added special cases to RGBDOdometry (translation only, rotation only)

Maria Dimashova 13 years ago
parent f4e5209d5a
commit fbfc0cc96f
  1. 10
  2. 249
  3. 39

@ -629,13 +629,19 @@ namespace cv
* Estimate the rigid body motion from frame0 to frame1. The method is based on the paper
* "Real-Time Visual Odometry from Dense RGB-D Images", F. Steinbucker, J. Strum, D. Cremers, ICCV, 2011.
CV_EXPORTS struct TransformationType
enum { ROTATION = 1,
CV_EXPORTS bool RGBDOdometry( cv::Mat& Rt,
const cv::Mat& image0, const cv::Mat& depth0, const cv::Mat& mask0,
const cv::Mat& image1, const cv::Mat& depth1, const cv::Mat& mask1,
const cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, const std::vector<int>& iterCounts,
const std::vector<float>& minGradientMagnitudes,
float minDepth, float maxDepth, float maxDepthDiff );
float minDepth, float maxDepth, float maxDepthDiff, int transformType=TransformationType::RIGID_BODY_MOTION );
#include "opencv2/contrib/retina.hpp"

@ -54,15 +54,13 @@
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#if defined _MSC_VER
#include <limits>
using namespace cv;
inline static
void computeC( double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy )
void computeC_RigidBodyMotion( double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy )
double invz = 1. / p3d.z,
v0 = dIdx * fx * invz,
@ -77,6 +75,32 @@ void computeC( double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double f
C[5] = v2;
inline static
void computeC_Rotation( double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy )
double invz = 1. / p3d.z,
v0 = dIdx * fx * invz,
v1 = dIdy * fy * invz,
v2 = -(v0 * p3d.x + v1 * p3d.y) * invz;
C[0] = -p3d.z * v1 + p3d.y * v2;
C[1] = p3d.z * v0 - p3d.x * v2;
C[2] = -p3d.y * v0 + p3d.x * v1;
inline static
void computeC_Translation( double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy )
double invz = 1. / p3d.z,
v0 = dIdx * fx * invz,
v1 = dIdy * fy * invz,
v2 = -(v0 * p3d.x + v1 * p3d.y) * invz;
C[0] = v0;
C[1] = v1;
C[2] = v2;
inline static
void computeProjectiveMatrix( const Mat& ksi, Mat& Rt )
@ -131,6 +155,45 @@ void cvtDepth2Cloud( const Mat& depth, Mat& cloud, const Mat& cameraMatrix )
template<class ImageElemType>
static void warpImage( const Mat& image, const Mat& depth,
const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeff,
Mat& warpedImage )
const Rect rect = Rect(0, 0, image.cols, image.rows);
vector<Point2f> points2d;
Mat cloud, transformedCloud;
cvtDepth2Cloud( depth, cloud, cameraMatrix );
perspectiveTransform( cloud, transformedCloud, Rt );
projectPoints( transformedCloud.reshape(3,1), Mat::eye(3,3,CV_64FC1), Mat::zeros(3,1,CV_64FC1), cameraMatrix, distCoeff, points2d );
Mat pointsPositions( points2d );
pointsPositions = pointsPositions.reshape( 2, image.rows );
warpedImage.create( image.size(), image.type() );
warpedImage = Scalar::all(0);
Mat zBuffer( image.size(), CV_32FC1, FLT_MAX );
for( int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ )
const Point3f p3d =<Point3f>(y,x);
const Point p2d =<Point2f>(y,x);
