* significantly reduced OpenCV binary size by disabling IPP calls in some OpenCV functions: Sobel, Scharr, medianBlur, GaussianBlur, filter2D, mean, meanStdDev, norm, sum, minMaxIdx, sort.
* re-enable IPP in norm, since it's much faster (without adding too much space overhead)
Exceptions caught by value incur needless cost in C++, most of them can
be caught by const-reference, especially as nearly none are actually
used. This could allow compiler generate a slightly more efficient code.
* fixed OpenCL functions on Mac, so that the tests pass
* fixed compile warnings; temporarily disabled OCL branch of TV L1 optical flow on mac
* fixed other few warnings on macos
- Optimizations set change. Now IPP integrations will provide code for SSE42, AVX2 and AVX512 (SKX) CPUs only. For HW below SSE42 IPP code is disabled.
- Performance regressions fixes for IPP code paths;
- cv::boxFilter integration improvement;
- cv::filter2D integration improvement;
This kernel is for CV_8UC1 format and 3x3 kernel size,
It is about 33% ~ 55% faster than current ocl kernel with below perf test
python ./modules/ts/misc/run.py -t imgproc --gtest_filter=OCL_ErodeFixture*
python ./modules/ts/misc/run.py -t imgproc --gtest_filter=OCL_DilateFixture*
Also add accuracy test cases for this kernel, the test command is
./bin/opencv_test_imgproc --gtest_filter=OCL_Filter/MorphFilter3x3*
Signed-off-by: Li Peng <peng.li@intel.com>
dotProd_16s - disabled for IPP 9.0.0;
filter2D - fixed kernel preparation;
morphology - conditions fix and disabled FilterMin and FilterMax for IPP 9.0.0;
GaussianBlur - disabled for CV_8UC1 due to buffer overflow;
integral - disabled for IPP 9.0.0;
IppAutoBuffer class was added;
HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY will be undefined if OpenCV was linked against ICV packet from IPP9 or greater. ICV9+ packets will be aligned with IPP in OpenCV APIs
This will ease code management between IPP and ICV
to manage changes between updates more easily.
IPP_DISABLE_BLOCK was added to ease tracking of disabled IPP functions;
Removed IPP port for tiny arithm.cpp functions
Additional warnings fix on various platforms.
Build without OPENCL and GCC warnings fixed
Fixed warnings, trailing spaces and removed unused secure_cpy.
IPP code refactored.
IPP code path implemented as separate static functions to simplify future work with IPP code and make it more readable.
IPP can be switched on and off on runtime;
Optional implementation collector was added (switched off by default in CMake). Gathers data of implementation used in functions and report this info through performance TS;
TS modifications for implementations control;