This function is the counterpart of "Context::getProg".
With this function, users have chance to unload a program
from global run-time cached programs, and save resource.
Gemm kernels for Intel GPU (#8104)
* Fix an issue with Kernel object reset release when consecutive Kernel::run calls
Kernel::run launch OCL gpu kernels and set a event callback function
to decreate the ref count of UMat or remove UMat when the lauched workloads
are completed. However, for some OCL kernels requires multiple call of
Kernel::run function with some kernel parameter changes (e.g., input
and output buffer offset) to get the final computation result.
In the case, the current implementation requires unnecessary
synchronization and cleanupMat.
This fix requires the user to specify whether there will be more work or not.
If there is no remaining computation, the Kernel::run will reset the
kernel object
Signed-off-by: Woo, Insoo <>
* GEMM kernel optimization for Intel GEN
The optimized kernels uses cl_intel_subgroups extension for better
Note: This optimized kernels will be part of ISAAC in a code generation
way under MIT license.
Signed-off-by: Woo, Insoo <>
* Fix API compatibility error
This patch fixes a OCV API compatibility error. The error was reported
due to the interface changes of Kernel::run. To resolve the issue,
An overloaded function of Kernel::run is added. It take a flag indicating
whether there are more work to be done with the kernel object without
releasing resources related to it.
Signed-off-by: Woo, Insoo <>
* Renaming intel_gpu_gemm.cpp to intel_gpu_gemm.inl.hpp
Signed-off-by: Woo, Insoo <>
* Revert "Fix API compatibility error"
This reverts commit 2ef427db91.
* Revert "Fix an issue with Kernel object reset release when consecutive Kernel::run calls"
This reverts commit cc7f9f5469.
* Fix the case of uninitialization D
When C is null and beta is non-zero, D is used without initialization.
This resloves the issue
Signed-off-by: Woo, Insoo <>
* fix potential output error due to 0 * nan
Signed-off-by: Woo, Insoo <>
* whitespace fix, eliminate non-ASCII symbols
* fix build warning
Although both `cl_platform_info` and `cl_device_info` are defined as macro `cl_uint`, it needs to use `cl_platform_info` to get
the platform information.
- don't use undefined flag=0. It should be CONSTANT instead.
- don't allow 'UMat* m=NULL' argument (except LOCAL/CONSTANT flags).
This case is not handled well to provide NULL __global pointers.
It is better to use '-D' macro defines instead (at least for performance)
Maximum depth limit var was added to the instrumentation structure;
Trace names output console output fix: improper tree formatting could happen;
Output in case of error was added;
Custom regions improvements;
Improved timing and weight calculation for parallel regions; New TC (threads counter) value to indicate how many different threads accessed particular node;
parallel_for, warnings fixes and ReturnAddress code from Alexander Alekhin;
- calculate ticksTotal instead of ticksMean
- local / global width is based on ticksTotal value
- added instrumentation for OpenCL program compilation
- added instrumentation for OpenCL kernel execution
added new function, cv::ocl::attachContext(String& platformName, void* platformID, void* context, void* deviceID) which allow to attach externally created OpenCL context to OpenCV.
add definitions of clRetainDevice, clRetainContext funcs
removed definitions for clRetainContext, clRetainDevice
fixed build issue under Linux
fixed uninitialized vars, replace dbgassert in error handling
remove function which is not ready yet
add new function, cv::ocl::convertFromBuffer(int rows, int cols, int type, void* cl_mem_obj, UMat& dst, UMatUsageFlags usageFlags = cv::USAGE_DEFAULT) which attaches user allocated OpenCL clBuffer to UMat
uncommented clGetMemObjectInfo definition (otherwise prevent opencv build)
fixed build issue on linux and android
add step parameter to cv::ocl::convertFromBuffer func
suppress compile-time warning
added sample opencl-opencv interoperability (showcase for cv::ocl::convertFromBuffer func)
CMakeLists.txt modified to not create sample build script if OpenCL SDK not found in system
fixed build issue (apple opencl include dir and spaces in CMake file)
added call to clRetainContext for attachContext func and call to clRetainMemObject for convertFromBuffer func
uncommented clRetainMemObject definition
added comments and cleanup
add local path to cmake modules search dirs (instead of replacing)
remove REQUIRED for find_package call (sample build together with opencv). need to try standalone sample build
opencl-interop sample moved to standalone build
set minimum version requirement for sample's cmake to 3.1
put cmake_minimum_required under condition, so do not check if samples not builded
remove code dups for setSize, updateContinuityFlag, and finalizeHdr
commented out cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
add safety check for cmake version
add convertFromImage func and update opencl-interop sample
uncommented clGetImageInfo defs
uncommented clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer defs
fixed clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer defs
add doxygen comments
remove doxygen @fn tag
try to restart buildbot
add doxygen comments to directx interop funcs
remove internal header, use fwd declarations in affected compile units instead
- explicitly turning OCL off since WinRT does not support it
- fixing macro definitions in core/ocl.cpp
Signed-off-by: Maxim Kostin <>
- Substituted HAVE_WINRT with WINRT
- Fixed compilation issues in ocl.cpp and parallel.cpp
- Fixed compiler issue for WP8: "C2678: binary '+' : no operator found which takes a left-hand - Fixed gitignore
- Added #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL to remove compiler warnings in ocl.cpp
- Used NO_GETENV similar to '3rdparty\libjpeg\jmemmgr.c;
- Added ole32.lib for core module (for WindowsStore 8.0 builds)
- Made OpenCV_ARCH aware of ARM
Signed-off-by: Maxim Kostin <>
IPP can be switched on and off on runtime;
Optional implementation collector was added (switched off by default in CMake). Gathers data of implementation used in functions and report this info through performance TS;
TS modifications for implementations control;