Merge pull request #15510 from seiko2plus:issue15506

* core: rework and optimize SIMD implementation of dotProd

  - add new universal intrinsics v_dotprod[int32], v_dotprod_expand[u&int8, u&int16, int32], v_cvt_f64(int64)
  - add a boolean param for all v_dotprod&_expand intrinsics that change the behavior of addition order between
    pairs in some platforms in order to reach the maximum optimization when the sum among all lanes is what only matters
  - fix clang build on ppc64le
  - support wide universal intrinsics for dotProd_32s
  - remove raw SIMD and activate universal intrinsics for dotProd_8
  - implement SIMD optimization for dotProd_s16&u16
  - extend performance test data types of dotprod
  - fix GCC VSX workaround of vec_mule and vec_mulo (in little-endian it must be swapped)
  - optimize v_mul_expand(int32) on VSX

* core: remove boolean param from v_dotprod&_expand and implement v_dotprod_fast&v_dotprod_expand_fast

  this changes made depend on "terfendail" review
Sayed Adel 5 years ago committed by Alexander Alekhin
parent 7837ae0e19
commit f2fe6f40c2
  1. 2
  2. 177
  3. 168
  4. 119
  5. 10
  6. 128
  7. 336
  8. 220
  9. 138
  10. 182
  11. 8
  12. 2
  13. 240
  14. 125

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ocv_add_dispatched_file(arithm SSE2 SSE4_1 AVX2 VSX3)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(convert SSE2 AVX2 VSX3)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(convert_scale SSE2 AVX2)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(count_non_zero SSE2 AVX2)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(matmul SSE2 AVX2)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(matmul SSE2 SSE4_1 AVX2 AVX512_SKX)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(mean SSE2 AVX2)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(merge SSE2 AVX2)
ocv_add_dispatched_file(split SSE2 AVX2)

