Anatoly Baksheev
Viz initial backport, compilation fixes, moved viz/viz.hpp header according to 2.4 style
11 years ago
Ozan Tonkal
include viz tutorials in the main tutorials file. ignore viz samples
11 years ago
Alexander Shishkov
small changes in the tutorial
11 years ago
Fedor Morozov
Robertson and tutorial
11 years ago
alexandre benoit
adding retina tutorial
12 years ago
alexandre benoit
adding retina tutorial
12 years ago
Vadim Pisarevsky
added ios tutorials by Charu Hans and Eduard Feicho
12 years ago
Bernat Gabor
Ok, now optimized the tutorial size for real. Made JPG/PNG optimization for all the images. Modified some tutorial files to follow these size optimizations. Now the tutorial PDF generated is 3.95MB, so enjoy!
14 years ago
Bernat Gabor
1) Converted all images to JPG to reduce size.
2) Added a raw Latex page break directive after each TOC tree. (For the PDF tutorial look).
3) Two finished tutorials:
a) one describing how the Mat data structure works and its output capabilities (format function) (demonstration YouTube video included).
b) one describing image scanning operations plus the LUT function (demonstration YouTube video included).
c) a basic filtering approach (plus multi row image scanning demonstration) in the work.
14 years ago
Bernat Gabor
New structure (following the documentation) for the tutorials. Normalized image sizes for TOC display.
14 years ago
Ana Huaman
Deleting old tutorial files and put them in folders
14 years ago
Ana Huaman
Added tutorial in reST for Morphology 1
14 years ago
Ana Huaman
Added Smoothing tutorial in reST and links to the code in samples/cpp/tutorial_code
14 years ago
Bernat Gabor
A "Hello World" like tutorial to assure that I have submit rights to the tutorial section.
14 years ago
Ana Huaman
Added two more drawing tutorials
14 years ago
Ana Huaman
Saving the first batch of tutorials: Short installation guide and a few tutorials for beginners
14 years ago