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Merge pull request #26101 from mshabunin:cpp-error-ts
C-API cleanup: moved cvErrorStr to new interface, minor ts changes #26101 Merge with opencv/opencv_contrib#3786 **Note:** `toString` might be too generic name (even though it is in `cv::Error::` namespace), another variant is `codeToString` (we have `typeToString` and `depthToString` in check.hpp). **Note:** _ts_ module seem to have no other C API usage except for `ArrayTest` class which requires refactoring.pull/26106/head
20 changed files with 438 additions and 452 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "opencv2/core/cvdef.h" |
#include "opencv2/core/cvstd.hpp" |
namespace cv { |
//! @addtogroup core_utils
//! @{
namespace Error { |
//! error codes
enum Code { |
StsOk= 0, //!< everything is ok
StsBackTrace= -1, //!< pseudo error for back trace
StsError= -2, //!< unknown /unspecified error
StsInternal= -3, //!< internal error (bad state)
StsNoMem= -4, //!< insufficient memory
StsBadArg= -5, //!< function arg/param is bad
StsBadFunc= -6, //!< unsupported function
StsNoConv= -7, //!< iteration didn't converge
StsAutoTrace= -8, //!< tracing
HeaderIsNull= -9, //!< image header is NULL
BadImageSize= -10, //!< image size is invalid
BadOffset= -11, //!< offset is invalid
BadDataPtr= -12, //!<
BadStep= -13, //!< image step is wrong, this may happen for a non-continuous matrix.
BadModelOrChSeq= -14, //!<
BadNumChannels= -15, //!< bad number of channels, for example, some functions accept only single channel matrices.
BadNumChannel1U= -16, //!<
BadDepth= -17, //!< input image depth is not supported by the function
BadAlphaChannel= -18, //!<
BadOrder= -19, //!< number of dimensions is out of range
BadOrigin= -20, //!< incorrect input origin
BadAlign= -21, //!< incorrect input align
BadCallBack= -22, //!<
BadTileSize= -23, //!<
BadCOI= -24, //!< input COI is not supported
BadROISize= -25, //!< incorrect input roi
MaskIsTiled= -26, //!<
StsNullPtr= -27, //!< null pointer
StsVecLengthErr= -28, //!< incorrect vector length
StsFilterStructContentErr= -29, //!< incorrect filter structure content
StsKernelStructContentErr= -30, //!< incorrect transform kernel content
StsFilterOffsetErr= -31, //!< incorrect filter offset value
StsBadSize= -201, //!< the input/output structure size is incorrect
StsDivByZero= -202, //!< division by zero
StsInplaceNotSupported= -203, //!< in-place operation is not supported
StsObjectNotFound= -204, //!< request can't be completed
StsUnmatchedFormats= -205, //!< formats of input/output arrays differ
StsBadFlag= -206, //!< flag is wrong or not supported
StsBadPoint= -207, //!< bad CvPoint
StsBadMask= -208, //!< bad format of mask (neither 8uC1 nor 8sC1)
StsUnmatchedSizes= -209, //!< sizes of input/output structures do not match
StsUnsupportedFormat= -210, //!< the data format/type is not supported by the function
StsOutOfRange= -211, //!< some of parameters are out of range
StsParseError= -212, //!< invalid syntax/structure of the parsed file
StsNotImplemented= -213, //!< the requested function/feature is not implemented
StsBadMemBlock= -214, //!< an allocated block has been corrupted
StsAssert= -215, //!< assertion failed
GpuNotSupported= -216, //!< no CUDA support
GpuApiCallError= -217, //!< GPU API call error
OpenGlNotSupported= -218, //!< no OpenGL support
OpenGlApiCallError= -219, //!< OpenGL API call error
OpenCLApiCallError= -220, //!< OpenCL API call error
OpenCLDoubleNotSupported= -221, |
OpenCLInitError= -222, //!< OpenCL initialization error
OpenCLNoAMDBlasFft= -223 |
}; |
} // Error::
/*! @brief Class passed to an error.
