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33012 Commits (472aad46a6f046a3bb779c93f5c747fe5d17bdfc)
Author | SHA1 | Message | Date |
Merge pull request #23596 from vrabaud:libavif
Add AVIF support through libavif. #23596 This is to fix https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/19271 Extra: https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra/pull/1069 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23740 from Peekabooc:4.x
fixing typo in stitching parameter names |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #22947 from chacha21:hasNonZero
Added cv::hasNonZero() #22947 `cv::hasNonZero()` is semantically equivalent to (`cv::countNonZero()>0`) but stops parsing the image when a non-zero value is found, for a performance gain - [X] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [X] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [X] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake This pull request might be refused, but I submit it to know if further work is needed or if I just stop working on it. The idea is only a performance gain vs `countNonZero()>0` at the cost of more code. Reasons why it might be refused : - this is just more code - the execution time is "unfair"/"unpredictable" since it depends on the position of the first non-zero value - the user must be aware that default search is from first row/col to last row/col and has no way to customize that, even if his use case lets him know where a non zero could be found - the PR in its current state is using, for the ocl implementation, a mere `countNonZero()>0` ; there is not much sense in trying to break early the ocl kernel call when non-zero is encountered. So the ocl implementation does not bring any improvement. - there is no IPP function that can help (`countNonZero()` is based in `ippCountInRange`) - the PR in its current state might be slower than a call to `countNonZero()>0` in some cases (see "challenges" below) Reasons why it might be accepted : - the performance gain is huge on average, if we consider that "on average" means "non zero in the middle of the image" - the "missing" IPP implementation is replaced by an "Open-CV universal intrinsics" implementation - the PR in its current state is almost always faster than a call to `countNonZero()>0`, is only slightly slower in the worst cases, and not even for all matrices **Challenges** The worst case is either an all-zero matrix, or a non-zero at the very last position. In such a case, the `hasNonZero()` implementation will parse the whole matrix like `countNonZero()` would do. But we expect the performance to be the same in this case. And `ippCountInRange` is hard to beat ! There is also the case of very small matrices (<=32x32...) in 8b, where the SIMD can be hard to feed. For all cases but the worse, my custom `hasNonZero()` performs better than `ippCountInRange()` For the worst case, my custom `hasNonZero()` performs better than `ippCountInRange()` *except for large matrices of type CV_32S or CV_64F* (but surprisingly, not CV_32F). The difference is small, but it exists (and I don't understand why). For very small CV_8U matrices `ippCountInRange()` seems unbeatable. Here is the code that I use to check timings ``` //test cv::hasNonZero() vs (cv::countNonZero()>0) for different matrices sizes, types, strides... { cv::setRNGSeed(1234); const std::vector<cv::Size> sizes = {{32, 32}, {64, 64}, {128, 128}, {320, 240}, {512, 512}, {640, 480}, {1024, 768}, {2048, 2048}, {1031, 1000}}; const std::vector<int> types = {CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_32S, CV_32F, CV_64F}; const size_t iterations = 1000; for(const cv::Size& size : sizes) { for(const int type : types) { for(int c = 0 ; c<2 ; ++c) { const bool continuous = !c; for(int i = 0 ; i<4 ; ++i) { cv::Mat m = continuous ? cv::Mat::zeros(size, type) : cv::Mat(cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size(2*size.width, size.height), type), cv::Rect(cv::Point(0, 0), size)); const bool nz = (i <= 2); const unsigned int nzOffsetRange = 10; const unsigned int nzOffset = cv::randu<unsigned int>()%nzOffsetRange; const cv::Point pos = (i == 0) ? cv::Point(nzOffset, 0) : (i == 1) ? cv::Point(size.width/2-nzOffsetRange/2+nzOffset, size.height/2) : (i == 2) ? cv::Point(size.width-1-nzOffset, size.height-1) : cv::Point(0, 0); std::cout << "============================================================" << std::endl; std::cout << "size:" << size << " type:" << type << " continuous = " << (continuous ? "true" : "false") << " iterations:" << iterations << " nz=" << (nz ? "true" : "false"); std::cout << " pos=" << ((i == 0) ? "begin" : (i == 1) ? "middle" : (i == 2) ? "end" : "none"); std::cout << std::endl; cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(size, CV_8UC1); mask.at<unsigned char>(pos) = 0xFF; m.