it's now true MSER algorithm that works well on binary images too

Vadim Pisarevsky 10 years ago
parent b5a7122855
commit fede94e979
  1. 346

@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
* OpenCV functions for MSER extraction
* 1. there are two different implementation of MSER, one for grey image, one for color image
* 2. the grey image algorithm is taken from: Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions;
* 1. there are two different implementation of MSER, one for gray image, one for color image
* 2. the gray image algorithm is taken from: Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions;
* the paper claims to be faster than union-find method;
* it actually get 1.5~2m/s on my centrino L7200 1.2GHz laptop.
* 3. the color image algorithm is taken from: Maximally Stable Colour Regions for Recognition and Match;
* it should be much slower than grey image method ( 3~4 times );
* it should be much slower than gray image method ( 3~4 times );
* the chi_table.h file is taken directly from paper's source code which is distributed under GPL.
* 4. though the name is *contours*, the result actually is a list of point set.
@ -121,15 +121,129 @@ public:
typedef int PPixel;
struct WParams
Params p;
vector<vector<Point> >* msers;
vector<Rect>* bboxvec;
Pixel* pix0;
int step;
// the history of region grown
struct CompHistory
CompHistory() { shortcut = child = 0; stable = val = size = 0; }
CompHistory* shortcut;
CompHistory* child;
int stable; // when it ever stabled before, record the size
parent_ = child_ = next_ = 0;
val = size = 0;
var = -1.f;
head = 0;
checked = false;
void updateTree( WParams& wp, CompHistory** _h0, CompHistory** _h1, bool final )
if( var >= 0.f )
int delta =;
CompHistory* h0_ = 0, *h1_ = 0;
CompHistory* c = child_;
if( size >= wp.p.minArea )
for( ; c != 0; c = c->next_ )
if( c->var < 0.f )
c->updateTree(wp, c == child_ ? &h0_ : 0, c == child_ ? &h1_ : 0, final);
if( c->var < 0.f )
// find h0 and h1 such that:
// h0->val >= h->val - delta and (h0->parent == 0 or h0->parent->val < h->val - delta)
// h1->val <= h->val + delta and (h1->child == 0 or h1->child->val < h->val + delta)
// then we will adjust h0 and h1 as h moves towards latest
CompHistory* h0 = this, *h1 = h1_ && h1_->size > size ? h1_ : this;
if( h0_ )
for( h0 = h0_; h0 != this && h0->val < val - delta; h0 = h0->parent_ )
for( ; h0->child_ && h0->child_->val >= val - delta; h0 = h0->child_ )
for( ; h1->parent_ && h1->parent_->val <= val + delta; h1 = h1->parent_ )
if( _h0 ) *_h0 = h0;
if( _h1 ) *_h1 = h1;
// when we do not well-defined ER(h->val + delta), we stop
// the process of computing variances unless we are at the final step
if( !final && !h1->parent_ && h1->val < val + delta )
var = (float)(h1->size - h0->size)/size;
c = child_;
for( ; c != 0; c = c->next_ )
if( final && !parent_ )
void checkAndCapture( WParams& wp )
if( checked )
checked = true;
if( size < wp.p.minArea || size > wp.p.maxArea || var < 0.f || var > wp.p.maxVariation )
if( child_ )
CompHistory* c = child_;
for( ; c != 0; c = c->next_ )
if( c->var >= 0.f && var > c->var )
if( parent_ && parent_->var >= 0.f && var >= parent_->var )
int xmin = INT_MAX, ymin = INT_MAX, xmax = INT_MIN, ymax = INT_MIN, j = 0;
vector<Point>& region = wp.msers->back();
const Pixel* pix0 = wp.pix0;
int step = wp.step;
for( PPixel pix = head; j < size; j++, pix = pix0[pix].getNext() )
int y = pix/step;
int x = pix - y*step;
xmin = std::min(xmin, x);
xmax = std::max(xmax, x);
ymin = std::min(ymin, y);
