- Recommended compiler checks:
- Clang: CV_CLANG
- fixed problem with CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID=Clang/AppleClang mess on MacOSX
Details: cmake --help-policy CMP0025
- do not declare Clang as GCC compiler
* Documentation build updates:
- disable documentation by default, do not add to ALL target
- combine Doxygen and Javadoc
- optimize Doxygen html
* javadoc: fix path in build directory
* cmake: fix "Documentation" status line
- fix imports override.
Problem is observed with BoostDesc.
- add Ptr<> handling (constructor is protected from other packages).
Observed in ximgproc:
Ptr<StereoMatcher> createRightMatcher(Ptr<StereoMatcher> matcher_left)"
where, "StereoMather" is from another package (calib3d)
Adding capability to parse subsections of a byte array in Java bindings (#10489
An error occurred
* Adding capability to parse subsections of a byte array in Java bindings. (Because Java lacks pointers. Therefore, reading images within a subsection of a byte array is impossible by Java's nature and limitations. Because of this, many IO functions in Java require additional parameters offset and length to define, which section of an array to be read.)
* Corrected according to the review. Previous interfaces were restored, instead internal interfaces were modified to provide subsampling of java byte arrays.
* Adding tests and test related files.
* Adding missing files for the test.
* Simplified the test
* Check was corrected according to discussion. An OutOfRangeException will be thrown instead of returning.
* java: update MatOfByte implementation checks / tests
Previous commit, 6f39f9a, tries to fix the color issue for emulator. But the condition for detecting emulator is incomplete, e.g. it stops working for emulators using Google Play, whose Build.BRAND=="google". https://stackoverflow.com/a/21505193 shows a more accurate condition for this.
* Introduced OSGi Blueprint XML file and Bean class too automatically load the native library.
* Introduced integration testing module to deploy to Karaf OSGi implementation.
* Clears library executable stack flag during build.
* Updated README document.