@ -1088,62 +1088,6 @@ bool temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::addModelFromPLYFile (const std::string &filename, |
return (true); |
} |
/** \brief Add a plane from a set of given model coefficients
* \param coefficients the model coefficients (a, b, c, d with ax+by+cz+d=0) |
* \param id the plane id/name (default: "plane") |
* \param viewport (optional) the id of the new viewport (default: 0) |
*/ |
bool temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::addPlane (const temp_viz::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, const std::string &id) |
{ |
// Check to see if this ID entry already exists (has it been already added to the visualizer?)
ShapeActorMap::iterator am_it = shape_actor_map_->find (id); |
if (am_it != shape_actor_map_->end ()) |
{ |
std::cout << "[addPlane] A shape with id <"<<id<<"> already exists! Please choose a different id and retry." << std::endl; |
return (false); |
} |
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> data = createPlane (coefficients); |
// Create an Actor
vtkSmartPointer<vtkLODActor> actor; |
createActorFromVTKDataSet (data, actor); |
// actor->GetProperty ()->SetRepresentationToWireframe ();
actor->GetProperty ()->SetRepresentationToSurface (); |
actor->GetProperty ()->SetLighting (false); |
renderer_->AddActor(actor); |
// Save the pointer/ID pair to the global actor map
(*shape_actor_map_)[id] = actor; |
return (true); |
} |
bool temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::addPlane (const temp_viz::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, double x, double y, double z, const std::string &id) |
{ |
// Check to see if this ID entry already exists (has it been already added to the visualizer?)
ShapeActorMap::iterator am_it = shape_actor_map_->find (id); |
if (am_it != shape_actor_map_->end ()) |
{ |
std::cout << "[addPlane] A shape with id <" << id << "> already exists! Please choose a different id and retry.\n" << std::endl; |
return (false); |
} |
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> data = createPlane (coefficients, x, y, z); |
// Create an Actor
vtkSmartPointer<vtkLODActor> actor; |
createActorFromVTKDataSet (data, actor); |
actor->GetProperty ()->SetRepresentationToWireframe (); |
actor->GetProperty ()->SetLighting (false); |
renderer_->AddActor(actor); |
// Save the pointer/ID pair to the global actor map
(*shape_actor_map_)[id] = actor; |
return (true); |
} |
bool temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::addCircle (const temp_viz::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, const std::string &id) |
{ |