@ -40,38 +40,13 @@ |
#include <time.h> |
#include <vector> |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
#if !defined(HAVE_CUDA) |
namespace cv |
{ |
namespace gpu |
{ |
void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat&, Mat&, int, int, int, TermCriteria) { throw_nogpu(); } |
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace cv
#else |
void cv::gpu::meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat&, Mat&, int, int, int, TermCriteria) { throw_nogpu(); } |
#include <iostream> |
#define LOG(s) std::cout << (s) << std::endl |
#define LOG2(s1, s2) std::cout << (s1) << (s2) << std::endl |
#define DBG(code) code |
#else |
#define LOG(s1) |
#define LOG2(s1, s2) |
#define DBG(code) |
#endif |
#define PIX(y, x) ((y) * ncols + (x)) |
using namespace std; |
@ -87,13 +62,12 @@ class DjSets |
{ |
public: |
DjSets(int n); |
~DjSets(); |
int find(int elem) const; |
int find(int elem); |
int merge(int set1, int set2); |
int* parent; |
int* rank; |
int* size; |
vector<int> parent; |
vector<int> rank; |
vector<int> size; |
private: |
DjSets(const DjSets&) {} |
DjSets operator =(const DjSets&) {} |
@ -118,12 +92,11 @@ public: |
typedef GraphEdge<T> Edge; |
Graph(int numv, int nume_max); |
~Graph(); |
void addEdge(int from, int to, const T& val=T()); |
int* start; |
Edge* edges; |
vector<int> start; |
vector<Edge> edges; |
int numv; |
int nume_max; |
@ -152,47 +125,27 @@ struct SegmLink |
SegmLink() {} |
SegmLink(int from, int to, const SegmLinkVal& val)
: from(from), to(to), val(val) {} |
bool operator <(const SegmLink& other) const
{ |
return val < other.val; |
} |
int from; |
int to; |
SegmLinkVal val; |
}; |
struct SegmLinkCmp |
{ |
bool operator ()(const SegmLink& lhs, const SegmLink& rhs) const |
{ |
return lhs.val < rhs.val; |
} |
}; |
// Implementation
DjSets::DjSets(int n) |
DjSets::DjSets(int n) : parent(n), rank(n, 0), size(n, 1) |
{ |
parent = new int[n]; |
rank = new int[n]; |
size = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) |
{ |
parent[i] = i; |
rank[i] = 0; |
size[i] = 1; |
} |
} |
DjSets::~DjSets() |
{ |
delete[] parent; |
delete[] rank; |
delete[] size; |
} |
inline int DjSets::find(int elem) const |
inline int DjSets::find(int elem) |
{ |
int set = elem; |
while (set != parent[set]) |
@ -229,50 +182,50 @@ inline int DjSets::merge(int set1, int set2) |
template <typename T> |
Graph<T>::Graph(int numv, int nume_max) |
Graph<T>::Graph(int numv, int nume_max) : start(numv, -1), edges(nume_max) |
{ |
this->numv = numv; |
this->nume_max = nume_max; |
start = new int[numv]; |
for (int i = 0; i < numv; ++i) |
start[i] = -1; |
edges = new Edge[nume_max]; |
nume = 0; |
} |
template <typename T> |
Graph<T>::~Graph() |
inline void Graph<T>::addEdge(int from, int to, const T& val) |
{ |
delete[] start; |
delete[] edges; |
edges[nume] = Edge(to, start[from], val); |
start[from] = nume; |
nume++; |
} |
template <typename T> |
inline void Graph<T>::addEdge(int from, int to, const T& val) |
inline int pix(int y, int x, int ncols)
{ |
Edge* edge = edges + nume; |
new (edge) SegmLink(to, start[from], val); |
start[from] = nume; |
nume++; |
return y * ncols + x; |
} |
inline int sqr(int x) |
inline int sqr(int x)
{ |
return x * x; |
} |
} // anonymous namespace
namespace cv |
inline int dist2(const cv::Vec4b& lhs, const cv::Vec4b& rhs)
{ |
namespace gpu |
return sqr(lhs[0] - rhs[0]) + sqr(lhs[1] - rhs[1]) + sqr(lhs[2] - rhs[2]); |
} |
inline int dist2(const cv::Vec2s& lhs, const cv::Vec2s& rhs)
{ |
return sqr(lhs[0] - rhs[0]) + sqr(lhs[1] - rhs[1]); |
} |
} // anonymous namespace
void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int minsize, TermCriteria criteria) |
