* use hasSIMD128 rather than calling checkHardwareSupport
* add SIMD check in spartialgradient.cpp
* add SIMD check in stereosgbm.cpp
* add SIMD check in canny.cpp
In YAML 1.0 the colon is mandatory. See http://yaml.org/spec/1.0/#id2558635.
This also allows prior releases to read YAML files created with the current version.
* use __GNUC_MINOR__ in correct place to check the version of GCC
* check processor support of FP16 at run time
* check compiler support of FP16 and pass correct compiler option
* rely on ENABLE_AVX on gcc since AVX is generated when mf16c is passed
* guard correctly using ifdef in case of various configuration
* use v_float16x4 correctly by including the right header file
- calculate ticksTotal instead of ticksMean
- local / global width is based on ticksTotal value
- added instrumentation for OpenCL program compilation
- added instrumentation for OpenCL kernel execution
Minor fix in MatAllocator::upload
Minor fix in MatAllocator::copy
Minor fix in setSize function
Minor fix in Mat::Mat
Minor fix in cvMatNDToMat function
Minor fix in _InputArray::getMatVector
Minor fix in _InputArray::getUMatVector
Minor fix in cv::hconcat
Minor fix in cv::vconcat
Minor fix in cv::setIdentity
Minor fix in cv::trace
Minor fix in transposeI_ template function
Minor fix in reduceC_ template function
Minor fix in sort_ template function
Minor fix in sortIdx_ template function
Minor fix in cvRange function
Minor fix in MatConstIterator::seek
Minor fix in SparseMat::create
Minor fix in SparseMat::copyTo
Minor fix in SparseMat::convertTo
Minor fix in SparseMat::convertTo
Minor fix in SparseMat::ptr
Minor fix in SparseMat::resizeHashTab
Fixes indentation
* use v_float16x4 (universal intrinsic) instead of raw SSE/NEON implementation
* define v_load_f16/v_store_f16 since v_load can't be distinguished when short pointer passed
* brush up implementation on old compiler (guard correctly)
* add test for v_load_f16 and round trip conversion of v_float16x4
* fix conversion error
* raise an error when wrong bit depth passed
* raise an build error when wrong depth is specified for cvtScaleHalf_
* remove unnecessary safe check in cvtScaleHalf_
* use intrinsic instead of direct pointer access
* update the explanation
Major changes:
- modify the Base64 functions to compatible with `cvWriteRawData` and so
- add a Base64 flag for FileStorage and outputs raw data in Base64
- complete all testing and documentation.