Merge pull request #14627 from l-bat:demo_kinetics
* Support 3D ResNet-34-kinetics * Update sample * Remove preprocess * Change test * Fix samplepull/14686/head
3 changed files with 540 additions and 3 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ |
abseiling |
air drumming |
answering questions |
applauding |
applying cream |
archery |
arm wrestling |
arranging flowers |
assembling computer |
auctioning |
baby waking up |
baking cookies |
balloon blowing |
bandaging |
barbequing |
bartending |
beatboxing |
bee keeping |
belly dancing |
bench pressing |
bending back |
bending metal |
biking through snow |
blasting sand |
blowing glass |
blowing leaves |
blowing nose |
blowing out candles |
bobsledding |
bookbinding |
bouncing on trampoline |
bowling |
braiding hair |
breading or breadcrumbing |
breakdancing |
brush painting |
brushing hair |
brushing teeth |
building cabinet |
building shed |
bungee jumping |
busking |
canoeing or kayaking |
capoeira |
carrying baby |
cartwheeling |
carving pumpkin |
catching fish |
catching or throwing baseball |
catching or throwing frisbee |
catching or throwing softball |
celebrating |
changing oil |
changing wheel |
checking tires |
cheerleading |
chopping wood |
clapping |
clay pottery making |
clean and jerk |
cleaning floor |
cleaning gutters |
cleaning pool |
cleaning shoes |
cleaning toilet |
cleaning windows |
climbing a rope |
climbing ladder |
climbing tree |
contact juggling |
cooking chicken |
cooking egg |
cooking on campfire |
cooking sausages |
counting money |
country line dancing |
cracking neck |
crawling baby |
crossing river |
crying |
curling hair |
cutting nails |
cutting pineapple |
cutting watermelon |
dancing ballet |
dancing charleston |
dancing gangnam style |
dancing macarena |
deadlifting |
decorating the christmas tree |
digging |
dining |
disc golfing |
diving cliff |
dodgeball |
doing aerobics |
doing laundry |
doing nails |
drawing |
dribbling basketball |
drinking |
drinking beer |
drinking shots |
driving car |
driving tractor |
drop kicking |
drumming fingers |
dunking basketball |
dying hair |
eating burger |
eating cake |
eating carrots |
eating chips |
eating doughnuts |
eating hotdog |
eating ice cream |
eating spaghetti |
eating watermelon |
egg hunting |
exercising arm |
exercising with an exercise ball |
extinguishing fire |
faceplanting |
feeding birds |
feeding fish |
feeding goats |
filling eyebrows |
finger snapping |
fixing hair |
flipping pancake |
flying kite |
folding clothes |
folding napkins |
folding paper |
front raises |
frying vegetables |
garbage collecting |
gargling |
getting a haircut |
getting a tattoo |
giving or receiving award |
golf chipping |
golf driving |
golf putting |
grinding meat |
grooming dog |
grooming horse |
gymnastics tumbling |
hammer throw |
headbanging |
headbutting |
high jump |
high kick |
hitting baseball |
hockey stop |
holding snake |
hopscotch |
hoverboarding |
hugging |
hula hooping |
hurdling |
hurling (sport) |
ice climbing |
ice fishing |
ice skating |
ironing |
javelin throw |
jetskiing |
jogging |
juggling balls |
juggling fire |
juggling soccer ball |
jumping into pool |
jumpstyle dancing |
kicking field goal |
kicking soccer ball |
kissing |
kitesurfing |
knitting |
krumping |
laughing |
laying bricks |
long jump |
lunge |
making a cake |
making a sandwich |
making bed |
making jewelry |
making pizza |
making snowman |
making sushi |
making tea |
marching |
massaging back |
massaging feet |
massaging legs |
massaging person's head |
milking cow |
mopping floor |
motorcycling |
moving furniture |
mowing lawn |
news anchoring |
opening bottle |
opening present |
paragliding |
parasailing |
parkour |
passing American football (in game) |
passing American football (not in game) |
peeling apples |
peeling potatoes |
petting animal (not cat) |
petting cat |
picking fruit |
planting trees |
plastering |
playing accordion |
playing badminton |
playing bagpipes |
playing basketball |
playing bass guitar |
playing cards |
playing cello |
playing chess |
playing clarinet |
playing controller |
playing cricket |
playing cymbals |
playing didgeridoo |
playing drums |
playing flute |
playing guitar |
playing harmonica |
playing harp |
playing ice hockey |
playing keyboard |
playing kickball |
playing monopoly |
playing organ |
playing paintball |
playing piano |
playing poker |
playing recorder |
playing saxophone |
playing squash or racquetball |
playing tennis |
playing trombone |
playing trumpet |
playing ukulele |
playing violin |
playing volleyball |
playing xylophone |
pole vault |
presenting weather forecast |
pull ups |
pumping fist |
pumping gas |
punching bag |
punching person (boxing) |
push up |
pushing car |
pushing cart |
pushing wheelchair |
reading book |
reading newspaper |
recording music |
riding a bike |
riding camel |
riding elephant |
riding mechanical bull |
riding mountain bike |
riding mule |
riding or walking with horse |
riding scooter |
riding unicycle |
ripping paper |
robot dancing |
rock climbing |
rock scissors paper |
roller skating |
running on treadmill |
