* Corrected minor typos in comments/function signatures
* Added new details to copyright statement
* Removed unreferenced macros
* Removed the assert statement which was checking the type of the OutputArray triangle
* When returning results using Mat::copyTo instead of Mat::convertTo
* Changed C-style casts to static_casts
* Added division by zero check to distanceFromPointToLine() function
* Updated reference webpages last access dates
* Moved the declaration of the gammaOfA variable outside the while loop in moveAIfLowAndBIfHigh() function for efficiency reasons
Changed the sample source file minarea.cpp to use the overloaded version of the function.
Updated some comments in the min_enclosing_triangle.cpp source file.
1. The function receives a set of points as input instead of a convex polygon with more than three vertices
2. The convex hull P is computed inside the function
3.1. If the number of vertices of P is greater than three then the algorithm which was implemented before executes
3.2. Otherwise the vertices of the triangle are picked from the vertices of the given polygon and the area computed