@ -1431,6 +1431,28 @@ inline v_float64x4 v_cvt_f64(const v_float32x8& a)
inline v_float64x4 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x8& a)
{ return v_float64x4(_mm256_cvtps_pd(_v256_extract_high(a.val))); }
// from (Mysticial and wim)
inline v_float64x4 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x4& v)
// constants encoded as floating-point
__m256i magic_i_lo = _mm256_set1_epi64x(0x4330000000000000); // 2^52
__m256i magic_i_hi32 = _mm256_set1_epi64x(0x4530000080000000); // 2^84 + 2^63
__m256i magic_i_all = _mm256_set1_epi64x(0x4530000080100000); // 2^84 + 2^63 + 2^52
__m256d magic_d_all = _mm256_castsi256_pd(magic_i_all);
// Blend the 32 lowest significant bits of v with magic_int_lo
__m256i v_lo = _mm256_blend_epi32(magic_i_lo, v.val, 0x55);
// Extract the 32 most significant bits of v
__m256i v_hi = _mm256_srli_epi64(v.val, 32);
// Flip the msb of v_hi and blend with 0x45300000
v_hi = _mm256_xor_si256(v_hi, magic_i_hi32);
// Compute in double precision
__m256d v_hi_dbl = _mm256_sub_pd(_mm256_castsi256_pd(v_hi), magic_d_all);
// (v_hi - magic_d_all) + v_lo Do not assume associativity of floating point addition
__m256d result = _mm256_add_pd(v_hi_dbl, _mm256_castsi256_pd(v_lo));
return v_float64x4(result);
////////////// Lookup table access ////////////////////
inline v_int8x32 v256_lut(const schar* tab, const int* idx)
@ -1638,12 +1660,165 @@ inline v_float32x8 v_pack_triplets(const v_float32x8& vec)
////////// Matrix operations /////////
//////// Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b)
{ return v_int32x8(_mm256_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val)); }
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b, const v_int32x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b)
__m256i even = _mm256_mul_epi32(a.val, b.val);
__m256i odd = _mm256_mul_epi32(_mm256_srli_epi64(a.val, 32), _mm256_srli_epi64(b.val, 32));
return v_int64x4(_mm256_add_epi64(even, odd));
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b, const v_int64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x32& a, const v_uint8x32& b)
__m256i even_m = _mm256_set1_epi32(0xFF00FF00);
__m256i even_a = _mm256_blendv_epi8(a.val, _mm256_setzero_si256(), even_m);
__m256i odd_a = _mm256_srli_epi16(a.val, 8);
__m256i even_b = _mm256_blendv_epi8(b.val, _mm256_setzero_si256(), even_m);
__m256i odd_b = _mm256_srli_epi16(b.val, 8);
__m256i prod0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(even_a, even_b);
__m256i prod1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(odd_a, odd_b);
return v_uint32x8(_mm256_add_epi32(prod0, prod1));
inline v_uint32x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x32& a, const v_uint8x32& b, const v_uint32x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x32& a, const v_int8x32& b)
__m256i even_a = _mm256_srai_epi16(_mm256_bslli_epi128(a.val, 1), 8);
__m256i odd_a = _mm256_srai_epi16(a.val, 8);
__m256i even_b = _mm256_srai_epi16(_mm256_bslli_epi128(b.val, 1), 8);
__m256i odd_b = _mm256_srai_epi16(b.val, 8);
__m256i prod0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(even_a, even_b);
__m256i prod1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(odd_a, odd_b);
return v_int32x8(_mm256_add_epi32(prod0, prod1));
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x32& a, const v_int8x32& b, const v_int32x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x16& a, const v_uint16x16& b)
__m256i mullo = _mm256_mullo_epi16(a.val, b.val);
__m256i mulhi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(a.val, b.val);
__m256i mul0 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m256i mul1 = _mm256_unpackhi_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m256i p02 = _mm256_blend_epi32(mul0, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 0xAA);
__m256i p13 = _mm256_srli_epi64(mul0, 32);
__m256i p46 = _mm256_blend_epi32(mul1, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 0xAA);
__m256i p57 = _mm256_srli_epi64(mul1, 32);
__m256i p15_ = _mm256_add_epi64(p02, p13);
__m256i p9d_ = _mm256_add_epi64(p46, p57);
return v_uint64x4(_mm256_add_epi64(
_mm256_unpacklo_epi64(p15_, p9d_),
_mm256_unpackhi_epi64(p15_, p9d_)
inline v_uint64x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x16& a, const v_uint16x16& b, const v_uint64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b)
__m256i prod = _mm256_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val);
__m256i sign = _mm256_srai_epi32(prod, 31);
__m256i lo = _mm256_unpacklo_epi32(prod, sign);
__m256i hi = _mm256_unpackhi_epi32(prod, sign);
return v_int64x4(_mm256_add_epi64(
_mm256_unpacklo_epi64(lo, hi),
_mm256_unpackhi_epi64(lo, hi)
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b, const v_int64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b)
{ return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod(a, b)); }
inline v_float64x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b, const v_float64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
//////// Fast Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b, const v_int32x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b, const v_int64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x32& a, const v_uint8x32& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint32x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x32& a, const v_uint8x32& b, const v_uint32x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x32& a, const v_int8x32& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_int32x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x32& a, const v_int8x32& b, const v_int32x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x16& a, const v_uint16x16& b)
__m256i mullo = _mm256_mullo_epi16(a.val, b.val);
__m256i mulhi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(a.val, b.val);
__m256i mul0 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m256i mul1 = _mm256_unpackhi_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m256i p02 = _mm256_blend_epi32(mul0, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 0xAA);
__m256i p13 = _mm256_srli_epi64(mul0, 32);
__m256i p46 = _mm256_blend_epi32(mul1, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 0xAA);
__m256i p57 = _mm256_srli_epi64(mul1, 32);
__m256i p15_ = _mm256_add_epi64(p02, p13);
__m256i p9d_ = _mm256_add_epi64(p46, p57);
return v_uint64x4(_mm256_add_epi64(p15_, p9d_));
inline v_uint64x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x16& a, const v_uint16x16& b, const v_uint64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b)
__m256i prod = _mm256_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val);
__m256i sign = _mm256_srai_epi32(prod, 31);
__m256i lo = _mm256_unpacklo_epi32(prod, sign);
__m256i hi = _mm256_unpackhi_epi32(prod, sign);
return v_int64x4(_mm256_add_epi64(lo, hi));
inline v_int64x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x16& a, const v_int16x16& b, const v_int64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_float64x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x8& a, const v_int32x8& b, const v_float64x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
#define OPENCV_HAL_AVX_SPLAT2_PS(a, im) \
v_float32x8(_mm256_permute_ps(a.val, _MM_SHUFFLE(im, im, im, im)))

