* remove unnecessary defines from vsx_utils
* fix v_load_expand, load lower 64bit
* use vec_ld, vec_st with alignment load/store on all types except 64bit
* map v_extract to v_rotate_right
* update license header
* enable VSX by default on clang since #11167
Update for MSMF-based VideoCapture and VideoWriter (#11092
An error occurred
* MSMF based VideoCapture updated to handle video stream formats different from RGB24
* MSMF based VideoWriter updated to handle video frame top-bottom line ordering regardless of output format
* Fixed race condition in MSMF based VideoCapture
* Refactored MSMF based VideoCapture and VideoWriter
* Disabled frame rate estimation for MP43
* Removed test for unsupported avi container from MSMF VideoWriter tests
* Enabled MSMF-based VideoIO by default
- Recommended compiler checks:
- Clang: CV_CLANG
- fixed problem with CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID=Clang/AppleClang mess on MacOSX
Details: cmake --help-policy CMP0025
- do not declare Clang as GCC compiler
- allow installing samples sources on all platforms
even if BUILD_EXAMPLES is disabled, fixed minor
issues in sources installation process
- use 'example_<group>_<name>' scheme for target and binary file naming
- use single function for sample executable creation
* Do not build protobuf if dnn is disabled
* Added BUILD_LIST cmake option to the cache
* Moved protobuf to the top level
* Fixed static build
* Fixed world build
* fixup! Fixed world build
* Documentation build updates:
- disable documentation by default, do not add to ALL target
- combine Doxygen and Javadoc
- optimize Doxygen html
* javadoc: fix path in build directory
* cmake: fix "Documentation" status line
- avoid unnecessary rebuilding of OpenCV libraries
- use timestamp of the first launch of CMake
- to return to previous behavior use `-UOPENCV_TIMESTAMP` CMake option
'WITH_' variables is intended to enable CMake scripts with some autodetection logic.
'WITH_' can be off, but components is really enabled via command-line options
with proper variables setup (including 'HAVE_').
The typical situation where the usual, plain 'lib' is not wanted is in a
multiarch system, that allows installation of the same library built for
multiple architectures.
Use the standard ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} variable (coming from the
GNUInstallDirs module) to figure where to put the built libraries.
Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia@mapreri.org>
GSoC 2017: Improve and Extend the JavaScript Bindings for OpenCV (#9466
An error occurred
* Initial support for build with emscripten
mkdir build_js
cd build_js
cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/emsdk/emsdk-portable/emscripten/master/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
* Add js module
The output is build/bin/opencv_js.js
* Fix opencv2/calib3d.hpp not found issue
* Add module name
var cv = cv();
* Add total memory as 128MB and allow growth
* Add compilation flags for emscripten
* Use EMSCRIPTEN build target
* Disable js module for non emscripten build
* Bind the preload file path to root
* add test folder
* fix test files
* Copy js module test to bin
* Support to run tests on Node.js
Fix tests to import cv Module when runtime is node.
Add tests.js to use qunit to auto run tests.
Modify umd wrapper to support Module is not defined.
node tests.js
* Support UMD and file system
Wrap the opencv_js.js to opencv.js by UMD wrapper
Use emscripten file system API to load files instead of generating data file or
embedding them. It supports both browser and node.js usages.
* Fix incorrect module name in tests
* Add package.json to add dependence of qunit
* Add js_tutorials folder and a intro page of opencv.js
Enable BUILD_DOCS in CMakeLists.txt.
Add new folder of js_tutorials in folder opencv/doc.
Imitate the tutorials of OpenCV-Python to create a intro page of opencv.js and a setup guide
* Import and use binding gen from opencvjs project
* Modify the embindgen.py to pass the build and test
* Add classes and functions white list
* Consolidate hdr_parser.py (#31
An error occurred
Use hdr_parser.py of python module
Add js flag to support js binding generator.