sailing |
salsa dancing |
sanding floor |
scrambling eggs |
scuba diving |
setting table |
shaking hands |
shaking head |
sharpening knives |
sharpening pencil |
shaving head |
shaving legs |
shearing sheep |
shining shoes |
shooting basketball |
shooting goal (soccer) |
shot put |
shoveling snow |
shredding paper |
shuffling cards |
side kick |
sign language interpreting |
singing |
situp |
skateboarding |
ski jumping |
skiing (not slalom or crosscountry) |
skiing crosscountry |
skiing slalom |
skipping rope |
skydiving |
slacklining |
slapping |
sled dog racing |
smoking |
smoking hookah |
snatch weight lifting |
sneezing |
sniffing |
snorkeling |
snowboarding |
snowkiting |
snowmobiling |
somersaulting |
spinning poi |
spray painting |
spraying |
springboard diving |
squat |
sticking tongue out |
stomping grapes |
stretching arm |
stretching leg |
strumming guitar |
surfing crowd |
surfing water |
sweeping floor |
swimming backstroke |
swimming breast stroke |
swimming butterfly stroke |
swing dancing |
swinging legs |
swinging on something |
sword fighting |
tai chi |
taking a shower |
tango dancing |
tap dancing |
tapping guitar |
tapping pen |
tasting beer |
tasting food |
testifying |
texting |
throwing axe |
throwing ball |
throwing discus |
tickling |
tobogganing |
tossing coin |
tossing salad |
training dog |
trapezing |
trimming or shaving beard |
trimming trees |
triple jump |
tying bow tie |
tying knot (not on a tie) |
tying tie |
unboxing |
unloading truck |
using computer |
using remote controller (not gaming) |
using segway |
vault |
waiting in line |
walking the dog |
washing dishes |
washing feet |
washing hair |
washing hands |
water skiing |
water sliding |
watering plants |
waxing back |
waxing chest |
waxing eyebrows |
waxing legs |
weaving basket |
welding |
whistling |
windsurfing |
wrapping present |
wrestling |
writing |
yawning |
yoga |
zumba |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
import os |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 as cv |
import argparse |
from common import findFile |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Use this script to run action recognition using 3D ResNet34', |
formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) |
parser.add_argument('--input', '-i', help='Path to input video file. Skip this argument to capture frames from a camera.') |
parser.add_argument('--model', required=True, help='Path to model.') |
parser.add_argument('--classes', default=findFile('action_recongnition_kinetics.txt'), help='Path to classes list.') |
# To get net download original repository |
# For correct ONNX export modify file: video-classification-3d-cnn-pytorch/models/ |
# change |
# - def downsample_basic_block(x, planes, stride): |
# - out = F.avg_pool3d(x, kernel_size=1, stride=stride) |
# - zero_pads = torch.Tensor(out.size(0), planes - out.size(1), |
# - out.size(2), out.size(3), |
# - out.size(4)).zero_() |
# - if isinstance(, torch.cuda.FloatTensor): |
# - zero_pads = zero_pads.cuda() |
# - |
# - out = Variable([, zero_pads], dim=1)) |
# - return out |
# To |
# + def downsample_basic_block(x, planes, stride): |
# + out = F.avg_pool3d(x, kernel_size=1, stride=stride) |
# + out = F.pad(out, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(planes - out.size(1)), 0, 0), "constant", 0) |
# + return out |
# To ONNX export use torch.onnx.export(model, inputs, model_name) |
def get_class_names(path): |
class_names = [] |
with open(path) as f: |
for row in f: |
class_names.append(row[:-1]) |
return class_names |
def classify_video(video_path, net_path): |
mean = (114.7748, 107.7354, 99.4750) |
class_names = get_class_names(args.classes) |
net = cv.dnn.readNet(net_path) |
net.setPreferableBackend(cv.dnn.DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE) |
net.setPreferableTarget(cv.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CPU) |
winName = 'Deep learning image classification in OpenCV' |
cv.namedWindow(winName, cv.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) |
cap = cv.VideoCapture(video_path) |
while cv.waitKey(1) < 0: |
frames = [] |
for _ in range(SAMPLE_DURATION): |
hasFrame, frame = |
if not hasFrame: |
exit(0) |
frames.append(frame) |
inputs = cv.dnn.blobFromImages(frames, 1, (SAMPLE_SIZE, SAMPLE_SIZE), mean, True, crop=True) |
inputs = np.transpose(inputs, (1, 0, 2, 3)) |
inputs = np.expand_dims(inputs, axis=0) |
net.setInput(inputs) |
outputs = net.forward() |
class_pred = np.argmax(outputs) |
label = class_names[class_pred] |
for frame in frames: |
labelSize, baseLine = cv.getTextSize(label, cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1) |
cv.rectangle(frame, (0, 10 - labelSize[1]), |
(labelSize[0], 10 + baseLine), (255, 255, 255), cv.FILLED) |
cv.putText(frame, label, (0, 10), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0)) |
cv.imshow(winName, frame) |
if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): |
break |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() |
classify_video(args.input if args.input else 0, args.model) |
Reference in new issue