1. Add Base64 support for reading and writing XML\YML file.
The two new functions for writing:
void cvWriteRawData_Base64(cv::FileStorage & fs, const void* _data, int
len, const char* dt);
void cvWriteMat_Base64(cv::FileStorage & fs, cv::String const & name,
cv::Mat const & mat);
2. Change YML file header form `YAML:1.0` to `YAML 1.0`. (standard
3. Add test for Base64 part.
Some CMake 3.x ( is fine) provides broken build configurations
with following build error message:
ld: fatal error: -soname: must take a non-empty argument
Linker command line sample contains this:
"-shared -Wl,-soname, -o"
I noticed that I missed the fact that `cimg` is used in the second `imshow()` call. Changed the scope of the second function call to be within the if-statement. Otherwise in cases where have not been detected the second `imshow()` will attempt to use `cimg` which will be empty leading to an error.
* check compiler more strictly
* use gcc version of fp16 conversion if it's possible (gcc 4.7 and later)
* use current SW implementation in other cases
There were two bugs that were solved here.Changes were done after extreme testing.
1.replaced cv2.solvePnPRansac() with cv2.solvePnP() previous fc was giving terrible errors.
2.The code was incapable of saving edited pics;Now fixed with little code mods.
In the C++ equivalent of this example a check is made whether the vector (here in Python we have a list) actually has any lines in it that is whether the Hough lines function has managed to find any in the given image. This check is missing for the Python example and if no lines are found the application breaks.
In the C++ equivalent of this example a check is made whether the vector (here in Python we have a list) actually has any circles in it that is whether the Hough circles function has managed to find any in the given image. This check is missing for the Python example and if no circles are found the application breaks.
In the camera calibration code { cv2.cornerSubPix() } will be of no use.In the updated code it is assigned to the (corners2) variable
which is passed down to { cv2.drawChessboardCorners() }