@ -3,6 +3,73 @@ from textwrap import fill |
from filters import * |
class ParseTree(object): |
""" |
The ParseTree class produces a semantic tree of C++ definitions given |
the output of the CppHeaderParser (from opencv/modules/python/src2/hdr_parser.py) |
The full hierarchy is as follows: |
Namespaces |
| |
|- name |
|- Classes |
| |
|- name |
|- Methods |
|- Constants |
|- Methods |
| |
|- name |
|- static (T/F) |
|- return type |
|- required Arguments |
| |
|- name |
|- const (T/F) |
|- reference ('&'/'*') |
|- type |
|- input |
|- output (pass return by reference) |
|- default value |
|- optional Arguments |
|- Constants |
| |
|- name |
|- const (T/F) |
|- reference ('&'/'*') |
|- type |
|- value |
The semantic tree contains substantial information for easily introspecting |
information about objects. How many methods does the 'core' namespace have? |
Does the 'randn' method have any return by reference (output) arguments? |
How many required and optional arguments does the 'add' method have? Is the |
variable passed by reference or raw pointer? |
Individual definitions from the parse tree (Classes, Functions, Constants) |
are passed to the Jinja2 template engine where they are manipulated to |
produce Matlab mex sources. |
A common call tree for constructing and using a ParseTree object is: |
# parse a set of definitions into a dictionary of namespaces |
parser = CppHeaderParser() |
ns['core'] = parser.parse('path/to/opencv/core.hpp') |
# refactor into a semantic tree |
parse_tree = ParseTree() |
parse_tree.build(ns) |
# iterate over the tree |
for namespace in parse_tree.namespaces: |
for clss in namespace.classes: |
# do stuff |
for method in namespace.methods: |
# do stuff |
Calling 'print' on a ParseTree object will reconstruct the definitions |
to produce an output resembling the original C++ code. |
""" |
def __init__(self, namespaces=None): |
self.namespaces = namespaces if namespaces else [] |
@ -48,6 +115,15 @@ class ParseTree(object): |
class Translator(object): |
""" |
The Translator class does the heavy lifting of translating the nested |
list representation of the hdr_parser into individual definitions that |
are inserted into the ParseTree. |
Translator consists of a top-level method: translate() |
along with a number of helper methods: translateClass(), translateMethod(), |
translateArgument(), translateConstant(), translateName(), and |
translateClassName() |
""" |
def translate(self, defn): |
# --- class --- |
# classes have 'class' prefixed on their name |
@ -116,6 +192,14 @@ class Translator(object): |
class Namespace(object): |
""" |
Namespace |
| |
|- name |
|- Constants |
|- Methods |
|- Constants |
""" |
def __init__(self, name='', constants=None, classes=None, methods=None): |
self.name = name |
self.constants = constants if constants else [] |
@ -129,6 +213,13 @@ class Namespace(object): |
(join((o.__str__() for o in self.classes), '\n\n') if self.classes else '')+'\n};' |
class Class(object): |
""" |
Class |
| |
|- name |
|- Methods |
|- Constants |
""" |
def __init__(self, name='', namespace='', constants=None, methods=None): |
self.name = name |
self.namespace = namespace |
@ -141,6 +232,21 @@ class Class(object): |
(join((f.__str__() for f in self.methods), '\n\t') if self.methods else '')+'\n};' |
class Method(object): |
""" |
Method |
int VideoWriter::read( cv::Mat& frame, const cv::Mat& mask=cv::Mat() ); |
--- ----- ---- -------- ---------------- |
rtp class name required optional |
name the method name |
clss the class the method belongs to ('' if free) |
static static? |
namespace the namespace the method belongs to ('' if free) |
rtp the return type |
const const? |
req list of required arguments |
opt list of optional arguments |
""" |
def __init__(self, name='', clss='', static=False, namespace='', rtp='', const=False, req=None, opt=None): |
self.name = name |
self.clss = clss |
@ -158,6 +264,20 @@ class Method(object): |
')'+(' const' if self.const else '')+';' |
class Argument(object): |
""" |
Argument |
const cv::Mat& mask=cv::Mat() |
----- ---- --- ---- ------- |
const tp ref name default |
name the argument name |
tp the argument type |
const const? |
I is the argument treated as an input? |
O is the argument treated as an output (return by reference) |
ref is the argument passed by reference? ('*'/'&') |
default the default value of the argument ('' if required) |
""" |
def __init__(self, name='', tp='', const=False, I=True, O=False, ref='', default=''): |
self.name = name |
self.tp = tp |
@ -172,6 +292,19 @@ class Argument(object): |
' '+self.name+('='+self.default if self.default else '') |
class Constant(object): |
""" |
Constant |
---- ------- |
name default |
name the name of the constant |
clss the class that the constant belongs to ('' if free) |
tp the type of the constant ('' if int) |
const const? |
ref is the constant a reference? ('*'/'&') |
default default value, required for constants |
""" |
def __init__(self, name='', clss='', tp='', const=False, ref='', default=''): |
self.name = name |
self.clss = clss |
@ -185,6 +318,10 @@ class Constant(object): |
' '+self.name+('='+self.default if self.default else '')+';' |
def constants(tree): |
""" |
recursive generator to strip all Constant objects from the ParseTree |
and place them into a flat dictionary of { name, value (default) } |
""" |
if isinstance(tree, dict) and 'constants' in tree and isinstance(tree['constants'], list): |
for node in tree['constants']: |
yield (node['name'], node['default']) |
@ -198,6 +335,10 @@ def constants(tree): |
yield gen |
def todict(obj, classkey=None): |
""" |
Convert the ParseTree to a dictionary, stripping all objects of their |
methods and converting class names to strings |
""" |
if isinstance(obj, dict): |
for k in obj.keys(): |
obj[k] = todict(obj[k], classkey) |