When GTK3 is not found, HAVE_GTK was being set to TRUE. This edit
ensures that HAVE_GTK is only set if GTK3 or GTK2 (meeting minimum
version requirements) is present.
Selection logic for printing 'GTK: No' when the libraries are not found
has also been removed so the message is printed when GTK is not found or
selected in common with other libraries.
Changes committed:
modified: CMakeLists.txt
modified: cmake/OpenCVFindLibsGUI.cmake
The linux buildbots have started to fail compilation due to not
finding the gtk headers. The quotes have been changed to angle brackets
to indicate to the compiler that these are system includes.
During merging of conflicting versions of this file, I erroneously
deleted several lines in the GUI reporting section. This is repaired
in this commit.
The new logic will select GTK+3 by default if WITH_GTK is selected. If
the GTK+3 libraries are not found, then GTK+2 libraries will be selected
if found.
This can be overridden by using WITH_GTK_2_X to force selection of GTK+2
(if found).
specific code. As a result of this, HAVE_GTK3 no longer needs to be
The use of HAVE_GTK, and HAVE_ GTK3 have been changed to mirror the
method used by HAVE_QT and HAVE_QT5.
On branch gtk3
Changes to be committed:
modified: CMakeLists.txt
modified: cmake/OpenCVFindLibsGUI.cmake
modified: cmake/templates/cvconfig.h.in
modified: modules/highgui/src/window.cpp
modified: modules/highgui/src/window_gtk.cpp