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0)); m.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(nz ? 1 : 0), mask); std::vector<bool> results; std::vector<double> timings; { bool res = false; auto ref = cv::getTickCount(); for(size_t k = 0 ; k<iterations ; ++k) res = cv::hasNonZero(m); auto now = cv::getTickCount(); const bool error = (res != nz); if (error) printf("!!ERROR!!\r\n"); results.push_back(res); timings.push_back(1000.*(now-ref)/cv::getTickFrequency()); } { bool res = false; auto ref = cv::getTickCount(); for(size_t k = 0 ; k<iterations ; ++k) res = (cv::countNonZero(m)>0); auto now = cv::getTickCount(); const bool error = (res != nz); if (error) printf("!!ERROR!!\r\n"); results.push_back(res); timings.push_back(1000.*(now-ref)/cv::getTickFrequency()); } const size_t bestTimingIndex = (std::min_element(timings.begin(), timings.end())-timings.begin()); if ((bestTimingIndex != 0) || (std::find_if_not(results.begin(), results.end(), [&](bool r) {return (r == nz);}) != results.end())) { std::cout << "cv::hasNonZero\t\t=>" << results[0] << ((results[0] != nz) ? " ERROR" : "") << " perf:" << timings[0] << "ms => " << (iterations/timings[0]*1000) << " im/s" << ((bestTimingIndex == 0) ? " * " : "") << std::endl; std::cout << "cv::countNonZero\t=>" << results[1] << ((results[1] != nz) ? " ERROR" : "") << " perf:" << timings[1] << "ms => " << (iterations/timings[1]*1000) << " im/s" << ((bestTimingIndex == 1) ? " * " : "") << std::endl; } } } } } } ``` Here is a report of this benchmark (it only reports timings when `cv::countNonZero()` is faster) My CPU is an Intel Core I7 4790 @ 3.60Ghz ``` ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle cv::hasNonZero =>1 perf:0.353764ms => 2.82674e+06 im/s cv::countNonZero =>1 perf:0.282044ms => 3.54555e+06 im/s * ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end cv::hasNonZero =>1 perf:0.610478ms => 1.63806e+06 im/s cv::countNonZero =>1 perf:0.283182ms => 3.5313e+06 im/s * ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none cv::hasNonZero =>0 perf:0.630115ms => 1.58701e+06 im/s cv::countNonZero =>0 perf:0.282044ms => 3.54555e+06 im/s * ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end cv::hasNonZero =>1 perf:0.607347ms => 1.64651e+06 im/s cv::countNonZero =>1 perf:0.467037ms => 2.14116e+06 im/s * ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none cv::hasNonZero =>0 perf:0.618162ms => 1.6177e+06 im/s cv::countNonZero =>0 perf:0.468175ms => 2.13595e+06 im/s * ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[32 x 32] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[64 x 64] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[128 x 128] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[320 x 240] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[512 x 512] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[640 x 480] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1024 x 768] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end cv::hasNonZero =>1 perf:895.381ms => 1116.84 im/s cv::countNonZero =>1 perf:882.569ms => 1133.06 im/s * ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none cv::hasNonZero =>0 perf:899.53ms => 1111.69 im/s cv::countNonZero =>0 perf:870.894ms => 1148.24 im/s * ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end cv::hasNonZero =>1 perf:2018.92ms => 495.313 im/s cv::countNonZero =>1 perf:1966.37ms => 508.552 im/s * ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none cv::hasNonZero =>0 perf:2005.87ms => 498.537 im/s cv::countNonZero =>0 perf:1992.78ms => 501.812 im/s * ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[2048 x 2048] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:0 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:2 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:4 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:5 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = true iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=begin ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=middle ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=true pos=end ============================================================ size:[1031 x 1000] type:6 continuous = false iterations:1000 nz=false pos=none done ``` |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23763 from zihaomu:add_runtime_check
DNN: fix bug for X86 Winograd #23763 Address https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/23760 The patch aims to add a runtime check for X86 platform without AVX(2). ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #21959 from cpoerschke:4.x-intelligent-scissors-optimisation