if( !cvIsNaN(<Point3f>(y,x).z) &&<Point3f>(y,x).z > 0 &&
rect.contains(p2d) &&<float>(p2d) > p3d.z )
{<ImageElemType>(p2d) =<ImageElemType>(y,x);<float>(p2d) = p3d.z;
static inline
void set2shorts( int& dst, int short_v1, int short_v2 )
@ -186,7 +249,7 @@ int computeCorresp( const Mat& K, const Mat& K_inv, const Mat& Rt,
if( r.contains(Point(u0,v0)) )
float d0 =<float>(v0,u0);
if( !cvIsNaN(d0) && std::abs(transformed_d1 - d0) < maxDepthDiff )
if( !cvIsNaN(d0) && std::abs(transformed_d1 - d0) <= maxDepthDiff )
int c =<int>(v0,u0);
if( c != -1 )
@ -225,18 +288,11 @@ void preprocessDepth( Mat depth0, Mat depth1,
float& d0 =<float>(y,x);
if( !cvIsNaN(d0) && (d0 > maxDepth || d0 < minDepth || d0 <= 0 || (!validMask0.empty() && !<uchar>(y,x))) )
#if defined _MSC_VER
d0 = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
d0 = NAN;
float& d1 =<float>(y,x);
if( !cvIsNaN(d1) && (d1 > maxDepth || d1 < minDepth || d1 <= 0 || (!validMask1.empty() && !<uchar>(y,x))) )
#if defined _MSC_VER
d1 = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
d1 = NAN;
@ -244,7 +300,7 @@ void preprocessDepth( Mat depth0, Mat depth1,
void buildPyramids( const Mat& image0, const Mat& image1,
const Mat& depth0, const Mat& depth1,
const Mat& cameraMatrix, double sobelScale,
const Mat& cameraMatrix, int sobelSize, double sobelScale,
const vector<float>& minGradMagnitudes,
vector<Mat>& pyramidImage0, vector<Mat>& pyramidDepth0,
vector<Mat>& pyramidImage1, vector<Mat>& pyramidDepth1,
@ -267,8 +323,8 @@ void buildPyramids( const Mat& image0, const Mat& image1,
for( size_t i = 0; i < pyramidImage1.size(); i++ )
Sobel( pyramidImage1[i], pyramid_dI_dx1[i], CV_16S, 1, 0 );
Sobel( pyramidImage1[i], pyramid_dI_dy1[i], CV_16S, 0, 1 );
Sobel( pyramidImage1[i], pyramid_dI_dx1[i], CV_16S, 1, 0, sobelSize );
Sobel( pyramidImage1[i], pyramid_dI_dy1[i], CV_16S, 0, 1, sobelSize );
const Mat& dx = pyramid_dI_dx1[i];
const Mat& dy = pyramid_dI_dy1[i];
@ -295,9 +351,8 @@ void buildPyramids( const Mat& image0, const Mat& image1,
bool solveSystem( const Mat& C, const Mat& dI_dt, double detThreshold, Mat& Rt )
bool solveSystem( const Mat& C, const Mat& dI_dt, double detThreshold, Mat& ksi )
Mat ksi;
Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> eC, eCt, edI_dt;
cv2eigen(C, eC);
@ -328,9 +383,90 @@ bool solveSystem( const Mat& C, const Mat& dI_dt, double detThreshold, Mat& Rt )
cv::solve( A, B, ksi, DECOMP_CHOLESKY );
computeProjectiveMatrix( ksi, Rt );
return true;
return true;
typedef void (*ComputeCFuncPtr)( double* C, double dIdx, double dIdy, const Point3f& p3d, double fx, double fy );
bool computeKsi( int transformType,
const Mat& image0, const Mat& cloud0,
const Mat& image1, const Mat& dI_dx1, const Mat& dI_dy1,
const Mat& corresps, int correspsCount,
double fx, double fy, double sobelScale, double normScale, double determinantThreshold,
Mat& ksi )
int Cwidth = -1;
ComputeCFuncPtr computeCFuncPtr = 0;
if( transformType == TransformationType::RIGID_BODY_MOTION )
Cwidth = 6;
computeCFuncPtr = computeC_RigidBodyMotion;