@ -1473,6 +1473,32 @@ inline v_float64x8 v_cvt_f64(const v_float32x16& a)
inline v_float64x8 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x16& a)
{ return v_float64x8(_mm512_cvtps_pd(_v512_extract_high(a.val))); }
// from (Mysticial and wim)
inline v_float64x8 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x8& v)
#if CV_AVX_512DQ
return v_float64x8(_mm512_cvtepi64_pd(v.val));
// constants encoded as floating-point
__m512i magic_i_lo = _mm512_set1_epi64x(0x4330000000000000); // 2^52
__m512i magic_i_hi32 = _mm512_set1_epi64x(0x4530000080000000); // 2^84 + 2^63
__m512i magic_i_all = _mm512_set1_epi64x(0x4530000080100000); // 2^84 + 2^63 + 2^52
__m512d magic_d_all = _mm512_castsi512_pd(magic_i_all);
// Blend the 32 lowest significant bits of v with magic_int_lo
__m512i v_lo = _mm512_blend_epi32(magic_i_lo, v.val, 0x55);
// Extract the 32 most significant bits of v
__m512i v_hi = _mm512_srli_epi64(v.val, 32);
// Flip the msb of v_hi and blend with 0x45300000
v_hi = _mm512_xor_si512(v_hi, magic_i_hi32);
// Compute in double precision
__m512d v_hi_dbl = _mm512_sub_pd(_mm512_castsi512_pd(v_hi), magic_d_all);
// (v_hi - magic_d_all) + v_lo Do not assume associativity of floating point addition
__m512d result = _mm512_add_pd(v_hi_dbl, _mm512_castsi512_pd(v_lo));
return v_float64x8(result);
////////////// Lookup table access ////////////////////
inline v_int8x64 v512_lut(const schar* tab, const int* idx)
@ -1672,12 +1698,152 @@ inline v_float32x16 v_pack_triplets(const v_float32x16& vec)
////////// Matrix operations /////////
//////// Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b)
{ return v_int32x16(_mm512_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val)); }
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b, const v_int32x16& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b)
__m512i even = _mm512_mul_epi32(a.val, b.val);
__m512i odd = _mm512_mul_epi32(_mm512_srli_epi64(a.val, 32), _mm512_srli_epi64(b.val, 32));
return v_int64x8(_mm512_add_epi64(even, odd));
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b, const v_int64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x16 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x64& a, const v_uint8x64& b)
__m512i even_a = _mm512_mask_blend_epi8(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, a.val, _mm512_setzero_si512());
__m512i odd_a = _mm512_srli_epi16(a.val, 8);
__m512i even_b = _mm512_mask_blend_epi8(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, b.val, _mm512_setzero_si512());
__m512i odd_b = _mm512_srli_epi16(b.val, 8);
__m512i prod0 = _mm512_madd_epi16(even_a, even_b);
__m512i prod1 = _mm512_madd_epi16(odd_a, odd_b);
return v_uint32x16(_mm512_add_epi32(prod0, prod1));
inline v_uint32x16 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x64& a, const v_uint8x64& b, const v_uint32x16& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x64& a, const v_int8x64& b)
__m512i even_a = _mm512_srai_epi16(_mm512_bslli_epi128(a.val, 1), 8);
__m512i odd_a = _mm512_srai_epi16(a.val, 8);
__m512i even_b = _mm512_srai_epi16(_mm512_bslli_epi128(b.val, 1), 8);
__m512i odd_b = _mm512_srai_epi16(b.val, 8);
__m512i prod0 = _mm512_madd_epi16(even_a, even_b);
__m512i prod1 = _mm512_madd_epi16(odd_a, odd_b);
return v_int32x16(_mm512_add_epi32(prod0, prod1));
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x64& a, const v_int8x64& b, const v_int32x16& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x32& a, const v_uint16x32& b)
__m512i mullo = _mm512_mullo_epi16(a.val, b.val);
__m512i mulhi = _mm512_mulhi_epu16(a.val, b.val);
__m512i mul0 = _mm512_unpacklo_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m512i mul1 = _mm512_unpackhi_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m512i p02 = _mm512_mask_blend_epi32(0xAAAA, mul0, _mm512_setzero_si512());
__m512i p13 = _mm512_srli_epi64(mul0, 32);
__m512i p46 = _mm512_mask_blend_epi32(0xAAAA, mul1, _mm512_setzero_si512());
__m512i p57 = _mm512_srli_epi64(mul1, 32);
__m512i p15_ = _mm512_add_epi64(p02, p13);
__m512i p9d_ = _mm512_add_epi64(p46, p57);
return v_uint64x8(_mm512_add_epi64(
_mm512_unpacklo_epi64(p15_, p9d_),
_mm512_unpackhi_epi64(p15_, p9d_)
inline v_uint64x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x32& a, const v_uint16x32& b, const v_uint64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b)
__m512i prod = _mm512_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val);
__m512i even = _mm512_srai_epi64(_mm512_bslli_epi128(prod, 4), 32);
__m512i odd = _mm512_srai_epi64(prod, 32);
return v_int64x8(_mm512_add_epi64(even, odd));
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b, const v_int64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b)
{ return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod(a, b)); }
inline v_float64x8 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b, const v_float64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
//////// Fast Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b, const v_int32x16& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b, const v_int64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x16 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x64& a, const v_uint8x64& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint32x16 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x64& a, const v_uint8x64& b, const v_uint32x16& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x64& a, const v_int8x64& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_int32x16 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x64& a, const v_int8x64& b, const v_int32x16& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x32& a, const v_uint16x32& b)
__m512i mullo = _mm512_mullo_epi16(a.val, b.val);
__m512i mulhi = _mm512_mulhi_epu16(a.val, b.val);
__m512i mul0 = _mm512_unpacklo_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m512i mul1 = _mm512_unpackhi_epi16(mullo, mulhi);
__m512i p02 = _mm512_mask_blend_epi32(0xAAAA, mul0, _mm512_setzero_si512());
__m512i p13 = _mm512_srli_epi64(mul0, 32);
__m512i p46 = _mm512_mask_blend_epi32(0xAAAA, mul1, _mm512_setzero_si512());
__m512i p57 = _mm512_srli_epi64(mul1, 32);
__m512i p15_ = _mm512_add_epi64(p02, p13);
__m512i p9d_ = _mm512_add_epi64(p46, p57);
return v_uint64x8(_mm512_add_epi64(p15_, p9d_));
inline v_uint64x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x32& a, const v_uint16x32& b, const v_uint64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_int64x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x32& a, const v_int16x32& b, const v_int64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_float64x8 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x16& a, const v_int32x16& b, const v_float64x8& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
#define OPENCV_HAL_AVX512_SPLAT2_PS(a, im) \
v_float32x16(_mm512_permute_ps(a.val, _MM_SHUFFLE(im, im, im, im)))

