_property(__implib_dbg opencv_world IMPORTED_IMPLIB_DEBUG) get_target_property(__implib_release opencv_world IMPORTED_IMPLIB_RELEASE) get_target_property(__location_dbg opencv_world IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG) get_target_property(__location_release opencv_world IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE) add_library(${__cvcomponent} SHARED IMPORTED) if(__location_dbg) set_property(TARGET ${__cvcomponent} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS DEBUG) set_target_properties(${__cvcomponent} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_IMPLIB_DEBUG "${__implib_dbg}" IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_DEBUG "" IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${__location_dbg}" ) endif() if(__location_release) set_property(TARGET ${__cvcomponent} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) set_target_properties(${__cvcomponent} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_IMPLIB_RELEASE "${__implib_release}" IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_RELEASE "" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${__location_release}" ) endif() endif() if(TARGET ${__cvcomponent}) ocv_map_imported_config(${__cvcomponent}) endif() endforeach() if(__remap_warnings AND NOT OpenCV_FIND_QUIETLY) message("OpenCV: configurations remap warnings:\n${__remap_warnings}OpenCV: Check variable OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG=${OPENCV_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG}") endif() # ============================================================== # Compatibility stuff # ============================================================== set(OpenCV_LIBRARIES ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # # Some macroses for samples # macro(ocv_check_dependencies) set(OCV_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND TRUE) foreach(d ${ARGN}) if(NOT TARGET ${d}) message(WARNING "OpenCV: Can't resolve dependency: ${d}") set(OCV_DEPENDENCIES_FOUND FALSE) break() endif() endforeach() endmacro() # adds include directories in such way that directories from the OpenCV source tree go first function(ocv_include_directories) set(__add_before "") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH}" __baseDir) foreach(dir ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(__abs_dir "${dir}" ABSOLUTE) if("${__abs_dir}" MATCHES "^${__baseDir}") list(APPEND __add_before "${dir}") else() include_directories(AFTER SYSTEM "${dir}") endif() endforeach() include_directories(BEFORE ${__add_before}) endfunction() macro(ocv_include_modules) include_directories(BEFORE "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endmacro() macro(ocv_include_modules_recurse) include_directories(BEFORE "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endmacro() macro(ocv_target_link_libraries) target_link_libraries(${ARGN}) endmacro() # remove all matching elements from the list macro(ocv_list_filterout lst regex) foreach(item ${${lst}}) if(item MATCHES "${regex}") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${lst} "${item}") endif() endforeach() endmacro() # We do not actually need REQUIRED_VARS to be checked for. Just use the # installation directory for the status. find_package_handle_standard_args(OpenCV REQUIRED_VARS OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH VERSION_VAR OpenCV_VERSION ${_OpenCV_FPHSA_ARGS})