From commit dd74a851, to be exact. Now cap_ffmpeg.cpp should actually
build if HAVE_FFMPEG is true.
Also modified some gpu sources in a similar manner.
libpng 1.5+ recommends a call to png_set_interlace_handling() if you use
png_read_update_info and png_read_image. It will generate a warning
without it.
OpenCV's automatic builds don't care if you store an unsigned int into
an int, but they don't want you to compare signed with unsigned. Does
that make sense?
cap_qtkit does not work when the capture is run outside of the main
If the capture is launched in a separate thread, then [NSRunLoop
currentRunLoop] is not the same as in the main thread, and has no timer.
"If no input sources or timers are attached to the run loop, this
method exits immediately"
Using usleep() (which I previously proposed, and was reverted) is not a
good alternative, because it may block the GUI.
Here is the new proposed solution:
- create a dummy timer so that runUntilDate does not exit immediately
- simplify the loop by using runUntilDate instead of runMode:beforeDate
- fix potential memory leaks (pointed out by Xcode's static analysis)
- fix init to follow Objective-C guidelines
- fax warnings about conversions from size_t to int
VideoCapture didn't call release method and just ignored the new capture sources.
OpenCV documentation:
bool VideoCapture::open(const string& filename);
bool VideoCapture::open(int device);
The methods first call VideoCapture::release() to close the already opened file or camera.
Now the HAVE_* macros are set using cvconfig.h. Previously most
of them already were there, but were always undefined. One,
HAVE_COCOA, I had to add.
This also makes the CMake code more consistent; now, WITH_* variables
are always checked in cmake/*, while HAVE_* variables are checked in
I've left HAVE_LIBPTHREAD as a CMake variable, since TBB's build depends on it.
Some macros in internal.hpp depended on HAVE_ALLOCA_H, but they were, in turn,
unused, so I've just deleted them all.