ymax = std::max(ymax, y);
region[j] = Point(x, y);
wp.bboxvec->push_back(Rect(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin + 1, ymax - ymin + 1));
CompHistory* child_;
CompHistory* parent_;
CompHistory* next_;
int val;
int size;
float var;
PPixel head;
bool checked;
struct ConnectedComp
@ -144,141 +258,87 @@ public:
head = tail = 0;
history = 0;
size = 0;
grey_level = gray;
dvar = false;
var = 0;
gray_level = gray;
// add history chunk to a connected component
void growHistory( CompHistory* h )
void growHistory( CompHistory*& hptr, WParams& wp, int new_gray_level, bool final, bool force=false )
h->child = h;
if( !history )
h->shortcut = h;
h->stable = 0;
bool update = final;
if( new_gray_level < 0 )
new_gray_level = gray_level;
if( !history || (history->size != size && size > 0 &&
(gray_level != history->val || force)))
history->child = h;
h->shortcut = history->shortcut;
h->stable = history->stable;
CompHistory* h = hptr++;
h->parent_ = 0;
h->child_ = history;
h->next_ = 0;
if( history )
history->parent_ = h;
h->val = gray_level;
h->size = size;
h->head = head;
history = h;
h->var = FLT_MAX;
h->checked = true;
if( h->size >= wp.p.minArea )
h->var = -1.f;
h->checked = false;
update = true;
h->val = grey_level;
h->size = size;
history = h;
gray_level = new_gray_level;
if( update && history )
history->updateTree(wp, 0, 0, final);
// merging two connected components
static void
merge( const ConnectedComp* comp1,
const ConnectedComp* comp2,
ConnectedComp* comp,
CompHistory* h,
Pixel* pix0 )
void merge( ConnectedComp* comp1, ConnectedComp* comp2,
CompHistory*& hptr, WParams& wp )
comp->grey_level = comp2->grey_level;
h->child = h;
// select the winner by size
if ( comp1->size < comp2->size )
std::swap(comp1, comp2);
comp1->growHistory( hptr, wp, -1, false );
comp2->growHistory( hptr, wp, -1, false );
if( !comp1->history )
h->shortcut = h;
h->stable = 0;
comp1->history->child = h;
h->shortcut = comp1->history->shortcut;
h->stable = comp1->history->stable;
if( comp2->history && comp2->history->stable > h->stable )
h->stable = comp2->history->stable;
h->val = comp1->grey_level;
h->size = comp1->size;
// put comp1 to history
comp->var = comp1->var;
comp->dvar = comp1->dvar;
if( comp1->size > 0 && comp2->size > 0 )
PPixel head = comp1->size > 0 ? comp1->head : comp2->head;
PPixel tail = comp2->size > 0 ? comp2->tail : comp1->tail;
// always made the newly added in the last of the pixel list (comp1 ... comp2)
comp->head = head;
comp->tail = tail;
comp->history = h;
comp->size = comp1->size + comp2->size;
if( comp1->size < comp2->size )
std::swap(comp1, comp2);
float calcVariation( int delta ) const
if( !history )
return 1.f;
int val = grey_level;
CompHistory* shortcut = history->shortcut;
while( shortcut != shortcut->shortcut && shortcut->val + delta > val )
shortcut = shortcut->shortcut;
CompHistory* child = shortcut->child;
while( child != child->child && child->val + delta <= val )
if( comp2->size == 0 )
shortcut = child;
child = child->child;
gray_level = comp1->gray_level;
head = comp1->head;
tail = comp1->tail;
size = comp1->size;
history = comp1->history;
// get the position of history where the shortcut->val <= delta+val and shortcut->child->val >= delta+val
history->shortcut = shortcut;
return (float)(size - shortcut->size)/(float)shortcut->size;
// here is a small modification of MSER where cal ||R_{i}-R_{i-delta}||/||R_{i-delta}||
// in standard MSER, cal ||R_{i+delta}-R_{i-delta}||/||R_{i}||
// my calculation is simpler and much easier to implement