This class encapsulates all or almost all necessary |
information about the error happened in the program. The exception is |
usually constructed and thrown implicitly via CV_Error and CV_Error_ macros. |
@see error |
*/ |
class CV_EXPORTS Exception : public std::exception |
{ |
public: |
Default constructor |
*/ |
Exception(); |
Full constructor. Normally the constructor is not called explicitly. |
Instead, the macros CV_Error(), CV_Error_() and CV_Assert() are used. |
*/ |
Exception(Error::Code _code, const std::string& _err, const std::string& _func, const std::string& _file, int _line); |
virtual ~Exception() CV_NOEXCEPT; |
\return the error description and the context as a text string. |
*/ |
virtual const char *what() const CV_NOEXCEPT CV_OVERRIDE; |
void formatMessage(); |
const char * codeMessage() const; |
std::string msg; ///< the formatted error message
Error::Code code; ///< error code @see CVStatus
std::string err; ///< error description
std::string func; ///< function name. Available only when the compiler supports getting it
std::string file; ///< source file name where the error has occurred
int line; ///< line number in the source file where the error has occurred
}; |
/*! @brief Signals an error and raises the exception.
By default the function prints information about the error to stderr, |
then it either stops if cv::setBreakOnError() had been called before or raises the exception. |
It is possible to alternate error processing by using #redirectError(). |
@param exc the exception raisen. |
@deprecated drop this version |
*/ |
CV_EXPORTS CV_NORETURN void error(const Exception& exc); |
/*! @brief Signals an error and raises the exception.
By default the function prints information about the error to stderr, |
then it either stops if setBreakOnError() had been called before or raises the exception. |
It is possible to alternate error processing by using redirectError(). |
@param _code - error code (Error::Code) |
@param _err - error description |
@param _func - function name. Available only when the compiler supports getting it |
@param _file - source file name where the error has occurred |
@param _line - line number in the source file where the error has occurred |
@see CV_Error, CV_Error_, CV_Assert, CV_DbgAssert |
*/ |
CV_EXPORTS CV_NORETURN void error(Error::Code _code, const String& _err, const char* _func, const char* _file, int _line); |
/*! @brief Signals an error and terminate application.
By default the function prints information about the error to stderr, then it terminates application |
with std::terminate. The function is designed for invariants check in functions and methods with |
noexcept attribute. |
@param _code - error code (Error::Code) |
@param _err - error description |
@param _func - function name. Available only when the compiler supports getting it |
@param _file - source file name where the error has occurred |
@param _line - line number in the source file where the error has occurred |
@see CV_AssertTerminate |
*/ |
CV_EXPORTS CV_NORETURN void terminate(Error::Code _code, const String& _err, const char* _func, const char* _file, int _line) CV_NOEXCEPT; |
// In practice, some macro are not processed correctly (noreturn is not detected).
// We need to use simplified definition for them.
#define CV_Error(code, msg) do { (void)(code); (void)(msg); abort(); } while (0) |
#define CV_Error_(code, args) do { (void)(code); (void)(cv::format args); abort(); } while (0) |
#define CV_Assert( expr ) do { if (!(expr)) abort(); } while (0) |
/** @brief Call the error handler.
Currently, the error handler prints the error code and the error message to the standard |
error stream `stderr`. In the Debug configuration, it then provokes memory access violation, so that |
the execution stack and all the parameters can be analyzed by the debugger. In the Release |
configuration, the exception is thrown. |
@param code one of Error::Code |
@param msg error message |
*/ |
#define CV_Error( code, msg ) cv::error( code, msg, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) |
/** @brief Call the error handler.