imgproc: optimise local cost computation in IntelligentScissorsMB::buildMap |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23761 from LaurentBerger:typeblobfromimages
checktype in blobFromImages and blobFromImagesWithParams |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23762 from TolyaTalamanov:at/gapi-ov-backend-hotfix
G-API: OpenVINO Backend Hotfix |
2 years ago |
f597838685 |
imgproc: optimise local cost computation in IntelligentScissorsMB::buildMap
2 years ago |
af95395fe7 |
Fix ifdef condition
2 years ago |
5f8e43da85 |
checktype in blobFromImages and blobFromImagesWithParams
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23746 from Abdurrahheem:ash/graph_simplifier
Assertion Fix in Split Layer #23746 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist This PR fixes issue mentioned in [#23663](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/23663) Merge with https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra/pull/1067 See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23688 from cpoerschke:4.x-pr-21959-prep
imgproc: add contour values check to IntelligentScissorsMB tests Preparation for the #21959 changes as per @asmorkalov's https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/21959#issuecomment-1560511500 suggestion. ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [X] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [X] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [X] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [X] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23750 from mshabunin:fix-bgr2hls-access
imgproc/cvtColor: fixed invalid read in BGR2HLS |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23732 from vekkuli:vekkuli-patch-create-featherblender
Fix missuse of try_gpu in stitching/FeatherBlender |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23748 from AleksandrPanov:fix_cornerRefinementMethod_binding
fix Java bindings for cornerRefinementMethod binding |
2 years ago |
adab462e42 |
imgproc/cvtColor: fixed invalid read in BGR2HLS
2 years ago |
b5ac7ef2f2 |
fix cornerRefinementMethod binding
2 years ago |
983925c685 |
fixing typo
2 years ago |
Update blenders.cpp
Removed passing try_gpu parameter to FeatherBlender constructor because it only has sharpness parameter. |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23264 from AleksandrPanov:add_detect_qr_with_aruco
Add detect qr with aruco #23264 Using Aruco to detect finder patterns to search QR codes. TODO (in next PR): - add single QR detect (update `detect()` and `detectAndDecode()`) - need reduce full enumeration of finder patterns - need add finder pattern info to `decode` step - need to merge the pipeline of the old and new algorithm [Current results:](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ufKyR-Zs-IGXwvqPgftssmTlceVjiQX364sbrjr2QU8/edit#gid=1192415584) +20% total detect, +8% total decode in OpenCV [QR benchmark](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_benchmarks/tree/develop/python_benchmarks/qr_codes)  78.4% detect, 58.7% decode vs 58.5 detect, 50.5% decode in default [main.py.txt](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/files/10762369/main.py.txt)  add new info to [google docs](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ufKyR-Zs-IGXwvqPgftssmTlceVjiQX364sbrjr2QU8/edit?usp=sharing) ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23595 from TolyaTalamanov:at/implement-openvino-backend
[G-API] Implement OpenVINO 2.0 backend #23595 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist Implemented basic functionality for `OpenVINO` 2.0 G-API backend. #### Overview - [x] Implement `Infer` kernel with some of essential configurable parameters + IR/Blob models format support. - [ ] Implement the rest of kernels: `InferList`, `InferROI`, `Infer2` + other configurable params (e.g reshape) - [x] Asyncrhonous execution support - [ ] Remote context support See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [ ] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23721 from asmorkalov:as/openjpeg_2.5_warning_fix
Fixed OpenJPEG 2000 compiler warning for some GCC versions (#23710) |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23668 from TolyaTalamanov:at/fix-resize-applying-logic-ie-backend
WIP: [G-API] IE Backend: Update the condition for applying the resize preprocessing |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23722 from asmorkalov:as/python_classifiers_update
Python package classifiers sync with OpenCV-Python repo |
2 years ago |
0787c31f41 |
Python package classifiers sync with OpenCV-Python repo.