bool isStable(const Params& p)
// tricky part: it actually check the stablity of one-step back
if( !history || history->size <= p.minArea || history->size >= p.maxArea )
return false;
float div = (float)(history->size - history->stable)/(float)history->size;
float _var = calcVariation( );
bool _dvar = (var < _var) || (history->val + 1 < grey_level);
bool stable = _dvar && !dvar && _var < p.maxVariation && div > p.minDiversity;
var = _var;
dvar = _dvar;
if( stable )
history->stable = history->size;
return stable;
CompHistory* h1 = comp1->history;
CompHistory* h2 = comp2->history;
// convert the point set to CvSeq
Rect capture( const Pixel* pix0, int step, vector<Point>& region ) const
int xmin = INT_MAX, ymin = INT_MAX, xmax = INT_MIN, ymax = INT_MIN;
gray_level = std::max(comp1->gray_level, comp2->gray_level);
history = comp1->history;
for( PPixel pix = head; pix != 0; pix = pix0[pix].getNext() )
head = comp1->head;
tail = comp2->tail;
size = comp1->size + comp2->size;
bool keep_2nd = h2->size > wp.p.minArea;
growHistory( hptr, wp, -1, false, keep_2nd );
if( keep_2nd )
int y = pix/step;
int x = pix - y*step;
xmin = std::min(xmin, x);
xmax = std::max(xmax, x);
ymin = std::min(ymin, y);
ymax = std::max(ymax, y);
region.push_back(Point(x, y));
h1->next_ = h2;
h2->parent_ = history;
return Rect(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin + 1, ymax - ymin + 1);
PPixel head;
PPixel tail;
CompHistory* history;
int grey_level;
int gray_level;
int size;
float var; // the current variation (most time is the variation of one-step back)
bool dvar; // the derivative of last var
void detectRegions( InputArray image,
@ -296,7 +356,7 @@ public:
heapbuf.resize(cols*rows + 256);
Pixel borderpix;
for( j = 0; j < step; j++ )
@ -349,6 +409,12 @@ public:
Pixel** heap[256];
ConnectedComp comp[257];
ConnectedComp* comptr = &comp[0];
WParams wp;
wp.p = params;
wp.msers = &msers;
wp.bboxvec = &bboxvec;
wp.pix0 = ptr0;
wp.step = step;
heap[0] = &heapbuf[0];
heap[0][0] = 0;
@ -359,9 +425,9 @@ public:
heap[i][0] = 0;
comptr->grey_level = 256;
comptr->gray_level = 256;
comptr->grey_level = ptr->getGray(ptr0, imgptr0, mask);
comptr->gray_level = ptr->getGray(ptr0, imgptr0, mask);
int dir[] = { 0, 1, step, -1, -step };
for( ;; )
@ -427,48 +493,32 @@ public:
ptr = *heap[curr_gray];
if( curr_gray < comptr[-1].grey_level )
// check the stablity and push a new history, increase the grey level
if( comptr->isStable(params) )
vector<Point>& mser = msers.back();
Rect box = comptr->capture( ptr0, step, mser );
comptr->growHistory( histptr++ );
comptr[0].grey_level = curr_gray;
if( curr_gray < comptr[-1].gray_level )
comptr->growHistory(histptr, wp, curr_gray, false);
// keep merging top two comp in stack until the grey level >= pixel_val
// keep merging top two comp in stack until the gray level >= pixel_val
ConnectedComp::merge(comptr+1, comptr, comptr, histptr++, ptr0);
if( curr_gray <= comptr[0].grey_level )
comptr->merge(comptr, comptr+1, histptr, wp);
if( curr_gray <= comptr[0].gray_level )
if( curr_gray < comptr[-1].grey_level )
if( curr_gray < comptr[-1].gray_level )
// check the stablity here otherwise it wouldn't be an ER
if( comptr->isStable(params) )
vector<Point>& mser = msers.back();
Rect box = comptr->capture( ptr0, step, mser );
comptr->growHistory( histptr++ );
comptr[0].grey_level = curr_gray;
comptr->growHistory(histptr, wp, curr_gray, false);
for( ; comptr->gray_level != 256; comptr-- )
comptr->growHistory(histptr, wp, 256, true, true);
Mat tempsrc;
