// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #include "test_precomp.hpp" namespace opencv_test { class Videoio_Test_Base { protected: string ext; string video_file; VideoCaptureAPIs apiPref; protected: Videoio_Test_Base() {} virtual ~Videoio_Test_Base() {} virtual void writeVideo() {} virtual void checkFrameContent(Mat &, int) {} virtual void checkFrameCount(int &) {} void checkFrameRead(int idx, VideoCapture & cap) { //int frameID = (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES); Mat img; ASSERT_NO_THROW(cap >> img); //std::cout << "idx=" << idx << " img=" << img.size() << " frameID=" << frameID << std::endl; ASSERT_FALSE(img.empty()) << "idx=" << idx; checkFrameContent(img, idx); } void checkFrameSeek(int idx, VideoCapture & cap) { bool canSeek = false; ASSERT_NO_THROW(canSeek = cap.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, idx)); if (!canSeek) { std::cout << "Seek to frame '" << idx << "' is not supported. SKIP." << std::endl; return; } EXPECT_EQ(idx, (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)); checkFrameRead(idx, cap); } public: void doTest() { if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(apiPref)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref)); if (cvtest::skipUnstableTests && apiPref == CAP_MSMF && (ext == "h264" || ext == "h265" || ext == "mpg")) throw SkipTestException("Unstable MSMF test"); writeVideo(); VideoCapture cap; ASSERT_NO_THROW(cap.open(video_file, apiPref)); if (!cap.isOpened()) { std::cout << "SKIP test: backend " << apiPref << " can't open the video: " << video_file << std::endl; return; } int n_frames = -1; EXPECT_NO_THROW(n_frames = (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)); if (n_frames > 0) { ASSERT_GT(n_frames, 0); checkFrameCount(n_frames); } else { std::cout << "CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT is not supported by backend. Assume 50 frames." << std::endl; n_frames = 50; } { SCOPED_TRACE("consecutive read"); if (apiPref == CAP_GSTREAMER) { // This workaround is for GStreamer and older. // Old Gstreamer has a bug which handles the total duration 1 frame shorter // Old Gstreamer are used in Ubuntu 14.04, so the following code could be removed after it's EOL n_frames--; } for (int k = 0; k < n_frames; ++k) { checkFrameRead(k, cap); if (::testing::Test::HasFailure() && k % 10 == 0) break; } } bool canSeek = false; EXPECT_NO_THROW(canSeek = cap.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)); if (!canSeek) { std::cout << "Seek to frame '0' is not supported. SKIP all 'seek' tests." << std::endl; return; } if (ext != "wmv" && ext != "h264" && ext != "h265") { SCOPED_TRACE("progressive seek"); bool res = false; EXPECT_NO_THROW(res = cap.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(res); for (int k = 0; k < n_frames; k += 20) { checkFrameSeek(k, cap); if (::testing::Test::HasFailure() && k % 10 == 0) break; } } if (ext != "mpg" && ext != "wmv" && ext != "h264" && ext != "h265") { SCOPED_TRACE("random seek"); bool res = false; EXPECT_NO_THROW(res = cap.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(res); for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) { checkFrameSeek(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_rng().uniform(0, n_frames), cap); if (::testing::Test::HasFailure() && k % 10 == 0) break; } } } }; //================================================================================================== typedef tuple Backend_Type_Params; class videoio_bunny : public Videoio_Test_Base, public testing::TestWithParam { BunnyParameters bunny_param; public: videoio_bunny() { ext = get<0>(GetParam()); apiPref = get<1>(GetParam()); video_file = BunnyParameters::getFilename(String(".") + ext); } void doFrameCountTest() { if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(apiPref)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref)); if (cvtest::skipUnstableTests && apiPref == CAP_MSMF && (ext == "h264" || ext == "h265" || ext == "mpg")) throw SkipTestException("Unstable MSMF test"); VideoCapture cap; EXPECT_NO_THROW(cap.open(video_file, apiPref)); if (!cap.isOpened()) { std::cout << "SKIP test: backend " << apiPref << " can't open the video: " << video_file << std::endl; return; } Size actual; EXPECT_NO_THROW(actual = Size((int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))); EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getWidth(), actual.width); EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getHeight(), actual.height); double fps_prop = 0; EXPECT_NO_THROW(fps_prop = cap.get(CAP_PROP_FPS)); if (fps_prop > 0) EXPECT_NEAR(fps_prop, bunny_param.getFps(), 1); else std::cout << "FPS is not available. SKIP check." << std::endl; int count_prop = 0; EXPECT_NO_THROW(count_prop = (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)); // mpg file reports 5.08 sec * 24 fps => property returns 122 frames // but actual number of frames returned is 125 if (ext != "mpg") { if (count_prop > 0) { EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getCount(), count_prop); } } int count_actual = 0; while (cap.isOpened()) { Mat frame; EXPECT_NO_THROW(cap >> frame); if (frame.empty()) break; EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getWidth(), frame.cols); EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getHeight(), frame.rows); count_actual += 1; if (::testing::Test::HasFailure() && count_actual % 10 == 0) break; } if (count_prop > 0) { EXPECT_NEAR(bunny_param.getCount(), count_actual, 1); } else std::cout << "Frames counter is not available. Actual frames: " << count_actual << ". SKIP check." << std::endl; } void doTimestampTest() { if (!isBackendAvailable(apiPref, cv::videoio_registry::getStreamBackends())) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref)); // GStreamer: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/19025 if (apiPref == CAP_GSTREAMER) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref) + cv::String(" does not return reliable values for CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC property")); if (((apiPref == CAP_FFMPEG) && ((ext == "h264") || (ext == "h265")))) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref) + cv::String(" does not support CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC option")); VideoCapture cap; EXPECT_NO_THROW(cap.open(video_file, apiPref)); if (!cap.isOpened()) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref) + cv::String(" can't open the video: ") + video_file); int frame_count = (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); // HACK: Video consists of 125 frames, but cv::VideoCapture with FFmpeg reports only 122 frames for mpg video. // mpg file reports 5.08 sec * 24 fps => property returns 122 frames,but actual number of frames returned is 125 // HACK: CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT is not supported for vmw + MSMF. Just force check for all 125 frames if (ext == "mpg") EXPECT_GT(frame_count, 121); else if ((ext == "wmv") && (apiPref == CAP_MSMF)) frame_count = 125; else EXPECT_EQ(frame_count, 125); Mat img; #ifdef _WIN32 // handle old FFmpeg wrapper on Windows till rebuild frame_count = 10; #else // HACK: FFmpeg reports picture_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE_ for the last frame for AVI container by some reason if ((ext == "avi") && (apiPref == CAP_FFMPEG)) frame_count--; #endif for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) { double timestamp = 0; ASSERT_NO_THROW(cap >> img); EXPECT_NO_THROW(timestamp = cap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC)); if (cvtest::debugLevel > 0) std::cout << "i = " << i << ": timestamp = " << timestamp << std::endl; const double frame_period = 1000.f/bunny_param.getFps(); // NOTE: eps == frame_period, because videoCapture returns frame beginning timestamp or frame end // timestamp depending on codec and back-end. So the first frame has timestamp 0 or frame_period. EXPECT_NEAR(timestamp, i*frame_period, frame_period) << "i=" << i; } } }; //================================================================================================== struct Ext_Fourcc_PSNR { const char* ext; const char* fourcc; float PSNR; VideoCaptureAPIs api; }; typedef tuple Size_Ext_Fourcc_PSNR; class videoio_synthetic : public Videoio_Test_Base, public testing::TestWithParam { Size frame_size; int fourcc; float PSNR_GT; int frame_count; double fps; public: videoio_synthetic() { frame_size = get<0>(GetParam()); const Ext_Fourcc_PSNR p = get<1>(GetParam()); ext = p.ext; fourcc = fourccFromString(p.fourcc); PSNR_GT = p.PSNR; video_file = cv::tempfile((fourccToString(fourcc) + "." + ext).c_str()); frame_count = 100; fps = 25.; apiPref = p.api; } void TearDown() { remove(video_file.c_str()); } virtual void writeVideo() { Mat img(frame_size, CV_8UC3); VideoWriter writer; EXPECT_NO_THROW(writer.open(video_file, apiPref, fourcc, fps, frame_size, true)); ASSERT_TRUE(writer.isOpened()); for(int i = 0; i < frame_count; ++i ) { generateFrame(i, frame_count, img); EXPECT_NO_THROW(writer << img); if (::testing::Test::HasFailure() && i % 10 == 0) break; } EXPECT_NO_THROW(writer.release()); } virtual