- added new functions from core module: split, merge, add, sub, mul, div, ...
- added function replacement mechanism
- added example of HAL replacement library
The original solution did not handle correctly when delta = 0,
resulting as nan errors. I also wrote a test case to test solving
equation x^3 = 0 after fixing.
Instead of chaining a bunch of sanity checks together with "&&", let's just have several asserts. That way, when an assert fails, you don't get a monsterous "<huge evil expression>
failed" error, but only the bit you care about, making your life rather a lot easier.
The 12 and 16 arguments Matx constructors differs from all others,
leaving values initialized and requiring the argument number to be equal
to the channels number.
dotProd_16s - disabled for IPP 9.0.0;
filter2D - fixed kernel preparation;
morphology - conditions fix and disabled FilterMin and FilterMax for IPP 9.0.0;
GaussianBlur - disabled for CV_8UC1 due to buffer overflow;
integral - disabled for IPP 9.0.0;
IppAutoBuffer class was added;
HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY will be undefined if OpenCV was linked against ICV packet from IPP9 or greater. ICV9+ packets will be aligned with IPP in OpenCV APIs
This will ease code management between IPP and ICV
to manage changes between updates more easily.
IPP_DISABLE_BLOCK was added to ease tracking of disabled IPP functions;