else if( transformType == TransformationType::ROTATION )
Cwidth = 3;
computeCFuncPtr = computeC_Rotation;
else if( transformType == TransformationType::TRANSLATION )
Cwidth = 3;
computeCFuncPtr = computeC_Translation;
CV_Error( CV_StsBadFlag, "Unsupported value of transformation type flag.");
Mat C( correspsCount, Cwidth, CV_64FC1 );
Mat dI_dt( correspsCount, 1, CV_64FC1 );
int pointCount = 0;
for( int v0 = 0; v0 < corresps.rows; v0++ )
for( int u0 = 0; u0 < corresps.cols; u0++ )
if(<int>(v0,u0) != -1 )
int u1, v1;
get2shorts(<int>(v0,u0), u1, v1 );
(*computeCFuncPtr)( (double*)C.ptr(pointCount),
normScale * sobelScale *<short int>(v1,u1),
normScale * sobelScale *<short int>(v1,u1),<Point3f>(v0,u0), fx, fy);<double>(pointCount) = normScale * (static_cast<double>(<uchar>(v1,u1)) -
Mat sln;
bool solutionExist = solveSystem( C, dI_dt, determinantThreshold, sln );
if( solutionExist )
ksi = Scalar(0);
Mat subksi;
if( transformType == TransformationType::RIGID_BODY_MOTION )
subksi = ksi;
else if( transformType == TransformationType::ROTATION )
subksi = ksi.rowRange(0,3);
else if( transformType == TransformationType::TRANSLATION )
subksi = ksi.rowRange(3,6);
sln.copyTo( subksi );
return solutionExist;
bool cv::RGBDOdometry( cv::Mat& Rt,
@ -338,8 +474,9 @@ bool cv::RGBDOdometry( cv::Mat& Rt,
const cv::Mat& image1, const cv::Mat& _depth1, const cv::Mat& validMask1,
const cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, const std::vector<int>& iterCounts,
const std::vector<float>& minGradientMagnitudes,
float minDepth, float maxDepth, float maxDepthDiff )
float minDepth, float maxDepth, float maxDepthDiff, int transformType )
const int sobelSize = 3;
const double sobelScale = 1./8;
Mat depth0 = _depth0.clone(),
@ -366,15 +503,15 @@ bool cv::RGBDOdometry( cv::Mat& Rt,
CV_Assert( minGradientMagnitudes.size() == iterCounts.size() );
preprocessDepth( depth0, depth1, validMask0, validMask1, minDepth, maxDepth );
vector<Mat> pyramidImage0, pyramidDepth0,
pyramidImage1, pyramidDepth1, pyramid_dI_dx1, pyramid_dI_dy1, pyramidTexturedMask1,
buildPyramids( image0, image1, depth0, depth1, cameraMatrix, sobelScale, minGradientMagnitudes,
buildPyramids( image0, image1, depth0, depth1, cameraMatrix, sobelSize, sobelScale, minGradientMagnitudes,
pyramidImage0, pyramidDepth0, pyramidImage1, pyramidDepth1,
pyramid_dI_dx1, pyramid_dI_dy1, pyramidTexturedMask1, pyramidCameraMatrix );
Mat resultRt = Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1);
Mat resultRt = Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1), currRt, ksi;
for( int level = iterCounts.size() - 1; level >= 0; level-- )
const Mat& levelCameraMatrix = pyramidCameraMatrix[level];
@ -392,51 +529,49 @@ bool cv::RGBDOdometry( cv::Mat& Rt,
CV_Assert( level_dI_dx1.type() == CV_16S );
CV_Assert( level_dI_dy1.type() == CV_16S );
Mat corresp( levelImage0.size(), levelImage0.type(), CV_32SC1 );
Mat corresps( levelImage0.size(), levelImage0.type(), CV_32SC1 );
// Run transformation search on current level iteratively.
