implement window relevant methods in Viz3d

ozantonkal 12 years ago committed by Ozan Tonkal
parent 4f416352e1
commit f6e1a093cd
  1. 8
  2. 7
  3. 30
  4. 38

@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ namespace cv
Viz3d& operator=(const Viz3d&);
void setBackgroundColor(const Color& color = Color::black());
void showWidget(const String &id, const Widget &widget, const Affine3f &pose = Affine3f::Identity());
void removeWidget(const String &id);
Widget getWidget(const String &id) const;
@ -45,8 +43,12 @@ namespace cv
Size getWindowSize() const;
void setWindowSize(const Size &window_size);
String getWindowName() const;
void saveScreenshot (const String &file);
void setWindowPosition (int x, int y);
void setFullScreen (bool mode);
void setWindowName (const String &name);
void setBackgroundColor(const Color& color = Color::black());
void spin();
void spinOnce(int time = 1, bool force_redraw = false);

@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ void cv::viz::Viz3d::release()
void cv::viz::Viz3d::setBackgroundColor(const Color& color) { impl_->setBackgroundColor(color); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::spin() { impl_->spin(); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::spinOnce (int time, bool force_redraw) { impl_->spinOnce(time, force_redraw); }
bool cv::viz::Viz3d::wasStopped() const { return impl_->wasStopped(); }
@ -73,6 +71,11 @@ void cv::viz::Viz3d::converTo3DRay(const Point3d &window_coord, Point3d &origin,
cv::Size cv::viz::Viz3d::getWindowSize() const { return impl_->getWindowSize(); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::setWindowSize(const Size &window_size) { impl_->setWindowSize(window_size.width, window_size.height); }
cv::String cv::viz::Viz3d::getWindowName() const { return impl_->getWindowName(); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::saveScreenshot (const String &file) { impl_->saveScreenshot(file); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::setWindowPosition (int x, int y) { impl_->setWindowPosition(x,y); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::setFullScreen (bool mode) { impl_->setFullScreen(mode); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::setWindowName (const String &name) { impl_->setWindowName(name); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::setBackgroundColor(const Color& color) { impl_->setBackgroundColor(color); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::setRenderingProperty(int property, double value, const String &id) { getWidget(id).setRenderingProperty(property, value); }
double cv::viz::Viz3d::getRenderingProperty(int property, const String &id) { return getWidget(id).getRenderingProperty(property); }

@ -249,30 +249,6 @@ void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setBackgroundColor (const Color& color)
renderer_->SetBackground (c.val);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::initCameraParameters ()
Vec2i window_size(window_->GetScreenSize());
window_size /= 2;
Camera camera_temp(Vec2f(0.0,0.8575), Size(window_size[0], window_size[1]));
setViewerPose(makeCameraPose(Vec3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)));
bool cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::cameraParamsSet () const { return (camera_set_); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::updateCamera ()
std::cout << "[cv::viz::PCLVisualizer::updateCamera()] This method was deprecated, just re-rendering all scenes now." << std::endl;
//rens_->InitTraversal ();
// Update the camera parameters
renderer_->Render ();
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setCamera(const Camera &camera)
@ -379,12 +355,6 @@ void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::converTo3DRay(const Point3d &window_coord, Point3d
direction = normalize(Vec3d(world_pt.val) - cam_pos);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::resetCamera ()
renderer_->ResetCamera ();
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::resetCameraViewpoint (const std::string &id)

@ -16,8 +16,15 @@ public:
VizImpl (const String &name);
virtual ~VizImpl ();
void showWidget(const String &id, const Widget &widget, const Affine3f &pose = Affine3f::Identity());
void removeWidget(const String &id);
Widget getWidget(const String &id) const;
void removeAllWidgets();
void setWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose);
void updateWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose);
Affine3f getWidgetPose(const String &id) const;
void setRenderingProperty(int property, double value, const String &id);
double getRenderingProperty(int property, const String &id);
@ -51,29 +58,16 @@ public:
void setCamera(const Camera &camera);
Camera getCamera() const;
void initCameraParameters (); /** \brief Initialize camera parameters with some default values. */
bool cameraParamsSet () const; /** \brief Checks whether the camera parameters were manually loaded from file.*/
void updateCamera (); /** \brief Update camera parameters and render. */
void resetCamera (); /** \brief Reset camera parameters and render. */
/** \brief Reset the camera direction from {0, 0, 0} to the center_{x, y, z} of a given dataset.
* \param[in] id the point cloud object id (default: cloud) */
void resetCameraViewpoint (const String& id = "cloud");
//to implement Viz3d set/getViewerPose()
void setViewerPose(const Affine3f &pose);
Affine3f getViewerPose();
void convertToWindowCoordinates(const Point3d &pt, Point3d &window_coord);
void converTo3DRay(const Point3d &window_coord, Point3d &origin, Vec3d &direction);
//to implemnt in Viz3d
void saveScreenshot (const String &file);
void setWindowPosition (int x, int y);
Size getWindowSize() const;
@ -89,22 +83,6 @@ public:
void registerKeyboardCallback(KeyboardCallback callback, void* cookie = 0);
void registerMouseCallback(MouseCallback callback, void* cookie = 0);
//declare above (to move to up)
void showWidget(const String &id, const Widget &widget, const Affine3f &pose = Affine3f::Identity());
void removeWidget(const String &id);
Widget getWidget(const String &id) const;
void setWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose);
void updateWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose);
Affine3f getWidgetPose(const String &id) const;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> interactor_;
