"as opposed to" is a phrase of opposed meaning distinguished from or in contrast with. e.g., "an approach that is theoretical as opposed to practical"
synonyms: in contrast with, as against, as contrasted with, rather than, instead of, as an alternative to
example: "we use only steam, as opposed to chemical products, to clean our house"
Small typo fix in the documentation.
It was written 'devie' instead of 'device' in: 'Switching active device can be done using cuda::setDevice() function'
In this particular case t shadows transpose of the base class Matx:
types.hpp:1805:14: warning: declaration of ‘t’ shadows a member of
'this' [-Wshadow]
Changelog gcc 4.8: The option -Wshadow no longer warns if a declaration
shadows a function declaration.
This warning is problematic because it prevents the module
opencv_contrib/modules/ruby to pass the build process
Fixed the non-working code example for NAryMatIterator.
The documentation of NAryMatIterator in file:
modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core.hpp has a working example which
was used for these edits.
fixed dependency of stitching module on xfeatures2d module as optional
fixed the initModule_xfeatures2d function that was called in module stitching since it is in another namespace than the standard cv one.
I propose forEach method for cv::Mat and cv::Mat_.
This is solution for the overhead of MatIterator_<_Tp>.
I runs a test that micro opecode runs all over the pixel of cv::Mat_<cv::Point3_<uint8_t>>.
And this implementation 40% faster than the simple pointer, 80% faster than iterator.
With OpenMP, 70% faster than simple pointer, 95% faster than iterator (Core i7 920).
Above all, code is more readable.
My test code is here.