void checkFrameContent(Mat & img, int idx) { Mat imgGT(frame_size, CV_8UC3); generateFrame(idx, frame_count, imgGT); double psnr = cvtest::PSNR(img, imgGT); ASSERT_GT(psnr, PSNR_GT) << "frame " << idx; } virtual void checkFrameCount(int &actual) { Range expected_frame_count = Range(frame_count, frame_count); // Hack! Newer FFmpeg versions in this combination produce a file // whose reported duration is one frame longer than needed, and so // the calculated frame count is also off by one. Ideally, we'd want // to fix both writing (to produce the correct duration) and reading // (to correctly report frame count for such files), but I don't know // how to do either, so this is a workaround for now. if (fourcc == VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'P', 'E', 'G') && ext == "mkv") expected_frame_count.end += 1; // Workaround for some gstreamer pipelines if (apiPref == CAP_GSTREAMER) expected_frame_count.start -= 1; ASSERT_LE(expected_frame_count.start, actual); ASSERT_GE(expected_frame_count.end, actual); actual = expected_frame_count.start; // adjust actual frame boundary to possible minimum } }; //================================================================================================== static const VideoCaptureAPIs backend_params[] = { #ifdef HAVE_AVFOUNDATION CAP_AVFOUNDATION, #endif #ifdef _WIN32 CAP_MSMF, #endif CAP_GSTREAMER, CAP_FFMPEG, #ifdef HAVE_XINE CAP_XINE, #endif CAP_OPENCV_MJPEG // CAP_INTEL_MFX }; static const string bunny_params[] = { string("wmv"), string("mov"), string("mp4"), string("mpg"), string("avi"), string("h264"), string("h265"), string("mjpg.avi") }; TEST_P(videoio_bunny, read_position) { doTest(); } TEST_P(videoio_bunny, frame_count) { doFrameCountTest(); } TEST_P(videoio_bunny, frame_timestamp) { doTimestampTest(); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, videoio_bunny, testing::Combine( testing::ValuesIn(bunny_params), testing::ValuesIn(backend_params))); inline static std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Ext_Fourcc_PSNR &p) { out << "FOURCC(" << p.fourcc << "), ." << p.ext << ", " << p.api << ", " << p.PSNR << "dB"; return out; } static Ext_Fourcc_PSNR synthetic_params[] = { #ifdef _WIN32 #if !defined(_M_ARM) {"wmv", "WMV1", 30.f, CAP_MSMF}, {"wmv", "WMV2", 30.f, CAP_MSMF}, #endif {"wmv", "WMV3", 30.f, CAP_MSMF}, {"wmv", "WVC1", 30.f, CAP_MSMF}, {"mov", "H264", 30.f, CAP_MSMF}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_AVFOUNDATION {"mov", "H264", 30.f, CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, {"mov", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, {"mp4", "H264", 30.f, CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, {"mp4", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, {"m4v", "H264", 30.f, CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, {"m4v", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, #endif {"avi", "XVID", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"avi", "MPEG", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"avi", "IYUV", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"avi", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mkv", "XVID", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mkv", "MPEG", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mkv", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"avi", "FFV1", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mkv", "FFV1", 30.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"avi", "MPEG", 28.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"avi", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"avi", "H264", 30.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"mkv", "MPEG", 28.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"mkv", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"mkv", "H264", 30.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"avi", "MJPG", 30.f, CAP_OPENCV_MJPEG}, }; Size all_sizes[] = { Size(640, 480), Size(976, 768) }; TEST_P(videoio_synthetic, write_read_position) { doTest(); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, videoio_synthetic, testing::Combine( testing::ValuesIn(all_sizes), testing::ValuesIn(synthetic_params))); struct Ext_Fourcc_API { const char* ext; const char* fourcc; VideoCaptureAPIs api; }; inline static std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Ext_Fourcc_API &p) { out << "(FOURCC(" << p.fourcc << "), \"" << p.ext << "\", " << p.api << ")"; return out; } class Videoio_Writer : public Videoio_Test_Base, public testing::TestWithParam { protected: Size frame_size; int fourcc; double fps; public: Videoio_Writer() { frame_size = Size(640, 480); const Ext_Fourcc_API p = GetParam(); ext = p.ext; fourcc = fourccFromString(p.fourcc); if (ext.size() == 3) video_file = cv::tempfile((fourccToString(fourcc) + "." + ext).c_str()); else video_file = ext; fps = 25.; apiPref = p.api; } void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { if (ext.size() == 3) (void)remove(video_file.c_str()); } }; TEST_P(Videoio_Writer, write_nothing) { if (!cv::videoio_registry::hasBackend(apiPref)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref)); VideoWriter writer; EXPECT_NO_THROW(writer.open(video_file, apiPref, fourcc, fps, frame_size, true)); ASSERT_TRUE(writer.isOpened()); #if 0 // no frames cv::Mat m(frame_size, CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(127)); writer << m; #endif EXPECT_NO_THROW(writer.release()); } static vector generate_Ext_Fourcc_API() { const size_t N = sizeof(synthetic_params)/sizeof(synthetic_params[0]); vector result; result.reserve(N); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { const Ext_Fourcc_PSNR& src = synthetic_params[i]; Ext_Fourcc_API e = { src.ext, src.fourcc, src.api }; result.push_back(e); } { Ext_Fourcc_API e = { "appsrc ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=(string)NV12 ! filesink location=test.nv12", "\0\0\0\0", CAP_GSTREAMER }; result.push_back(e); } { Ext_Fourcc_API e = { "appsrc ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=(string)I420 ! matroskamux ! filesink location=test.mkv", "\0\0\0\0", CAP_GSTREAMER }; result.push_back(e); } return result; } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, Videoio_Writer, testing::ValuesIn(generate_Ext_Fourcc_API())); TEST(Videoio, exceptions) { VideoCapture cap; Mat mat; EXPECT_FALSE(cap.grab()); EXPECT_FALSE(cap.retrieve(mat)); EXPECT_FALSE(cap.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 1)); EXPECT_FALSE(cap.open("this_does_not_exist.avi", CAP_OPENCV_MJPEG)); cap.setExceptionMode(true); EXPECT_THROW(cap.grab(), Exception); EXPECT_THROW(cap.retrieve(mat), Exception); EXPECT_THROW(cap.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 1), Exception); EXPECT_THROW(cap.open("this_does_not_exist.avi", CAP_OPENCV_MJPEG), Exception); } typedef Videoio_Writer Videoio_Writer_bad_fourcc; TEST_P(Videoio_Writer_bad_fourcc, nocrash) { if (!isBackendAvailable(apiPref, cv::videoio_registry::getStreamBackends())) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref)); VideoWriter writer; EXPECT_NO_THROW(writer.open(video_file, apiPref, fourcc, fps, frame_size, true)); ASSERT_FALSE(writer.isOpened()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(writer.release()); } static vector generate_Ext_Fourcc_API_nocrash() { static const Ext_Fourcc_API params[] = { #ifdef HAVE_MSMF_DISABLED // MSMF opens writer stream {"wmv", "aaaa", CAP_MSMF}, {"mov", "aaaa", CAP_MSMF}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_QUICKTIME {"mov", "aaaa", CAP_QT}, {"avi", "aaaa", CAP_QT}, {"mkv", "aaaa", CAP_QT}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_AVFOUNDATION {"mov", "aaaa", CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, {"mp4", "aaaa", CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, {"m4v", "aaaa", CAP_AVFOUNDATION}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG {"avi", "aaaa", CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mkv", "aaaa", CAP_FFMPEG}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER {"avi", "aaaa", CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"mkv", "aaaa", CAP_GSTREAMER}, #endif {"avi", "aaaa", CAP_OPENCV_MJPEG}, }; const size_t N = sizeof(params)/sizeof(params[0]); vector result; result.reserve(N); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { const Ext_Fourcc_API& src = params[i]; Ext_Fourcc_API e = { src.ext, src.fourcc, src.api }; result.push_back(e); } return result; } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, Videoio_Writer_bad_fourcc, testing::ValuesIn(generate_Ext_Fourcc_API_nocrash())); typedef testing::TestWithParam safe_capture; TEST_P(safe_capture, frames_independency) { VideoCaptureAPIs apiPref = GetParam(); if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(apiPref)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref)); VideoCapture cap; String video_file = BunnyParameters::getFilename(String(".avi")); EXPECT_NO_THROW(cap.open(video_file, apiPref)); if (!cap.isOpened()) { std::cout << "SKIP test: backend " << apiPref << " can't open the video: " << video_file << std::endl; return; } Mat