Due to size limit of shared memory, histogram is built on
the global memory for CV_16UC1 case.
The amount of memory needed for building histogram is:
65536 * 4byte = 256KB
and shared memory limit is 48KB typically.
Added test cases for CV_16UC1 and various clip limits.
Added perf tests for CV_16UC1 on both CPU and CUDA code.
There was also a bug in CV_8UC1 case when redistributing
"residual" clipped pixels. Adding the test case where clip
limit is 5.0 exposes this bug.
* Add Operator override for multi-channel Mat with literal constant.
* simple test
* Operator overloading channel constraint for primitive types
* fix some test for #13586
Fix a bug in cv :: merge when array of 3-channel mat is input (#13544)
* Mat merge function bug fix - Bug fix of merge function of 3-channel vector <Mat> of 3 or 4 matrices
* Add Core_merge test for opencv#13544
* fixups
* Python wrapper for detail
* hide pyrotationwrapper
* copy code in pyopencv_rotationwarper.hpp
* move ImageFeatures MatchInfo and CameraParams in core/misc/
* add python test for detail
* move test_detail in test_stitching
* rename
* added performance test for compareHist
* compareHist reworked to use wide universal intrinsics
* Disabled vectorization for CV_COMP_CORREL and CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA if f64 is unsupported
* Added performance tests for hal::norm functions
* Added sum of absolute differences intrinsic
* norm implementation updated to use wide universal intrinsics
* improve and fix v_reduce_sad on VSX
- add infrastructure support for Power9/VSX3
- fix missing VSX flags on GCC4.9 and CLANG4(#13210, #13222)
- fix disable VSX optimzation on GCC by using flag ENABLE_VSX
- flag ENABLE_VSX is deprecated now, use CPU_BASELINE, CPU_DISPATCH instead
- add VSX3 to arithmetic dispatchable flags