* removed OpenGLFuncTab, now extensions are loaded internally
* added support of GlBuffer and GlTexture2D to InputArray/OutputArray
* added copyFrom/copyTo method for GlBuffer and GlTexture2D
* removed GlFont
* removed pointCloudShow
* removed OpenGLCleanCallback
* added Access parameter to GlBuffer::mapHost
* added autoRelease parameter to all create methods
modified SIFT to 1) double image before finding keypoints, 2) use floating-point internally instead of 16-bit integers, 3) set the keypoint response to the abs(interpolated_DoG_value). step 1) increases the number of detected keypoints significantly and together with 2) and 3) it improves some detection benchmarks. On the other hand, the stability of the small keypoints is lower, so the rotation and scale invariance tests now struggle a bit. In 2.5 need to make this feature optional and add some more intelligence to the algorithm.
added test that finds a planar object using SIFT.
* removed OpenGLFuncTab, now extensions are loaded internally
* renamed GlTexture -> GlTexture2D
* added support of GlBuffer and GlTexture2D to InputArray/OutputArray
* added copyFrom/copyTo method for GlBuffer and GlTexture2D
* removed GlFont
* removed pointCloudShow
* removed OpenGLCleanCallback
-Change input/output order from (out Labeled, in Image) -> (in Image, Out Labeled) and convert
to Input/OutputArrays in the process.
-Adopt OutputArray for statistics export so that the algorithm is "wrapper friendly" and not requiring a new struct in
language bindings at the expense of using doubles for everything and slowing statistics computation down..
+ New format for flow data - CV_32C2
+ Memory optimization
+ Cross Bilateral Filter optimization
+ Minor optimizations
+ Sample for calcOpticalFlowSF improved