frames[10]; Mat hardCopies[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ASSERT_NO_THROW(cap >> frames[i]); EXPECT_FALSE(frames[i].empty()); hardCopies[i] = frames[i].clone(); } for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::norm(frames[i], hardCopies[i], NORM_INF)) << i; } static VideoCaptureAPIs safe_apis[] = {CAP_FFMPEG, CAP_GSTREAMER, CAP_MSMF,CAP_AVFOUNDATION}; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, safe_capture, testing::ValuesIn(safe_apis)); //================================================================================================== // TEST_P(videocapture_acceleration, ...) struct VideoCaptureAccelerationInput { const char* filename; double psnr_threshold; }; static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const VideoCaptureAccelerationInput& p) { out << p.filename; return out; } typedef testing::TestWithParam> videocapture_acceleration; TEST_P(videocapture_acceleration, read) { auto param = GetParam(); std::string filename = get<0>(param).filename; double psnr_threshold = get<0>(param).psnr_threshold; VideoCaptureAPIs backend = get<1>(param); VideoAccelerationType va_type = get<2>(param); bool use_umat = get<3>(param); const int frameNum = 15; std::string filepath = cvtest::findDataFile("video/" + filename); if (backend == CAP_MSMF && ( filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.mjpeg.mp4" || filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libx265.mp4" || filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libaom-av1.mp4" || filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.mpeg2video.mp4" )) throw SkipTestException("Format/codec is not supported"); std::string backend_name = cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(backend); if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(backend)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + backend_name); // HW reader std::vector params = { CAP_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION, static_cast(va_type) }; if (use_umat) { if (backend != CAP_FFMPEG) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("UMat/OpenCL mapping is not supported by current backend: ") + backend_name); if (!cv::videoio_registry::isBackendBuiltIn(backend)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("UMat/OpenCL mapping is not supported through plugins yet: ") + backend_name); params.push_back(CAP_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION_USE_OPENCL); params.push_back(1); } VideoCapture hw_reader(filepath, backend, params); if (!hw_reader.isOpened()) { if (use_umat) { throw SkipTestException(backend_name + " VideoCapture on " + filename + " not supported with HW acceleration + OpenCL/Umat mapping, skipping"); } else if (va_type == VIDEO_ACCELERATION_ANY || va_type == VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE) { // ANY HW acceleration should have fallback to SW codecs VideoCapture sw_reader(filepath, backend, { CAP_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION, VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE }); if (!sw_reader.isOpened()) throw SkipTestException(backend_name + " VideoCapture on " + filename + " not supported, skipping"); ASSERT_TRUE(hw_reader.isOpened()) << "ANY HW acceleration should have fallback to SW codecs"; } else { throw SkipTestException(backend_name + " VideoCapture on " + filename + " not supported with HW acceleration, skipping"); } } VideoAccelerationType actual_va = static_cast(static_cast(hw_reader.get(CAP_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION))); if (va_type != VIDEO_ACCELERATION_ANY && va_type != VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE) { ASSERT_EQ((int)actual_va, (int)va_type) << "actual_va=" << actual_va << ", va_type=" << va_type; } std::cout << "VideoCapture " << backend_name << ":" << actual_va << std::endl << std::flush; double min_psnr_original = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < frameNum; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(cv::format("frame=%d", i)); Mat frame; if (use_umat) { UMat umat; bool read_umat_result = hw_reader.read(umat); if (!read_umat_result && i == 0) { if (filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libvpx-vp9.mp4") throw SkipTestException("Unable to read the first frame with VP9 codec (media stack misconfiguration / bug)"); // FFMPEG: [av1 @ 0000027ac07d1340] Your platform doesn't suppport hardware accelerated AV1 decoding. if (filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libaom-av1.mp4") throw SkipTestException("Unable