add thread-safe startup of fastMalloc and fastFree
* add perf test core memory allocation
* fix threading in isAlignedAllocationEnabled()
* tweaks requested by maintainer
Ordinary quaternion
* version 1.0
* add assumeUnit;
add UnitTest;
check boundary value;
fix the func using method: func(obj);
fix 4x4;
add rodrigues vector transformation;
fix mat to quat;
* fix blank and tab
* fix blank and tab
modify test;cpp to hpp
* mainly improve comment;
add rvec2Quat;fix toRodrigues;
fix throw to CV_Error
* fix bug of quatd * int;
combine hpp and cpp;
fix << overload error in win system;
modify include in test file;
* move implementation to quaternion.ini.hpp;
change some constructor to createFrom* function;
change Rodrigues vector to rotation vector;
change the matexpr to mat of 3x3 return type;
improve comments;
* try fix log function error in win
* add enums for assumeUnit;
improve docs;
add using std::cos funcs
* remove using std::* from header;
add std::* in affine.hpp,warpers_inl.hpp;
* quat: coding style
* quat: AssumeType => QuatAssumeType
The most of target machine use one type cpu unit resource
to execute some one type of instruction, e.g.
all vx_load API use load/store cpu unit,
and v_muladd API use mul/mula cpu unit, we interleave
vx_load and v_muladd to improve performance on most targets like
Added clapack
* bring a small subset of Lapack, automatically converted to C, into OpenCV
* added missing lsame_ prototype
* * small fix in make_clapack script
* trying to fix remaining CI problems
* fixed character arrays' initializers
* get rid of F2C_STR_MAX
* * added back single-precision versions for QR, LU and Cholesky decompositions. It adds very little extra overhead.
* added stub version of sdesdd.
* uncommented calls to all the single-precision Lapack functions from opencv/core/src/hal_internal.cpp.
* fixed warning from Visual Studio + cleaned f2c runtime a bit
* * regenerated Lapack w/o forward declarations of intrinsic functions (such as sqrt(), r_cnjg() etc.)
* at once, trailing whitespaces are removed from the generated sources, just in case
* since there is no declarations of intrinsic functions anymore, we could turn some of them into inline functions
* trying to eliminate the crash on ARM
* fixed API and semantics of s_copy
* * CLapack has been tested successfully. It's now time to restore the standard LAPACK detection procedure
* removed some more trailing whitespaces
* * retained only the essential stuff in CLapack
* added checks to lapack calls to gracefully return "not implemented" instead of returning invalid results with "ok" status
* disabled warning when building lapack
* cmake: update LAPACK detection
Co-authored-by: Alexander Alekhin <>
[GSoC] OpenCV.js: WASM SIMD optimization 2.0
* gsoc_2020_simd Add perf test for filter2d
* add perf test for kernel scharr and kernel gaussianBlur
* add perf test for blur, medianBlur, erode, dilate
* fix the errors for the opencv PR robot
fix the trailing whitespace.
* add perf tests for kernel remap, warpAffine, warpPersepective, pyrDown
* fix a bug in modules/js/perf/perf_imgproc/perf_remap.js
* add function smoothBorder in helpfun.js and remove replicated function in perf test of warpAffine and warpPrespective
* fix the trailing white space issues
* add OpenCV.js loader
* Implement the Loader with help of WebAssembly Feature Detection, remove trailing whitespaces
* modify the explantion for loader in js_setup.markdown and fix bug in loader.js