Updated the documents to give warning to the users of `findHomography` that the function may return an empty matrix in some cases.
The user must take care of checking that.
The `calib3d.hpp` has a definition of the constant that does not contain the prefix "CV_".
The affected methods were `findHomography` and `findEssentialMat`.
Now the documentation updates the definition of the constants to conform to the header.
Fixed inconsistency with flag names for solvePnP.
The default value for the function lacks the CV_ prefix. The code checks against "ITERATIVE". The suggested values for the parameters *include* the prefix.
Even though the enum CV_ITERATIVE (+ CV_P3P, CV_EPNP) = ITERATIVE (& P3P, EPNP), lets show to the users only one of them.
Now the user sees only {ITERATIVE, P3P, EPNP}.
This makes arguments of type InputOutputArray required in python unless they
have a default value in C++.
As result following python functions changes signatures in non-trivial way:
* calcOpticalFlowFarneback
* calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
* calibrateCamera
* findContours
* findTransformECC
* floodFill
* kmeans
* PCACompute
* stereoCalibrate
And the following functions become return their modified inputs as a return
* accumulate
* accumulateProduct
* accumulateSquare
* accumulateWeighted
* circle
* completeSymm
* cornerSubPix
* drawChessboardCorners
* drawContours
* drawDataMatrixCodes
* ellipse
* fillConvexPoly
* fillPoly
* filterSpeckles
* grabCut
* insertChannel
* line
* patchNaNs
* polylines
* randn
* randShuffle
* randu
* rectangle
* setIdentity
* updateMotionHistory
* validateDisparity
* watershed