void cv::gpu::meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int minsize, TermCriteria criteria) |
{ |
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8UC4); |
const int nrows = src.rows; |
@ -280,37 +233,28 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
const int hr = sr; |
const int hsp = sp; |
DBG(clock_t start = clock()); |
// Perform mean shift procedure and obtain region and spatial maps
GpuMat h_rmap, h_spmap; |
meanShiftProc(src, h_rmap, h_spmap, sp, sr, criteria); |
Mat rmap = h_rmap; |
Mat spmap = h_spmap; |
LOG2("meanshift:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
Graph<SegmLinkVal> g(nrows * ncols, 4 * (nrows - 1) * (ncols - 1) |
+ (nrows - 1) + (ncols - 1)); |
LOG2("ragalloc:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
// Make region adjacent graph from image
Vec4b r1; |
Vec4b r2[4]; |
Point_<short> sp1; |
Point_<short> sp2[4]; |
Vec2s sp1; |
Vec2s sp2[4]; |
int dr[4]; |
int dsp[4]; |
for (int y = 0; y < nrows - 1; ++y) |
{ |
Vec4b* ry = rmap.ptr<Vec4b>(y); |
Vec4b* ryp = rmap.ptr<Vec4b>(y + 1); |
Point_<short>* spy = spmap.ptr<Point_<short> >(y); |
Point_<short>* spyp = spmap.ptr<Point_<short> >(y + 1); |
Vec2s* spy = spmap.ptr<Vec2s>(y); |
Vec2s* spyp = spmap.ptr<Vec2s>(y + 1); |
for (int x = 0; x < ncols - 1; ++x) |
{ |
r1 = ry[x]; |
@ -326,54 +270,48 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
sp2[2] = spyp[x + 1]; |
sp2[3] = spyp[x]; |
dr[0] = sqr(r1[0] - r2[0][0]) + sqr(r1[1] - r2[0][1]) + sqr(r1[2] - r2[0][2]); |
dr[1] = sqr(r1[0] - r2[1][0]) + sqr(r1[1] - r2[1][1]) + sqr(r1[2] - r2[1][2]); |
dr[2] = sqr(r1[0] - r2[2][0]) + sqr(r1[1] - r2[2][1]) + sqr(r1[2] - r2[2][2]); |
dsp[0] = sqr(sp1.x - sp2[0].x) + sqr(sp1.y - sp2[0].y); |
dsp[1] = sqr(sp1.x - sp2[1].x) + sqr(sp1.y - sp2[1].y); |
dsp[2] = sqr(sp1.x - sp2[2].x) + sqr(sp1.y - sp2[2].y);
dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]); |
dr[1] = dist2(r1, r2[1]); |
dr[2] = dist2(r1, r2[2]); |
dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]); |
dsp[1] = dist2(sp1, sp2[1]); |
dsp[2] = dist2(sp1, sp2[2]); |
r1 = ry[x + 1]; |
sp1 = spy[x + 1]; |
dr[3] = sqr(r1[0] - r2[3][0]) + sqr(r1[1] - r2[3][1]) + sqr(r1[2] - r2[3][2]); |
dsp[3] = sqr(sp1.x - sp2[3].x) + sqr(sp1.y - sp2[3].y);
dr[3] = dist2(r1, r2[3]); |
dsp[3] = dist2(sp1, sp2[3]); |
g.addEdge(PIX(y, x), PIX(y, x + 1), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0])); |
g.addEdge(PIX(y, x), PIX(y + 1, x), SegmLinkVal(dr[1], dsp[1])); |
g.addEdge(PIX(y, x), PIX(y + 1, x + 1), SegmLinkVal(dr[2], dsp[2])); |
g.addEdge(PIX(y, x + 1), PIX(y, x + 1), SegmLinkVal(dr[3], dsp[3])); |
g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0])); |
g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y + 1, x, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[1], dsp[1])); |
g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y + 1, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[2], dsp[2])); |
g.addEdge(pix(y, x + 1, ncols), pix(y, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[3], dsp[3])); |
} |
} |
for (int y = 0; y < nrows - 1; ++y) |
{ |
r1 = rmap.at<Vec4b>(y, ncols - 1); |
r2[0] = rmap.at<Vec4b>(y + 1, ncols - 1); |
sp1 = spmap.at<Point_<short> >(y, ncols - 1); |
sp2[0] = spmap.at<Point_<short> >(y + 1, ncols - 1); |
dr[0] = sqr(r1[0] - r2[0][0]) + sqr(r1[1] - r2[0][1]) + sqr(r1[2] - r2[0][2]); |
dsp[0] = sqr(sp1.x - sp2[0].x) + sqr(sp1.y - sp2[0].y);
g.addEdge(PIX(y, ncols - 1), PIX(y + 1, ncols - 1), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0])); |
sp1 = spmap.at<Vec2s>(y, ncols - 1); |
sp2[0] = spmap.at<Vec2s>(y + 1, ncols - 1); |
dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]); |
dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]); |
