Add support for 3D point cloud segmentation, using the USAC framework.
* Modify the RANSAC framework in usac such that RANSAC can be used in 3D point cloud segmentation.
* 1. Add support for 3D point cloud segmentation, using the USAC framework.
2. Add solvers, error estimators for plane model and sphere model.
* Added code samples to the comments of class SACSegmentation.
* 1. Update the segment interface parameters of SACSegmentation.
2. Fix some errors in variable naming.
* Add tests for plane detection.
* 1. Add tests for sphere segmentation.
2. Fix some bugs found by tests.
3. Rename "segmentation" to "sac segmentation".
4. Rename "detect" to "segment".
TODO: Too much duplicate code, the structure of the test needs to be rebuilt.
* 1. Use SIMD acceleration for plane model and sphere model error estimation.
2. Optimize the RansacQualityImpl#getScore function to avoid multiple calls to the error#getError function.
3. Fix a warning in test_sac_segmentation.cpp.
* 1. Fix the warning of ModelConstraintFunction ambiguity.
2. Fix warning: no previous declaration for'void cv::usac::modelParamsToUsacConfig(cv::Ptr<cv::usac::SimpleUsacConfig>&, const cv::Ptr<const cv::usac::Model>& )
* Fix a warning in test_sac_segmentation.cpp about direct comparison of different types of data.
* Add code comments related to the interpretation of model coefficients.
* Update the use of custom model constraint functions.
* Simplified test code structure.
* Update the method of checking plane models.
* Delete test for cylinder.
* Add some comments about UniversalRANSAC.
* 1. The RANSAC paper in the code comments is referenced using the bibtex format.
2. The sample code in the code comments is replaced using @snippet.
3. Change the public API class SACSegmentation to interface.
4. Clean up the old useless code.
* fix warning(no previous declaration) in 3d_sac_segmentation.cpp.
* Fix compilation errors caused by 3d_sac_segmentation.cpp.
* Move the function sacModelMinimumSampleSize() from ptcloud.hpp to sac_segmentation.cpp.
* 1. Change the interface for setting the number of threads to the interface for setting whether to be parallel.
2. Move interface implementation code in ptcloud_utils.hpp to ptcloud_utils.cpp.
* SACSegmentation no longer inherits Algorithm.
* Add the constructor and destructor of SACSegmentation.
* 1. For the declaration of the common API, the prefix and suffix of the parameter names no longer contain underscores.
2. Rename the function _getMatFromInputArray -> getPointsMatFromInputArray.
3. Change part of CV_CheckDepth to CV_CheckDepthEQ.
4. Remove the doxygen flag from the source code.
5. Update the loop termination condition of SIMD in the point cloud section of 3D module.
* fix warning: passing 'bool' chooses 'int' over 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' .
* fix warning: passing 'bool' chooses 'int' over 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' .
Tutorial for parallel_for_ and Universal Intrinsic (GSoC '21)
* New parallel_for tutorial
* Universal Intrinsics Draft Tutorial
* Added draft of universal intrinsic tutorial
* * Added final markdown for parallel_for_new
* Added first half of universal intrinsic tutorial
* Fixed warnings in documentation and sample code for parallel_for_new
* Restored original parallel_for_ tutorial and table_of_content_core
* Minor changes
* Added demonstration of 1-D vectorized convolution
* * Added 2-D convolution implementation and tutorial
* Minor changes in vectorized implementation of 1-D and 2-D convolution
* Minor changes to univ_intrin tutorial. Added new tutorials to the table of contents
* Minor changes
* Removed variable sized array initializations
* Fixed conversion warnings
* Added doxygen references, minor fixes
* Added jpg image for parallel_for_ doc
Intrudeced in commit 397ba2d9aafb5312e777ce2f886d7b568109e931:
add OpenCV sample for digit and text recongnition, and provide multiple OCR models.
Signed-off-by: Jose Quaresma <>
* add the HH4 mode
* option to display disparity with a color map
* display current settings in the title bar
* don't close app when wanting to take screenshots
* Add a FLANN example showing how to search a query image in a dataset
* Clean: remove warning
* Replace dependency to boost::filesystem by calls to core/utils/filesystem
* Wait for escape key to exit
* Add an example of binary descriptors support
* Add program options for saving and loading the flann structure
* Fix warnings on Win64
* Fix warnings on 3.4 branch still relying on C++03
* Add ctor to img_info structure
* Comments modification
* * Demo file of FLANN moved and renamed
* Fix distances type when using binary vectors in the FLANN example
* Rename FLANN example file
* Remove dependency of the flann example to opencv_contrib's SURF.
* Remove mention of FLANN and other descriptors that aimed at giving hint on the other options
* Cleaner program options management
* Make waitKey usage minimal in FLANN example
* Fix the conditions order
* Use cv::Ptr
* Implement ASIFT in C++
* '>>' should be '> >' within a nested template
* add a sample for asift usage
* bugfix empty keypoints cause crash
* simpler initialization for mask
* suppress the number of lines
* correct tex document
* type casting
* add descriptorsize for asift
* smaller testdata for asift
* more smaller test data
* add OpenCV short license header
I believe you are using the wrong version of open() on line 28 - adding deviceID + appId together. It's better to use the new version of .open() taking two integers as parameter.