for( int iter = 0; iter < iterCounts[level]; iter ++ )
int correspCount = computeCorresp( levelCameraMatrix, levelCameraMatrix.inv(), resultRt.inv(DECOMP_SVD),
levelDepth0, levelDepth1, pyramidTexturedMask1[level], maxDepthDiff,
corresp );
int correspsCount = computeCorresp( levelCameraMatrix, levelCameraMatrix.inv(), resultRt.inv(DECOMP_SVD),
levelDepth0, levelDepth1, pyramidTexturedMask1[level], maxDepthDiff,
corresps );
if( correspCount == 0 )
if( correspsCount == 0 )
Mat C( correspCount, 6, CV_64FC1 );
Mat dI_dt( correspCount, 1, CV_64FC1 );
const double fx =<double>(0,0);
const double fy =<double>(1,1);
int pointCount = 0;
for( int v0 = 0; v0 < corresp.rows; v0++ )
for( int u0 = 0; u0 < corresp.cols; u0++ )
if(<int>(v0,u0) != -1 )
int u1, v1;
get2shorts(<int>(v0,u0), u1, v1 );
const double avgf = 0.5 *(fx + fy);
const double normScale = 1./(255*avgf);
const double determinantThreshold = 1e-6;
bool solutionExist = computeKsi( transformType,
levelImage0, levelCloud0,
levelImage1, level_dI_dx1, level_dI_dy1,
corresps, correspsCount,
fx, fy, sobelScale, normScale, determinantThreshold,
ksi );
if( !solutionExist )
computeC( (double*)C.ptr(pointCount),
sobelScale *<short int>(v1,u1), sobelScale *<short int>(v1,u1),<Point3f>(v0,u0), fx, fy);
computeProjectiveMatrix( ksi, currRt );<double>(pointCount) = static_cast<double>(<uchar>(v1,u1)) -
const double detThreshold = 1.e-6;
Mat currRt;
bool solutionExist = solveSystem( C, dI_dt, detThreshold, currRt );
if( !solutionExist )
resultRt = currRt * resultRt;
std::cout << "currRt " << currRt << std::endl;
Mat warpedImage0;
const Mat distCoeff(1,5,CV_32FC1,Scalar(0));
warpImage<uchar>( levelImage0, levelDepth0, resultRt, levelCameraMatrix, distCoeff, warpedImage0 );
imshow( "im0", levelImage0 );
imshow( "wim0", warpedImage0 );
imshow( "im1", levelImage1 );

@ -78,10 +78,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
const Mat cameraMatrix = Mat(3,3,CV_32FC1,vals);
const Mat distCoeff(1,5,CV_32FC1,Scalar(0));
if( argc != 5 )
if( argc != 5 && argc != 6 )
cout << "Format: image0 depth0 image1 depth1" << endl;
cout << "Format: image0 depth0 image1 depth1 [transformationType]" << endl;
cout << "Depth file must be 16U image stored depth in mm." << endl;
cout << "Transformation types:" << endl;
cout << " -rbm - rigid body motion (default)" << endl;
cout << " -r - rotation rotation only" << endl;
cout << " -t - translation only" << endl;
return -1;
@ -97,6 +101,29 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
return -1;
int transformationType = TransformationType::RIGID_BODY_MOTION;
if( argc == 6 )
string ttype = argv[5];
if( ttype == "-rbm" )
transformationType = TransformationType::RIGID_BODY_MOTION;
else if ( ttype == "-r")
transformationType = TransformationType::ROTATION;
else if ( ttype == "-t")
transformationType = TransformationType::TRANSLATION;
cout << "Unsupported transformation type." << endl;
return -1;
Mat grayImage0, grayImage1, depthFlt0, depthFlt1/*in meters*/;
cvtColor( colorImage0, grayImage0, CV_BGR2GRAY );
cvtColor( colorImage1, grayImage1, CV_BGR2GRAY );
@ -126,7 +153,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
bool isFound = cv::RGBDOdometry( Rt, grayImage0, depthFlt0, Mat(),
grayImage1, depthFlt1, Mat(),
cameraMatrix, iterCounts, minGradMagnitudes,
minDepth, maxDepth, maxDepthDiff );
minDepth, maxDepth, maxDepthDiff, transformationType );
cout << "Rt = " << Rt << endl;
@ -141,9 +168,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat warpedImage0;
warpImage<Point3_<uchar> >( colorImage0, depthFlt0, Rt, cameraMatrix, distCoeff, warpedImage0 );
imshow( "im0", colorImage0 );
imshow( "warped_im0", warpedImage0 );
imshow( "im1", colorImage1 );
imshow( "image0", colorImage0 );
imshow( "warped_image0", warpedImage0 );
imshow( "image1", colorImage1 );
return 0;
