Christoph Rackwitz
Merge pull request #23108 from crackwitz:issue-23107
Usage of imread(): magic number 0, unchecked result
* docs: rewrite 0/1 to IMREAD_GRAYSCALE/IMREAD_COLOR in imread()
* samples, apps: rewrite 0/1 to IMREAD_GRAYSCALE/IMREAD_COLOR in imread()
* tests: rewrite 0/1 to IMREAD_GRAYSCALE/IMREAD_COLOR in imread()
* doc/py_tutorials: check imread() result
2 years ago
Alexander Alekhin
ts: refactor OpenCV tests
- removed tr1 usage (dropped in C++17)
- moved includes of vector/map/iostream/limits into ts.hpp
- require opencv_test + anonymous namespace (added compile check)
- fixed norm() usage (must be from cvtest::norm for checks) and other conflict functions
- added missing license headers
7 years ago
Vadim Pisarevsky
significantly improved parallel non-local means by using granularity parameter in parallel_for_ loop. Because the algorithm deals with sliding sums, it's essential that each thread has enough work to do, otherwise the algorithm gets higher theoretical complexity and thus there is no speedup comparing to 1-thread code (at best).
10 years ago
Ilya Lavrenov
cv2cvtest part2
11 years ago
Andrey Kamaev
Make highgui.hpp independent from C API
12 years ago
Andrey Kamaev
Main module headers are moved 1 level up
e.g. <opencv2/core/core.hpp> become <opencv2/core.hpp>
Also renamed <opencv2/core/opengl_interop.hpp> to <opencv2/core/opengl.hpp>
12 years ago
Andrey Kamaev
Add test for issue #2646
12 years ago
Andrey Kamaev
Change Imgproc_ prefix to Photo_ in all accuracy tests of photo module
12 years ago
Vadim Pisarevsky
updated patch for tests; reenabled SURF & Denoising; removed fixes in ocl tests, since this is already fixed in another pull request
12 years ago
Vadim Pisarevsky
fixed compile errors in ocl tests; disabled a few problematic tests
12 years ago
Andrey Kamaev
Fix typo
13 years ago
Andrey Kamaev
Refactor fast NL-means denoising
* reorder arguments
* rewrite accuracy tests
* replace doubles with integer arithmetic inside the main loop
13 years ago
Leonid Beynenson
Removed the header opencv2/photo/denoising.hpp
All the functions from it are moved to the header
13 years ago
Victor Passichenko
Add non-local means denoising algorithm implementatation into photo module
13 years ago