Merge pull request #11610 from savuor:fix/stereobm_simd_fixed_float

* StereoBM: fixed SIMD processing for fixed-type output arrays

* changed norm type and threshold, added assertion

* fixed disp_shift
Rostislav Vasilikhin 7 years ago committed by Alexander Alekhin
parent ccbc0b91ea
commit fc35c77f00
  1. 68
  2. 6

@ -284,7 +284,39 @@ prefilterXSobel( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int ftzero )
static const int DISPARITY_SHIFT_16S = 4;
static const int DISPARITY_SHIFT_32S = 8;
template <typename T>
struct dispShiftTemplate
{ };
struct dispShiftTemplate<short>
enum { value = DISPARITY_SHIFT_16S };
struct dispShiftTemplate<int>
enum { value = DISPARITY_SHIFT_32S };
template <typename T>
inline T dispDescale(int /*v1*/, int /*v2*/, int /*d*/);
inline short dispDescale(int v1, int v2, int d)
return (short)((v1*256 + (d != 0 ? v2*256/d : 0) + 15) >> 4);
template <>
inline int dispDescale(int v1, int v2, int d)
return (int)(v1*256 + (d != 0 ? v2*256/d : 0)); // no need to add 127, this will be converted to float
#if CV_SIMD128
template <typename dType>
static void findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
Mat& disp, Mat& cost, StereoBMParams& state,
uchar* buf, int _dy0, int _dy1 )
@ -302,7 +334,8 @@ static void findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
int ftzero = state.preFilterCap;
int textureThreshold = state.textureThreshold;
int uniquenessRatio = state.uniquenessRatio;
short FILTERED = (short)((mindisp - 1) << DISPARITY_SHIFT_16S);
const int disp_shift = dispShiftTemplate<dType>::value;
dType FILTERED = (dType)((mindisp - 1) << disp_shift);
ushort *sad, *hsad0, *hsad, *hsad_sub;
int *htext;
@ -310,7 +343,7 @@ static void findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
const uchar* lptr0 = left.ptr() + lofs;
const uchar* rptr0 = right.ptr() + rofs;
const uchar *lptr, *lptr_sub, *rptr;
short* dptr = disp.ptr<short>();
dType* dptr = disp.ptr<dType>();
int sstep = (int)left.step;
int dstep = (int)(disp.step/sizeof(dptr[0]));
int cstep = (height + dy0 + dy1)*ndisp;
@ -527,10 +560,10 @@ static void findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
int p = sad[mind+1], n = sad[mind-1];
d = p + n - 2*sad[mind] + std::abs(p - n);
dptr[y*dstep] = (short)(((ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp)*256 + (d != 0 ? (p-n)*256/d : 0) + 15) >> 4);
dptr[y*dstep] = dispDescale<dType>(ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp, p-n, d);
dptr[y*dstep] = (short)((ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp)*16);
dptr[y*dstep] = dispDescale<dType>(ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp, 0, 0);
costptr[y*coststep] = sad[mind];
@ -540,8 +573,8 @@ static void findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
template <typename mType>
static void
findStereoCorrespondenceBM( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
Mat& disp, Mat& cost, const StereoBMParams& state,
uchar* buf, int _dy0, int _dy1, const int disp_shift )
Mat& disp, Mat& cost, const StereoBMParams& state,
uchar* buf, int _dy0, int _dy1 )
const int ALIGN = 16;
@ -557,6 +590,7 @@ findStereoCorrespondenceBM( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
int ftzero = state.preFilterCap;
int textureThreshold = state.textureThreshold;
int uniquenessRatio = state.uniquenessRatio;
const int disp_shift = dispShiftTemplate<mType>::value;
mType FILTERED = (mType)((mindisp - 1) << disp_shift);
#if CV_SIMD128
@ -849,8 +883,8 @@ findStereoCorrespondenceBM( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
sad[ndisp] = sad[ndisp-2];
int p = sad[mind+1], n = sad[mind-1];
d = p + n - 2*sad[mind] + std::abs(p - n);
dptr[y*dstep] = (mType)(((ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp)*256 + (d != 0 ? (p-n)*256/d : 0) + 15)
>> (DISPARITY_SHIFT_32S - disp_shift));
dptr[y*dstep] = dispDescale<mType>(ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp, p-n, d);
costptr[y*coststep] = sad[mind];
@ -980,7 +1014,10 @@ struct FindStereoCorrespInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody
int _row0 = std::min(cvRound(range.start * rows / nstripes), rows);
int _row1 = std::min(cvRound(range.end * rows / nstripes), rows);
uchar *ptr = slidingSumBuf->ptr() + range.start * stripeBufSize;
int FILTERED = (state->minDisparity - 1)*16;
int dispShift = disp->type() == CV_16S ? DISPARITY_SHIFT_16S :
int FILTERED = (state->minDisparity - 1) << dispShift;
Rect roi = validDisparityRect & Rect(0, _row0, cols, _row1 - _row0);
if( roi.height == 0 )
@ -1008,15 +1045,18 @@ struct FindStereoCorrespInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody
#if CV_SIMD128
if( useSIMD && useShorts )
findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD( left_i, right_i, disp_i, cost_i, *state, ptr, row0, rows - row1 );
if( disp_i.type() == CV_16S)
findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD<short>( left_i, right_i, disp_i, cost_i, *state, ptr, row0, rows - row1 );
findStereoCorrespondenceBM_SIMD<int>( left_i, right_i, disp_i, cost_i, *state, ptr, row0, rows - row1);
if( disp_i.type() == CV_16S )
findStereoCorrespondenceBM<short>( left_i, right_i, disp_i, cost_i, *state, ptr, row0, rows - row1, DISPARITY_SHIFT_16S );
findStereoCorrespondenceBM<short>( left_i, right_i, disp_i, cost_i, *state, ptr, row0, rows - row1 );
findStereoCorrespondenceBM<int>( left_i, right_i, disp_i, cost_i, *state, ptr, row0, rows - row1, DISPARITY_SHIFT_32S );
findStereoCorrespondenceBM<int>( left_i, right_i, disp_i, cost_i, *state, ptr, row0, rows - row1 );
if( state->disp12MaxDiff >= 0 )
@ -1104,7 +1144,6 @@ public:
disp_shift = DISPARITY_SHIFT_32S;
int FILTERED = (params.minDisparity - 1) << disp_shift;
@ -1115,6 +1154,9 @@ public:
if(ocl_stereobm(left, right, disparr, &params))
disp_shift = DISPARITY_SHIFT_16S;
FILTERED = (params.minDisparity - 1) << disp_shift;
if( params.speckleRange >= 0 && params.speckleWindowSize > 0 )
filterSpeckles(disparr.getMat(), FILTERED, params.speckleWindowSize, params.speckleRange, slidingSumBuf);
if (dtype == CV_32F)

@ -791,6 +791,12 @@ protected:
bm->compute( leftImg, rightImg, tempDisp );
tempDisp.convertTo(leftDisp, CV_32F, 1./StereoMatcher::DISP_SCALE);
//check for fixed-type disparity data type
Mat_<float> fixedFloatDisp;
bm->compute( leftImg, rightImg, fixedFloatDisp );
EXPECT_LT(cvtest::norm(fixedFloatDisp, leftDisp, cv::NORM_L2 | cv::NORM_RELATIVE),
0.005 + DBL_EPSILON);
if (params.mindisp != 0)
for (int y = 0; y < leftDisp.rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < leftDisp.cols; x++)
