Usage of imread(): magic number 0, unchecked result
* docs: rewrite 0/1 to IMREAD_GRAYSCALE/IMREAD_COLOR in imread()
* samples, apps: rewrite 0/1 to IMREAD_GRAYSCALE/IMREAD_COLOR in imread()
* tests: rewrite 0/1 to IMREAD_GRAYSCALE/IMREAD_COLOR in imread()
* doc/py_tutorials: check imread() result
Add flags to set the camera intrinsic parameters as an initial guess (can allow converging to the correct camera intrinsic parameters).
Add -imshow-scale flag to resize the image when displaying the results.
Add -enable-k3 flag to enable or disable the estimation of the K3 distortion coefficient.
* add the HH4 mode
* option to display disparity with a color map
* display current settings in the title bar
* don't close app when wanting to take screenshots
* Add a FLANN example showing how to search a query image in a dataset
* Clean: remove warning
* Replace dependency to boost::filesystem by calls to core/utils/filesystem
* Wait for escape key to exit
* Add an example of binary descriptors support
* Add program options for saving and loading the flann structure
* Fix warnings on Win64
* Fix warnings on 3.4 branch still relying on C++03
* Add ctor to img_info structure
* Comments modification
* * Demo file of FLANN moved and renamed
* Fix distances type when using binary vectors in the FLANN example
* Rename FLANN example file
* Remove dependency of the flann example to opencv_contrib's SURF.
* Remove mention of FLANN and other descriptors that aimed at giving hint on the other options
* Cleaner program options management
* Make waitKey usage minimal in FLANN example
* Fix the conditions order
* Use cv::Ptr
* Implement ASIFT in C++
* '>>' should be '> >' within a nested template
* add a sample for asift usage
* bugfix empty keypoints cause crash
* simpler initialization for mask
* suppress the number of lines
* correct tex document
* type casting
* add descriptorsize for asift
* smaller testdata for asift
* more smaller test data
* add OpenCV short license header
I believe you are using the wrong version of open() on line 28 - adding deviceID + appId together. It's better to use the new version of .open() taking two integers as parameter.
QR-Code detector : multiple detection
* change in qr-codes detection
* change in qr-codes detection
* change in test
* change in test
* add multiple detection
* multiple detection
* multiple detect
* add parallel implementation
* add functional for performance tests
* change in test
* add perftest
* returned implementation for 1 qr-code, added support for vector<Mat> and vector<vector<Point2f>> in MultipleDetectAndDecode
* deleted all lambda expressions
* changing in triangle sort
* fixed warnings
* fixed errors
* add java and python tests
* change in java tests
* change in java and python tests
* change in perf test
* change in qrcode.cpp
* add spaces
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in java tests
* change in java tests
* solved problems
* solved problems
* change in java and python tests
* change in python tests
* change in python tests
* change in python tests
* change in methods name
* deleted sample qrcode_multi, change in qrcode.cpp
* change in perf tests
* change in objdetect.hpp
* deleted code duplication in sample qrcode.cpp
* returned spaces
* added spaces
* deleted draw function
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in qrcode.cpp
* deleted all draw functions
* objdetect(QR): extractVerticalLines
* objdetect(QR): whitespaces
* objdetect(QR): simplify operations, avoid duplicated code
* change in interface, additional checks in java and python tests, added new key in sample for saving original image from camera
* fix warnings and errors in python test
* fix
* write in file with space key
* solved error with empty mat check in python test
* correct path to test image
* deleted spaces
* solved error with check empty mat in python tests
* added check of empty vector of points
* samples: rework qrcode.cpp
* objdetect(QR): fix API, input parameters must be first
* objdetect(QR): test/fix points layout