* Fix reading of black-and-white (thresholded) TIFF images
I recently updated my local OpenCV version to 3.4.3 and found out that
I could not read my TIFF images related to my project. After debugging I
found out that there has been some static analysis fixes made
that accidentally have broken reading those black-and-white TIFF images.
Commit hash in which reading of mentioned TIFF images has been broken:
Basically the fix is to revert back to the same functionality that has been there before,
when black-and-white images are read bpp (bitspersample) is 1.
Without the case 1: this TiffDecoder::readHeader() function always return false.
* Added type and default error message
* Added stdexcept include
* Use CV_Error instead of throw std::runtime_error
* imgcodecs(test): add TIFF B/W decoding tests
* RGB2RGB initially rewritten
* NEON impl removed
* templated version added for ushort, float
* data copying allowed for RGB2RGB
* inplace processing fixed
* fields to local vars
* no zeroupper until it's fixed
* vx_cleanup() added back
"as opposed to" is a phrase of opposed meaning distinguished from or in contrast with. e.g., "an approach that is theoretical as opposed to practical"
synonyms: in contrast with, as against, as contrasted with, rather than, instead of, as an alternative to
example: "we use only steam, as opposed to chemical products, to clean our house"
Exceptions caught by value incur needless cost in C++, most of them can
be caught by const-reference, especially as nearly none are actually
used. This could allow compiler generate a slightly more efficient code.
- This is to accommodate the variabiilty in floating-point operations in new platforms/compilers
- Specifically due to the error margin found in NVIDIA Jetson TX2
* js: update build script
- support emscipten 1.38.12 (wasm is ON by default)
- verbose build messages
* js: use builtin Math functions
* js: disable tracing code completelly
* Make cocoa windows draw faster
* Use a CALayer for rendering when possible Uses GPU to scale images, which is important because retina macs will want window sizes much larger (in pixels) than the image
* Fix mouse logic for cocoa windows
* Only halve resolution on retina if image is larger than display