Fix cudacodec python
* Add python bindings to cudacodec.
* Allow args with CV_OUT GpuMat& or CV_OUT cuda::GpuMat& to generate python bindings that allow the argument to be an optional output in the same way as OutputArray.
* Add wrapper flag to indicate that an OutputArray is a GpuMat.
* python: drop CV_GPU, extra checks in test
* Remove "cuda::GpuMat" check rom python parser
Tests for argument conversion of Python bindings generator
* Tests for parsing elemental types from Python bindings
- Add positive and negative tests for int, float, double, size_t,
const char*, bool.
- Tests with wrong conversion behavior are skipped.
* Move implicit conversion of bool to integer/floating types to wrong
conversion behavior.
The hard-coded string value "Mat" was used in the two format strings for vector_mat and vector_mat_template, preventing UMat arguments to functions that have these types from working correctly. Notably, #12231
* Enabled -Wnarrowing warning
* Fixed type narrowing issues
* Cast python constants
* Use long long for python constants
* Use int for python constants with fallback to long
* Update cv2.cpp
* Python wrapper for detail
* hide pyrotationwrapper
* copy code in pyopencv_rotationwarper.hpp
* move ImageFeatures MatchInfo and CameraParams in core/misc/
* add python test for detail
* move test_detail in test_stitching
* rename
[evolution] Stitching for OpenCV 4.0
* stitching: wrap Stitcher::create for bindings
* provide method for consistent stitcher usage across languages
* samples: add python stitching sample
* port cpp stitching sample to python
* stitching: consolidate Stitcher create methods
* remove Stitcher::createDefault, it returns Stitcher, not Ptr<Stitcher> -> inconsistent API
* deprecate cv::createStitcher and cv::createStitcherScans in favor of Stitcher::create
* stitching: avoid anonymous enum in Stitcher
* ORIG_RESOL should be double
* add documentatiton
* stitching: improve documentation in Stitcher
* stitching: expose estimator in Stitcher
* remove ABI hack
* stitching: drop try_use_gpu flag
* OCL will be used automatically through T-API in OCL-enable paths
* CUDA won't be used unless user sets CUDA-enabled classes manually
* stitching: drop FeaturesFinder
* use Feature2D instead of FeaturesFinder
* interoperability with features2d module
* detach from dependency on xfeatures2d
* features2d: fix compute and detect to work with UMat vectors
* correctly pass UMats as UMats to allow OCL paths
* support vector of UMats as output arg
* stitching: use nearest interpolation for resizing masks
* fix warnings