* Use emscripten::vecFromJSArray for input vector param
Fix part of #23
* Expose groupRectangles and CascadeClassifier.empty
* Add js highgui tutorials
add tutorials of imread&imshow and createTrackbar in doc/js_tutorials/js_gui folder
add interactive tutorial webpage for imread&imshow and createTrackbar in doc/js_tutorials/js_interactive_tutorials folder, and some images needed.
change doc/CMakeLists.txt to copy the interactive tutorial webpage and opencv.js to the tutorials' destination folder
* rm useless annotation in doc/CMakeLists.txt
* fix some nonstandard indentation and space
* add check if canvas is valid
* Expose BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
An error occurred
* Fix build of js doc
Limit copy_js_interactive_tutorials for doxygen build
Add dep to opencv.js
An error occurred
* Implement cv.imread & cv.imshow and insert interactive pages in tutorials (#55
An error occurred
* add helper.js
* delete ALL in add target copy_js_interactive_tutorials to avoid dependence error
* Insert interactive pages in tutorials
insert the old interactive pages in markdown by using \htmlonly and \endhtmlonly command.
delete the useless interactive page
rename js_interactive_tutorials to js_assets to put some images needed in
* fix the depends of the target doxygen
add opencv.js to depends and delete the useless target of copy_js_assets
* change filename helper.js to helpers.js
* disable button or trankbar before opencv.js is ready
* Expose CV_64F
An error occurred
* improve cv.imshow to display different types as native imshow
* add utils.js to reuse functions and update tutorials
* Make doxygen depend on bin/opencv.js
* Fix memory issue of matFromArray
An error occurred
* Merge pull request from ganwenyao/tutorial_18
* Add notes for ganwenyao/tutorial_18
* Modifying for ganwenyao/tutorial_18
* Change Mat constructor with data to 5 parameters
* Mat supports constructor with Scalar
An error occurred
* update cv.imread cause the memory issue of matFromArray has been fixed
* fix canvas name and default input image
* Expose cv::Moments
An error occurred
* Add -Wno-missing-prototypes for emscripten build
* fix canvas name
* add tutorial of video input and output
* Expose enums as emscripten consts
An error occurred
* update the tutorial to use Mat constructor with Scalar and change lena.jpg
* Exclude cv::Mat for vecFromJSArray
An error occurred
* Add unit tests for cv.moments
* Fix the unit tests.
* add checkbox and stop button
* add adapter.js to make sure compatibility fo video tutorials
* Support default parameters with function overloading
* modify enums to constants
* Use https URL for MathJax.js
An error occurred
* Comment out the debug print in embindgen.py
* Expose RotatedRect
An error occurred
* replace enum with constants and improve onload function
* delete some useless paras cause #105
An error occurred
fixed this
* Modify const name
* Modify Contour Properties
* tutorials for imgprc2 and objdec
* Expose more functions for img proc tutorials
An error occurred
* Expose polylines for video analysis tutorial
An error occurred
* Expose constants for default parameters of img proc tutorials
* Add video analysis tutorials
add three video tutorials, Meanshift and Camshift, Optical Flow Background Subtraction
add cup.mp4 and box.mp4 for demo in tutorials
* improve image processing tutorials
* repalce console.warn with throw to throw exception
* add try-catch to throw exception in code demo
* Change mat.size() return value to JS Array object
An error occurred
* add a note about different channels order between canvas and native opencv
* add a note about how to capture video from video files
* Binding cv.Scalar to JS array
* Update the OpenCV-JavaScript introduction page
An error occurred
* add cv.VideoCapture and read() function
* set the size of the hidden canvas same as the video
* Add Using OpenCV-JavaScript tutorial page
An error occurred
* fix some bad code style
* Update tutorials after 8/2 sync meeting
Changes include:
- Use OpenCV.js name instead of OpenCV-JavaScript
- Put using OpenCV.js ahead of build OpenCV.js
- Refine usage and introduction page
- Muted the video in tutorials
* Fix a typo in introduction page
* use cv.VideoCapture and its read() function to read video
* replace OpenCV-JavaScript with OpenCV.js
* Use onload of async script in js_usage tutorial
* add more info about mat.data
* Change Size to value_object
* Integrate Moh and Sajjad's editing into introduction page
* Change Point to value_object
* Change Rect to value_object with helper object
* Add helper objects for Point and Size
* Change RotatedRect to value_object with helpers
