As opencv_xfeatures2d is part of opencv-contrib and not opencv repository,
${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}/modules/modules/include is not a correct include
path - use ${opencv_xfeatures2d_SOURCE_DIR}/include instead
Env setup for testing package implemented using /etc/profile.d;
Variable with path for all native samples added;
Path for test binaries and test data updated.
(cherry picked from commit 39201e68e2)
Env setup for testing package implemented using /etc/profile.d;
Variable with path for all native samples added;
Path for test binaries and test data updated.
[~] Automatically tracked dependencies between modules
[+] Support for optional module dependencies
[+] Options to choose modules to build
[~] Removed hardcoded modules lists from OpenCVConfig.cmake, opencv.pc and
[+] Added COMPONENTS support for FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV)
[~] haartraining and traincascade are moved outside of modules folder since they aren't the modules