to read the first frame with AV1 codec (missing support)"); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!read_umat_result && i == 1) { if (filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libvpx-vp9.mp4") throw SkipTestException("Unable to read the second frame with VP9 codec (media stack misconfiguration / outdated MSMF version)"); } #endif EXPECT_TRUE(read_umat_result); ASSERT_FALSE(umat.empty()); umat.copyTo(frame); } else { bool read_result = hw_reader.read(frame); if (!read_result && i == 0) { if (filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libvpx-vp9.mp4") throw SkipTestException("Unable to read the first frame with VP9 codec (media stack misconfiguration / bug)"); // FFMPEG: [av1 @ 0000027ac07d1340] Your platform doesn't suppport hardware accelerated AV1 decoding. if (filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libaom-av1.mp4") throw SkipTestException("Unable to read the first frame with AV1 codec (missing support)"); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!read_result && i == 1) { if (filename == "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libvpx-vp9.mp4") throw SkipTestException("Unable to read the second frame with VP9 codec (media stack misconfiguration / outdated MSMF version)"); } #endif EXPECT_TRUE(read_result); } ASSERT_FALSE(frame.empty()); if (cvtest::debugLevel > 0) { imwrite(cv::format("test_frame%03d.png", i), frame); } Mat original(frame.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(0)); generateFrame(i, frameNum, original); double psnr = cvtest::PSNR(frame, original); if (psnr < min_psnr_original) min_psnr_original = psnr; } std::ostringstream ss; ss << actual_va; std::string actual_va_str = ss.str(); std::cout << "VideoCapture with acceleration = " << cv::format("%-6s @ %-10s", actual_va_str.c_str(), backend_name.c_str()) << " on " << filename << " with PSNR-original = " << min_psnr_original << std::endl << std::flush; EXPECT_GE(min_psnr_original, psnr_threshold); } static const VideoCaptureAccelerationInput hw_filename[] = { { "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libxvid.mp4", 28.0 }, { "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.mjpeg.mp4", 20.0 }, { "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.mpeg2video.mp4", 24.0 }, // GSTREAMER on Ubuntu 18.04 { "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libx264.mp4", 20.0 }, // 20 - D3D11 (i7-11800H), 23 - D3D11 on GHA/Windows, GSTREAMER on Ubuntu 18.04 { "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libx265.mp4", 20.0 }, // 20 - D3D11 (i7-11800H), 23 - D3D11 on GHA/Windows { "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libvpx-vp9.mp4", 30.0 }, { "sample_322x242_15frames.yuv420p.libaom-av1.mp4", 30.0 } }; static const VideoCaptureAPIs hw_backends[] = { CAP_FFMPEG, CAP_GSTREAMER, #ifdef _WIN32 CAP_MSMF, #endif }; static const VideoAccelerationType hw_types[] = { VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE, VIDEO_ACCELERATION_ANY, VIDEO_ACCELERATION_MFX, #ifdef _WIN32 VIDEO_ACCELERATION_D3D11, #else VIDEO_ACCELERATION_VAAPI, #endif }; static bool hw_use_umat[] = { false, true }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, videocapture_acceleration, testing::Combine( testing::ValuesIn(hw_filename), testing::ValuesIn(hw_backends), testing::ValuesIn(hw_types), testing::ValuesIn(hw_use_umat) )); ////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_P(video_acceleration, write_read) typedef tuple VATestParams; typedef testing::TestWithParam videowriter_acceleration; TEST_P(videowriter_acceleration, write) { auto param = GetParam(); VideoCaptureAPIs backend = get<0>(param).api; std::string codecid = get<0>(param).fourcc; std::string extension = get<0>(param).ext; double psnr_threshold = get<0>(param).PSNR; VideoAccelerationType va_type = get<1>(param); bool use_umat = get<2>(param); std::string backend_name = cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(backend); if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(backend)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + backend_name); const Size sz(640, 480); const int frameNum = 15; const double fps = 25; std::string filename = tempfile("videowriter_acceleration.") + extension; // Write video VideoAccelerationType actual_va; { std::vector params = { VIDEOWRITER_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION, static_cast(va_type) }; if (use_umat) { if (backend != CAP_FFMPEG) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("UMat/OpenCL mapping is not supported by current backend: ") + backend_name); if (!cv::videoio_registry::isBackendBuiltIn(backend)) throw SkipTestException(cv::String("UMat/OpenCL mapping is not supported through plugins yet: ") + backend_name); params.push_back(VIDEOWRITER_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION_USE_OPENCL); params.push_back(1); } VideoWriter hw_writer( filename, backend, VideoWriter::fourcc(codecid[0], codecid[1], codecid[2], codecid[3]), fps, sz, params ); if (!hw_writer.isOpened()) { if (use_umat) { throw SkipTestException(backend_name + " VideoWriter on " + filename + " not supported with HW acceleration + OpenCL/Umat mapping, skipping"); } else if (va_type == VIDEO_ACCELERATION_ANY || va_type == VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE) { // ANY HW acceleration should have fallback to SW codecs { VideoWriter sw_writer( filename, backend, VideoWriter::fourcc(codecid[0], codecid[1], codecid[2], codecid[3]), fps, sz, { VIDEOWRITER_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION, VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE, } ); if (!sw_writer.isOpened()) { remove(filename.c_str()); throw SkipTestException(backend_name + " VideoWriter on codec " + codecid + " not supported, skipping"); } } remove(filename.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(hw_writer.isOpened()) << "ANY HW acceleration should have fallback to SW codecs"; } else { throw SkipTestException(backend_name + " VideoWriter on " + filename + " not supported with HW acceleration, skipping"); } } actual_va = static_cast(static_cast(hw_writer.get(VIDEOWRITER_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION))); if (va_type != VIDEO_ACCELERATION_ANY && va_type != VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE) { ASSERT_EQ((int)actual_va, (int)va_type) << "actual_va=" << actual_va << ", va_type=" << va_type; } std::cout << "VideoWriter " << backend_name << ":" << actual_va << std::endl << std::flush; Mat frame(sz, CV_8UC3); for (int i = 0; i < frameNum; ++i) { generateFrame(i, frameNum, frame); if (use_umat) { UMat umat; frame.copyTo(umat); hw_writer.write(umat); } else { hw_writer.write(frame); } } } std::ifstream ofile(filename, std::ios::binary); ofile.seekg(0, std::ios::end); int64 fileSize = (int64)ofile.tellg(); ASSERT_GT(fileSize, 0); std::cout << "File size: " << fileSize << std::endl; // Read video and check PSNR on every frame { VideoCapture reader( filename, CAP_ANY /*backend*/, { CAP_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION, VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE } ); ASSERT_TRUE(reader.isOpened()); double min_psnr = 1000; Mat reference(sz, CV_8UC3); for (int i = 0; i < frameNum; ++i) { Mat actual; if (use_umat) { UMat umat; EXPECT_TRUE(reader.read(umat)); umat.copyTo(actual); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(reader.read(actual)); } EXPECT_FALSE(actual.empty()); generateFrame(i, frameNum, reference); EXPECT_EQ(reference.size(), actual.size()); EXPECT_EQ(reference.depth(), actual.depth()); EXPECT_EQ(reference.channels(), actual.channels()); double psnr = cvtest::PSNR(actual, reference); EXPECT_GE(psnr, psnr_threshold) << " frame " << i; if (psnr < min_psnr) min_psnr = psnr; } Mat actual; EXPECT_FALSE(reader.read(actual)); { std::ostringstream ss; ss << actual_va; std::string actual_va_str = ss.str(); std::cout << "VideoWriter with acceleration = " << cv::format("%-6s @ %-10s", actual_va_str.c_str(), backend_name.c_str()) << " on codec=" << codecid << " (." << extension << ")" << ", bitrate = " << fileSize / (frameNum / fps) << ", with PSNR-original = " << min_psnr << std::endl << std::flush; } remove(filename.c_str()); } } static Ext_Fourcc_PSNR hw_codecs[] = { {"mp4", "MPEG", 29.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mp4", "H264", 29.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mp4", "HEVC", 29.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"avi", "MJPG", 29.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"avi", "XVID", 29.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, //{"webm", "VP8", 29.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, //{"webm", "VP9", 29.f, CAP_FFMPEG}, {"mkv", "MPEG", 29.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, {"mkv", "H264", 29.f, CAP_GSTREAMER}, #ifdef _WIN32 {"mp4", "MPEG", 29.f, CAP_MSMF}, {"mp4", "H264", 29.f, CAP_MSMF}, #endif }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, videowriter_acceleration, testing::Combine( testing::ValuesIn(hw_codecs), testing::ValuesIn(hw_types), testing::ValuesIn(hw_use_umat) )); } // namespace