Fix loading of ONNX models with Resize operation with Opset 11 for newer versions of Pytorch
* Add reproducer for Resize operation from newer versions of Pytorch
* Fix loading of scales parameter for Resize layer
* Change check type for better diagnostic messages
Fix KD Tree kNN Implementation
* Make KDTree mode in kNN functional
remove docs and revert change
Make KDTree mode in kNN functional
Make KDTree mode in kNN functional
fix window compilations warnings
Make KDTree mode in kNN functional
fix window compilations warnings
Make KDTree mode in kNN functional
Make KDTree mode in kNN functional
Make KDTree mode in kNN functional
* test coding style
Bit exact gaussian blur for 16bit unsigned int
* bit-exact gaussian kernel for CV_16U
* SIMD optimization
* template GaussianBlurFixedPoint
* remove template specialization
* simd support for h3N121 uint16
* test for u16 gaussian blur
* remove unnecessary comments
* fix return type of raw()
* add typedef of native internal type in fixedpoint
* update return type of raw()
Bit-exact Nearest Neighbor Resizing
* bit exact resizeNN
* change the value of method enum
* add bitexact-nn to ResizeExactTest
* test to compare with non-exact version
* add perf for bit-exact resizenn
* use cvFloor-equivalent
* 1/3 scaling is not stable for floating calculation
* stricter test
* bugfix: broken data in case of 6 or 12bytes elements
* bugfix: broken data in default pix_size
* stricter threshold
* use raw() for floor
* use double instead of int
* follow code reviews
* fewer cases in perf test
* center pixel convention
* Fix ONNX loading in issues opencv#17516, opencv#17531
* Add tests for Linear and Matmul layers
* Disable tests for IE versions lower than 20.4
* Skip unstable tests with OpenCL FP16 on Intel GPU
* Add correct test filtering for OpenCL FP16 tests
- OpenCL kernel cleanup processing is asynchronous and can be called even after forced clFinish()
- buffers are released later in asynchronous mode
- silence these false positive cases for asynchronous cleanup
Improve initialization performance of Brisk
fix formatting
Improve initialization performance of Brisk
Improve initialization performance of Brisk
make a lookup table for ring
use cosine/sine lookup table for theta in brisk and utilize trig identity
fix ring lookup table
use cosine/sine lookup table for theta in brisk and utilize trig identity
use cosine/sine lookup table for theta in brisk and utilize trig identity
move scale radius product to ring loop to ensure it's not recomputed for each rot
revert change
move scale radius product to ring loop to ensure it's not recomputed for each rot
remove rings lookup table
move scale radius product to ring loop to ensure it's not recomputed for each rot
fix formatting of for loop
move scale radius product to ring loop to ensure it's not recomputed for each rot
use sine/cosine approximations for brisk lookup table.
add documentation for sine/cosine lookup tables
Improve initialization performance of BRISK
* 8-bit SIFT descriptors
* use clearer parameter
* update docs
* propagate type info
* overload function for avoiding ABI-break
* bugfix: some values are undefined when CV_SIMD is absent