2 years ago |
2f805ff7ad |
Fixed OpenJPEG 2000 compiler warning for some GCC versions (#23710).
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #21797 from anna-khakimova:ak/merge3_extend_supported_types
GAPI Fluid SIMD:Add support of new several types for the Merge3 - Support of the new several types was added. - Fixes for the Split/Merge and ConvertTo issues. |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23597 from dmatveev:dm/gapi_onnx_py_integration
G-API: Integration branch for ONNX & Python-related changes #23597 # Changes overview ## 1. Expose ONNX backend's Normalization and Mean-value parameters in Python * Since Python G-API bindings rely on `Generic` infer to express Inference, the `Generic` specialization of `onnx::Params` was extended with new methods to control normalization (`/255`) and mean-value; these methods were exposed in the Python bindings * Found some questionable parts in the existing API which I'd like to review/discuss (see comments) UPD: 1. Thanks to @TolyaTalamanov normalization inconsistencies have been identified with `squeezenet1.0-9` ONNX model itself; tests using these model were updated to DISABLE normalization and NOT using mean/value. 2. Questionable parts were removed and tests still pass. ### Details (taken from @TolyaTalamanov's comment): `squeezenet1.0.*onnx` - doesn't require scaling to [0,1] and mean/std because the weights of the first convolution already scaled. ONNX documentation is broken. So the correct approach to use this models is: 1. ONNX: apply preprocessing from the documentation: https://github.com/onnx/models/blob/main/vision/classification/imagenet_preprocess.py#L8-L44 but without normalization step: ``` # DON'T DO IT: # mean_vec = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) # stddev_vec = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) # norm_img_data = np.zeros(img_data.shape).astype('float32') # for i in range(img_data.shape[0]): # norm_img_data[i,:,:] = (img_data[i,:,:]/255 - mean_vec[i]) / stddev_vec[i] # # add batch channel # norm_img_data = norm_img_data.reshape(1, 3, 224, 224).astype('float32') # return norm_img_data # INSTEAD return img_data.reshape(1, 3, 224, 224) ``` 2. G-API: Convert image from BGR to RGB and then pass to `apply` as-is with configuring parameters: ``` net = cv.gapi.onnx.params('squeezenet', model_filename) net.cfgNormalize('data_0', False) ``` **Note**: Results might be difference because `G-API` doesn't apply central crop but just do resize to model resolution. --- `squeezenet1.1.*onnx` - requires scaling to [0,1] and mean/std - onnx documentation is correct. 1. ONNX: apply preprocessing from the documentation: https://github.com/onnx/models/blob/main/vision/classification/imagenet_preprocess.py#L8-L44 2. G-API: Convert image from BGR to RGB and then pass to `apply` as-is with configuring parameters: ``` net = cv.gapi.onnx.params('squeezenet', model_filename) net.cfgNormalize('data_0', True) // default net.cfgMeanStd('data_0', [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ``` **Note**: Results might be difference because `G-API` doesn't apply central crop but just do resize to model resolution. ## 2. Expose Fluid & kernel package-related functionality in Python * `cv::gapi::combine()` * `cv::GKernelPackage::size()` (mainly for testing purposes) * `cv::gapi::imgproc::fluid::kernels()` Added a test for the above. ## 3. Fixed issues with Python stateful kernel handling Fixed error message when `outMeta()` of custom python operation fails. ## 4. Fixed various issues in Python tests 1. `test_gapi_streaming.py` - fixed behavior of Desync test to avoid sporadic issues 2. `test_gapi_infer_onnx.py` - fixed model lookup (it was still using the ONNX Zoo layout but was NOT using the proper env var we use to point to one). ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23690 from chacha21:rotatedRectangleIntersection_precision
better accuracy for _rotatedRectangleIntersection() (proposal for #23546) #23690 _rotatedRectangleIntersection() can be (statically) customized to use double instead of float for better accuracy this is a proposal for experimentation around #23546 for better accuracy, _rotatedRectangleIntersection() could use double. It will still return cv::Point2f list for backward compatibility, but the inner computations are controlled by a typedef - [X] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [X] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [X] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [X] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23707 from Orange-OpenSource:ONNX_Squeeze_negative_index_for_the_axes_attribute
Addition of normalize_axis to ONNXImporter::parseSqueeze |
2 years ago |
0442c6fa81 |
Addition of normalize_axis to ONNXImporter::parseSqueeze to support negative values for the axes attribut.