This macro can be used to construct an error message on-fly to include some dynamic information, |
for example: |
@code |
// note the extra parentheses around the formatted text message
CV_Error_(Error::StsOutOfRange, |
("the value at (%d, %d)=%g is out of range", badPt.x, badPt.y, badValue)); |
@endcode |
@param code one of Error::Code |
@param args printf-like formatted error message in parentheses |
*/ |
#define CV_Error_( code, args ) cv::error( code, cv::format args, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) |
/** @brief Checks a condition at runtime and throws exception if it fails
The macros CV_Assert (and CV_DbgAssert(expr)) evaluate the specified expression. If it is 0, the macros |
raise an error (see cv::error). The macro CV_Assert checks the condition in both Debug and Release |
configurations while CV_DbgAssert is only retained in the Debug configuration. |
CV_AssertTerminate is analog of CV_Assert for invariants check in functions with noexcept attribute. |
It does not throw exception, but terminates the application. |
*/ |
#define CV_Assert( expr ) do { if(!!(expr)) ; else cv::error( cv::Error::StsAssert, #expr, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } while(0) |
#define CV_AssertTerminate( expr ) do { if(!!(expr)) ; else cv::terminate( #expr, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } while(0) |
//! @cond IGNORED
#if !defined(__OPENCV_BUILD) // TODO: backward compatibility only
#ifndef CV_ErrorNoReturn |
#define CV_ErrorNoReturn CV_Error |
#endif |
#ifndef CV_ErrorNoReturn_ |
#define CV_ErrorNoReturn_ CV_Error_ |
#endif |
#endif |
#define CV_Assert_1 CV_Assert |
#define CV_Assert_2( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_1( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_3( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_2( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_4( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_3( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_5( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_4( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_6( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_5( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_7( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_6( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_8( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_7( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_9( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_8( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_10( expr, ... ) CV_Assert_1(expr); __CV_EXPAND(CV_Assert_9( __VA_ARGS__ )) |
#define CV_Assert_N(...) do { __CV_EXPAND(__CV_CAT(CV_Assert_, __CV_VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__)) (__VA_ARGS__)); } while(0) |
//! @endcond
#if defined _DEBUG || defined CV_STATIC_ANALYSIS |
# define CV_DbgAssert(expr) CV_Assert(expr) |
#else |
/** replaced with CV_Assert(expr) in Debug configuration */ |
# define CV_DbgAssert(expr) |
#endif |
//! @} core_utils
} // cv::
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "opencv2/core/cvdef.h" |
namespace cv { |
//! @cond IGNORED
////////////////// forward declarations for important OpenCV types //////////////////
template<typename _Tp, int cn> class Vec; |
template<typename _Tp, int m, int n> class Matx; |
template<typename _Tp> class Complex; |
template<typename _Tp> class Point_; |
template<typename _Tp> class Point3_; |
template<typename _Tp> class Size_; |
template<typename _Tp> class Rect_; |
template<typename _Tp> class Scalar_; |
class CV_EXPORTS RotatedRect; |
class CV_EXPORTS Range; |
class CV_EXPORTS TermCriteria; |
class CV_EXPORTS KeyPoint; |
class CV_EXPORTS DMatch; |
class CV_EXPORTS Mat; |
class CV_EXPORTS MatExpr; |
class CV_EXPORTS UMat; |
class CV_EXPORTS SparseMat; |
typedef Mat MatND; |
template<typename _Tp> class Mat_; |
template<typename _Tp> class SparseMat_; |
class CV_EXPORTS MatConstIterator; |
class CV_EXPORTS SparseMatIterator; |
class CV_EXPORTS SparseMatConstIterator; |
template<typename _Tp> class MatIterator_; |
template<typename _Tp> class MatConstIterator_; |
template<typename _Tp> class SparseMatIterator_; |
template<typename _Tp> class SparseMatConstIterator_; |
namespace ogl |
{ |
class CV_EXPORTS Buffer; |
class CV_EXPORTS Texture2D; |
class CV_EXPORTS Arrays; |
} |
namespace cuda |
{ |
class CV_EXPORTS GpuMat; |
class CV_EXPORTS HostMem; |
class CV_EXPORTS Stream; |
class CV_EXPORTS Event; |
} |
namespace cudev |
{ |
template <typename _Tp> class GpuMat_; |
} |
//! @endcond
} // cv::
Reference in new issue