* Change MinMaxLoc and Circle to value_object
* Change TermCriteria to value_object
* Fix core_bindings.cpp for MinMaxLoc and Circle
* Remove unused types
* Change meanShift and CamShift to return Rect
* Change methods of RotatedRect to static
* Change mat.data from methods to property
* Name changing of Mat element getters
'getUcharAt` -> 'ucharAt'
* fix code style and args names
* Fix helpers.js due to cv.Mat API update
* Fix opencv.js usage tutorial
* Fix a typo of js_setup
* Change Moments to value_object
* Add Range as value_object
* Apply edits to js_intro
* Apply edits to js_usage
* Apply edits to js_setup
* update tutorials to apply data type change
* Modify tutorials
* add core tutorials
* delete MatVector elements and delete useless set operation
* add tutorials_objdec_camera
* Add instructions for WebAssembly
* apply tech writer's feedbacks into tutorials
* Organize white list by modules
* Change size to method and bind to MatExpr.size()
An error occurred
* improve tutorials
* Modify core tutorials
* add params list and explanations for OpenCV.js functions
* remove face_profile from Face Detection in Video Capture
* Add demos link
* Change Gui to GUI
* Update js_intro based on Moh and Sajjad's edits
* Fixup for 3.3.0 rebase
* Update js_intro per Moh's suggestion
* Update contributors list per Moh's idea
* add adapter.js in video_display tutorial
* Change Mat.getRoiRect to Mat.roi
* Licenses updated to UC BSD 3-Clause
* Apply OpenCV coding style for C++ files
* Add OpenCV license for python and js files
* Fix coding style issue in helpers.js
* Remove unused test_commons.js
* Fix coding style of test_imgproc.js
* Fix coding style of test_mat.js
* Fix space before semicolon
* Fix coding style of test_objdetect.js
* Fix coding style of tests.js
* Fix coding style of test_utils.js
* Fix coding style of test_video.js
* Fix failures of node.js tests
* Add eslint rule config and fix eslint errors
* Add eslint config for js/src and fix eslint errors
* Clean up the opencv.js dependencies
An error occurred
* Fix build issue for python generator
* Fix doxygen buildbot failure
* delete trailing whitespace, blank line at EOF and replace tab with space
* Fix tutorial_js_root reference issue for non opencv.js build
* replace the file with small size
* Initial commit of build_js.py
* Move the js build configurations to build script
* Add wasm build support
* Update OpenCV.js build tutorial by using script
* Fix global var issue in tests
* Add a README.md for build_js.py
* Copy the haar cascade files from data dir for tutorials
* Not use memory init file
* Disable debug print for modules/js/CMakeLists.txt
* Check files when build done
* Fix image name in js_gradients tutorial
* Fix image load issue in js_trackbar tutorial
* Find the opencv source directory via relative path by default
* Make the cmake args based on build_doc option
* Fix a typo in js_setup.markdown
* Fix make failure issue on config generated by build_js.py
* Eliminate js branch of hdr_parser.py
* Extract examples from js_basic_ops tutorial
* Fix coding style of utils.js
* Improve examples error handling
1. opencv.js loading errors
2. script errors (Error)
3. cv::Exception
An error occurred
* Add enable_exception option into build_js.py
* Support print exception for exception catching disabled build
* Extract example from js_usage tutorial
* Avoid copying .eslintrc.json when building doc
An error occurred
* Revert to use onload as opencv.js ready event
* Use 4 spaces indention for js examples
* embed html in tutorials with iframe tag
* Revert to use onload as opencv.js ready event
* Extract examples from js_video_display tutorial
* Implement Utils object
* modify core imgprc and face_detection tutorials
* Fix examples of js_gui tutorials
* Fix coding style of utils.js
* Modify tutorials
* Extract example from js_face_detection_camera tutorial
* Disable new-cap check in eslint
* Extract examples from js_meanshift tutorial
* Extract examples from video tutorials
* Remove new-cap declaration and update grammer in comments
* Change textarea width to 100 to align with eslint config
* Fix printError issue when opencv.js loading fails
* Remove BUILD_opencv_js dependency for doc build
An error occurred
* Expose cv::getBuildInformation
* Dump opencv build info when opencv.js loaded for live examples
* Make the button to stand out in js live examples
An error occurred
* Style for disabled button
* Add js_imgproc_camera.html example
* Fix coding style of imgproc_camera example
* Add js_imgproc_camera tutorial
* Remove link to opencv.js demos
* doc: copy opencv.js on build, use absolute paths for assets
* doc: reuse existed file box.mp4