QR-Code detector : multiple detection
* change in qr-codes detection
* change in qr-codes detection
* change in test
* change in test
* add multiple detection
* multiple detection
* multiple detect
* add parallel implementation
* add functional for performance tests
* change in test
* add perftest
* returned implementation for 1 qr-code, added support for vector<Mat> and vector<vector<Point2f>> in MultipleDetectAndDecode
* deleted all lambda expressions
* changing in triangle sort
* fixed warnings
* fixed errors
* add java and python tests
* change in java tests
* change in java and python tests
* change in perf test
* change in qrcode.cpp
* add spaces
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in java tests
* change in java tests
* solved problems
* solved problems
* change in java and python tests
* change in python tests
* change in python tests
* change in python tests
* change in methods name
* deleted sample qrcode_multi, change in qrcode.cpp
* change in perf tests
* change in objdetect.hpp
* deleted code duplication in sample qrcode.cpp
* returned spaces
* added spaces
* deleted draw function
* change in qrcode.cpp
* change in qrcode.cpp
* deleted all draw functions
* objdetect(QR): extractVerticalLines
* objdetect(QR): whitespaces
* objdetect(QR): simplify operations, avoid duplicated code
* change in interface, additional checks in java and python tests, added new key in sample for saving original image from camera
* fix warnings and errors in python test
* fix
* write in file with space key
* solved error with empty mat check in python test
* correct path to test image
* deleted spaces
* solved error with check empty mat in python tests
* added check of empty vector of points
* samples: rework qrcode.cpp
* objdetect(QR): fix API, input parameters must be first
* objdetect(QR): test/fix points layout
- fix imports override.
Problem is observed with BoostDesc.
- add Ptr<> handling (constructor is protected from other packages).
Observed in ximgproc:
Ptr<StereoMatcher> createRightMatcher(Ptr<StereoMatcher> matcher_left)"
where, "StereoMather" is from another package (calib3d)
* Adds the main features2d header to the parse list for the generator.
* Removes the manual definition of drawKeypoints and drawMatches since these are now included in the main header.
* Updates the generator to ignore SimpleBlobDetector, FlannBasedMatcher and DescriptorMatcher as these cause conflicts with the generator. This is okay since these were not previously included in the distribution anyway, so no harm is done.