* Enabled -Wnarrowing warning
* Fixed type narrowing issues
* Cast python constants
* Use long long for python constants
* Use int for python constants with fallback to long
* Update cv2.cpp
* videoio(librealsense): fix pipeline start with config
fix to apply pipeline settings by passing config to start.
* videoio(librealsense): add support get props
add support get some props.
cap_libv4l depends on an external library (libv4l) yet is still larger
(1966 loc vs 1822 loc).
It was initially introduced copy pasting cap_v4l in order to offload
various color conversions to libv4l.
However nowadays we handle most of the needed color conversions inside
OpenCV. Our own implementation is better tested and (probably) also
better performing. (as it can optionally leverage IPP/ OpenCL)
Currently cap_v4l is better maintained and generally the code is in
better shape. There is however an API
difference in getting unconverted frames:
* on cap_libv4l one need to set `CV_CAP_MODE_GRAY=1` or
* on cap_v4l one needs to set `CV_CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB=0`
the latter is more flexible though as it also allows accessing undecoded
JPEG images.
* removed C API in the following modules: photo, video, imgcodecs, videoio
* trying to fix various compile errors and warnings on Windows and Linux
* continue to fix compile errors and warnings
* continue to fix compile errors, warnings, as well as the test failures
* trying to resolve compile warnings on Android
* Update cap_dc1394_v2.cpp
fix warning from the new GCC
V4L (V4L2): Refactoring. Added missed camera properties. Fixed getting `INF` for some properties. Singlethread as always (#12893
An error occurred
* cap_v4l:
1 Added cap_properties verbalization.
2 Set Get of properties elementary refactoring.
3 Removed converting parameters to/from [0,1] range.
4 Added all known conversion from V4L2_CID_* to CV_CAP_PROP_*
* cap_v4l:
1. Removed all query for parameters range.
2. Refactored capture initialization.
3. Added selecting input channel by CV_CAP_PROP_MODE. Default value -1 the channels not changed.
* cap_v4l:
1. Refactoring of Convert To RGB
* cap_v4l:
1. Fixed use of video buffer index.
2. Removed extra memcopy for grab image.
3. Removed device closing from autosetup_capture_mode_v4l2
* cap_v4l:
1. The `goto` was eliminated
2. Fixed use of temporary buffer index for V4L2_PIX_FMT_SN9C10X
3. Fixed use of the bufferIndex
4. Removed trailing spaces and unused variables.
* cap_v4l:
1. Alias for capture->buffers[capture->bufferIndex]
2. Reduced size of data for memcpy: bytesused instead of length
3. Refactoring. Code duplication. More info for debug
* cap_v4l:
1. Added the ability to grab and retrieveFrame independently several times
* cap_v4l:
1. Not need to close/open device for new capture parameters applying.
2. Removed using of device name as a flag that the capture is closed. Added sufficient function.
3. Refactoring. Added requestBuffers and createBuffers
* cap_v4l:
1. Added tryIoctl with `select` like was in mainloop_v4l2.
2. Fixed buffer request for device without closing the device.
3. Some static function moved to CvCaptureCAM_V4L
4. Removed unused defines
* cap_v4l:
1. Thread-safe now
* cap_v4l:
1. Fixed thread-safe destructor
2. Fixed FPS setting
* Missed brake
* Removed thread-safety
* cap_v4l:
1. Reverted conversion parameters to/from [0,1] by default for backward compatibility.
2. Added setting for turn off compatibility mode: set CV_CAP_PROP_MODE to 65536
3. Most static functions moved to CvCaptureCAM_V4L
4. Refactoring of icvRetrieveFrameCAM_V4L and using of frame_allocated flag
* cap_v4l:
1. Added conversion to RGB from NV12, NV21
2. Refactoring. Removed wrappers for known format conversions.
* Added `CAP_PROP_CHANNEL` to the enum VideoCaptureProperties.
CAP_V4L migrated to use VideoCaptureProperties.
* 1. Update comments.
2. Environment variable `OPENCV_VIDEOIO_V4L_RANGE_NORMALIZED` for setting default backward compatibility mode.
3. Revert getting of `CAP_PROP_MODE` as fourcc code in backward compatibility mode.
* videoio: update cap_v4l - compatibilityMode => normalizePropRange
* videoio(test): V4L2 MJPEG test
`v4l2-ctl --list-formats` should have 'MJPG' entry
* videoio: fix buffer initialization
to avoid "munmap: Invalid argument" messages
* Update videoio.hpp
add VideoCapturePropertie for clossbar input pin setting
* Update cap_dshow.cpp
For some kind of capture card, such as "avermedia cv710 " , it use SerialDigital as input pin and so it can not work.
Here added new PhysicalConnectorType enumeration: PhysConn_Video_YRYBY and PhysConn_Video_SerialDigital to support it.
And also provide new property parameter CAP_CROSSBAR_INPIN_TYPE to set the crossbar input pin type which will be used in videoInput::start(int deviceID, videoDevice *VD):
" if(VD->useCrossbar)
DebugPrintOut("SETUP: Checking crossbar\n");
routeCrossbar(&VD->pCaptureGraph, &VD->pVideoInputFilter, VD->connection, CAPTURE_MODE);
And at last ,fixed one issue for function setSizeAndSubtype, added code
pVih->rcSource.top = pVih->rcSource.left = pVih->rcTarget.top =pVih->rcTarget.left=0;
pVih->rcSource.right = pVih->rcTarget.right= attemptWidth;
pVih->rcSource.bottom = pVih->rcTarget.bottom = attemptHeight;
without these code , rcSource and rcTarget will keeping use default resolution and cause fail in hr = VD->streamConf->SetFormat(VD->pAmMediaType) and cannot find suitable MediaType.
Tested with python3 and mfc (Avermedia cv710)
Python3 code:
import cv2
print("test cv")
while True:
if ret==False:
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
MFC code:
void CcvtestDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
VideoCapture cap(0);
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1920);
cap.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1080);
Mat img;
namedWindow("test", WINDOW_NORMAL);
resizeWindow("test", 960, 640);
while (1)
if (cap.read(img))
imshow("test", img);
if ('q' ==waitKey(1))
* Update cap_dshow.cpp
* Update videoio.hpp
move enum value of CAP_CROSSBAR_INPIN_TYPE to the end of list
* Update videoio.hpp
* Update cap_dshow.cpp
removed trailing whitespace
* Update test_camera.cpp
Add test for capture device using PhysConn_Video_SerialDigital as crossbar input pin
* Update test_camera.cpp
Correction of misunderstanding about how to add test case.
The `codec_tag` is only available when opening a file from disk. If `AVStream` is a network stream then `fourcc` must be obtained using `codec_id`. I have tested the following scenarios:
1) Open a `.mp4` file and verify that `codec_tag` is returned (old behavior)
2) Open a `rtsp` stream and verify that `codec_fourcc` is returned (Tested with a MJPEG, H264 and H265 stream)