- added functionality to collect memory usage of OpenCL sybsystem
- memory usage of fastMalloc() (disabled by default):
* It is not accurate sometimes - external memory profiler is required.
- specify common `CV_TEST_TAG_` macros
- added applyTestTag() function
- write memory usage / enabled tags into Google Tests output file (.xml)
__ridx__ is an _undefined name_ in this context but __self.ridx__ is used three other times in this method and nine times in this class. Undefined names may raise [NameError](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#NameError) at runtime.
flake8 testing of https://github.com/opencv/opencv
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics__
./modules/ts/misc/table_formatter.py:50:23: F821 undefined name 'ridx'
self.rows[ridx + 1].props = properties
--help message and starting run.py w/o parameters generate different messages
E. g. w/ and w/o build_path in the end
build_path is required, removing square brackets
Some of functions were enabled on Qualcomm S800 by changing grid size;
OpenCL kernel grid size unification for different platfroms;
Test pass rate improvements by inclreasing threshold;
Some tests were disabled for Android;
run.py was adopted for devices with brackets in in name.
Previously, run.py would assume that the opencv_java library is in the
same directory as the tests, which is only true on Windows.
The library path depends on the build configuration, which may not be
known until the actual build (e.g. with the Visual Studio generators),
so it can't be stored in the CMake cache for run.py to read. I didn't
want to hardcode into run.py where the library is on each platform,
either. So that's why I used the current scheme with the properties
file. It also makes running the tests without run.py a little easier.