g.addEdge(pix(y, ncols - 1, ncols), pix(y + 1, ncols - 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0])); |
} |
for (int x = 0; x < ncols - 1; ++x) |
{ |
r1 = rmap.at<Vec4b>(nrows - 1, x); |
r2[0] = rmap.at<Vec4b>(nrows - 1, x + 1); |
sp1 = spmap.at<Point_<short> >(nrows - 1, x); |
sp2[0] = spmap.at<Point_<short> >(nrows - 1, x + 1); |
dr[0] = sqr(r1[0] - r2[0][0]) + sqr(r1[1] - r2[0][1]) + sqr(r1[2] - r2[0][2]); |
dsp[0] = sqr(sp1.x - sp2[0].x) + sqr(sp1.y - sp2[0].y);
g.addEdge(PIX(nrows - 1, x), PIX(nrows - 1, x + 1), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0])); |
sp1 = spmap.at<Vec2s>(nrows - 1, x); |
sp2[0] = spmap.at<Vec2s>(nrows - 1, x + 1); |
dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]); |
dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]); |
g.addEdge(pix(nrows - 1, x, ncols), pix(nrows - 1, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0])); |
} |
LOG2("raginit:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
DjSets comps(g.numv); |
LOG2("djsetinit:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
// Find adjacent components
for (int v = 0; v < g.numv; ++v) |
{ |
@ -386,15 +324,9 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
} |
} |
LOG2("findadjacent:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
vector<SegmLink> edges; |
edges.reserve(g.numv); |
LOG2("initedges:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
// Prepare edges connecting differnet components
for (int v = 0; v < g.numv; ++v) |
{ |
@ -407,14 +339,8 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
} |
} |
LOG2("prepareforsort:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
// Sort all graph's edges connecting differnet components (in asceding order)
sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), SegmLinkCmp()); |
LOG2("sortedges:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); |
// Exclude small components (starting from the nearest couple)
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) |
@ -425,9 +351,6 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
comps.merge(c1, c2); |
} |
LOG2("excludesmall:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
// Compute sum of the pixel's colors which are in the same segment
Mat h_src = src; |
vector<Vec4i> sumcols(nrows * ncols, Vec4i(0, 0, 0, 0)); |
@ -436,7 +359,7 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
Vec4b* h_srcy = h_src.ptr<Vec4b>(y); |
for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x) |
{ |
int parent = comps.find(PIX(y, x)); |
int parent = comps.find(pix(y, x, ncols)); |
Vec4b col = h_srcy[x]; |
Vec4i& sumcol = sumcols[parent]; |
sumcol[0] += col[0]; |
@ -445,9 +368,6 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
} |
} |
LOG2("computesum:", clock() - start); |
DBG(start = clock()); |
// Create final image, color of each segment is the average color of its pixels
dst.create(src.size(), src.type()); |
@ -456,7 +376,7 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
Vec4b* dsty = dst.ptr<Vec4b>(y); |
for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x) |
{ |
int parent = comps.find(PIX(y, x)); |
int parent = comps.find(pix(y, x, ncols)); |
const Vec4i& sumcol = sumcols[parent]; |
Vec4b& dstcol = dsty[x]; |
dstcol[0] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[0] / comps.size[parent]); |
@ -464,11 +384,6 @@ void meanShiftSegmentation(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst, int sp, int sr, int mins |
dstcol[2] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[2] / comps.size[parent]); |
} |
} |
LOG2("createfinal:", clock() - start); |
} |
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace cv
#endif // #if !defined (HAVE_CUDA)