Negative values are part of the ONNX optset>=11. Signed-off-by: Olivier Hotel <olivier.hotel@orange.com> |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23703 from Abdurrahheem:ash/graph_simplifier
Added missing index for skipping subgraph simplification |
2 years ago |
ecd2e8ff47 |
added index that check all inputs of nodes that
match |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23567 from seanm:UBSan-overflow
Reformulated some pointer arithmetic to avoid (unsigned) overflow |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23514 from tappytaps:mac-catalyst-fix
updated mac catalyst target to be compatible with latest xCode / macos |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23698 from cpoerschke:4.x-pr-21959-perf
imgproc: add basic IntelligentScissorsMB performance test #23698 Adding basic performance test that can be used before and after the #21959 changes etc. as per @asmorkalov's https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/21959#issuecomment-1565240926 comment. ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [X] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [X] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [X] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [X] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23682 from asmorkalov:as/openjpeg_2.5.0
3rdparty: OpenJPEG update 2.4.0 => 2.5.0 |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23695 from triple-Mu:triplemu/fix-python-binding
Update setup.py |
2 years ago |
Update setup.py
Fix error: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'typing_stub_files' referenced before assignment |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23694 from dkurt:update_matchTemplateMask
Update matchTemplate with mask |
2 years ago |
2083fdc9c0 |
Fixed UBSan warning about undefined pointer arithmetic overflow
Pointer arithmetic overflow is always undefined, whether signed or unsigned. It warned here: `Addition of unsigned offset to 0x00017fd31b97 overflowed to 0x00017fd30c97` Convert the offset to a signed number, so that we can offset either forward or backwards. In my own use of OpenCV at least, this is the only case of pointer arithmetic overflow. |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23691 from dkurt:pycv_float16_fixes
Import and export np.float16 in Python #23691 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist * Also, fixes `cv::norm` with `NORM_INF` and `CV_16F` resolves https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/23687 See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23677 from asmorkalov:as/objc_naming_backport
ObjC naming backport from 5.x |
2 years ago |
c97942cf78 |
Fix mask thresholding
2 years ago |
6157db6462 |
Fixed matchTemplate function. #23585
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #20370 from ddacw:stub-gen-next
Python typing stub generation #20370 Add stub generation to `gen2.py`, addressing #14590. ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or other license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to proper branch - [x] There is reference to original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake |
2 years ago |
a63636171e |
Re-integrated OpenJPEG 2.5.0 to OpenCV.
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23625 from zihaomu:improve_conv
DNN: Remove unnecessary flags for convolution |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23684 from LaurentBerger:I23683
solve Issue I23683 |
2 years ago |
Merge pull request #23686 from LaurentBerger:I23685
solve Issue 23685 |
2 years ago |