@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ Different type conversions and casts:
### Matrix operations
In these operations vectors represent matrix rows/columns: @ref v_dotprod, @ref v_matmul, @ref v_transpose4x4
In these operations vectors represent matrix rows/columns: @ref v_dotprod, @ref v_dotprod_fast,
@ref v_dotprod_expand, @ref v_dotprod_expand_fast, @ref v_matmul, @ref v_transpose4x4
### Usability
@ -195,7 +196,10 @@ Regular integers:
|mul_expand | x | x | x | x | x | |
|compare | x | x | x | x | x | x |
|shift | | | x | x | x | x |
|dotprod | | | | x | | |
|dotprod | | | | x | | x |
|dotprod_fast | | | | x | | x |
|dotprod_expand | x | x | x | x | | x |
|dotprod_expand_fast| x | x | x | x | | x |
|logical | x | x | x | x | x | x |
|min, max | x | x | x | x | x | x |
|absdiff | x | x | x | x | x | x |
@ -222,6 +226,7 @@ Big integers:
|logical | x | x |
|extract | x | x |
|rotate (lanes) | x | x |
|cvt_flt64 | | x |
Floating point:
@ -853,17 +858,18 @@ inline v_reg<_Tp, n> v_muladd(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b,
/** @brief Dot product of elements
Multiply values in two registers and sum adjacent result pairs.
{A1 A2 ...} // 16-bit
x {B1 B2 ...} // 16-bit
{A1B1+A2B2 ...} // 32-bit
Implemented only for 16-bit signed source type (v_int16x8).
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n/2>
v_dotprod(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b)
v_dotprod(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b)
typedef typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type w_type;
v_reg<w_type, n/2> c;
@ -881,12 +887,11 @@ Scheme:
x {B1 B2 ...} // 16-bit
{A1B1+A2B2+C1 ...} // 32-bit
Implemented only for 16-bit signed source type (v_int16x8).
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n/2>
v_dotprod(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b, const v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n / 2>& c)
v_dotprod(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b,
const v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n / 2>& c)
typedef typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type w_type;
v_reg<w_type, n/2> s;
@ -895,6 +900,95 @@ template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n
return s;
/** @brief Fast Dot product of elements
Same as cv::v_dotprod, but it may perform unorder sum between result pairs in some platforms,
this intrinsic can be used if the sum among all lanes is only matters
and also it should be yielding better performance on the affected platforms.
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n/2>
v_dotprod_fast(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
/** @brief Fast Dot product of elements
Same as cv::v_dotprod_fast, but add a third element to the sum of adjacent pairs.
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n/2>
v_dotprod_fast(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b,
const v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n / 2>& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
/** @brief Dot product of elements and expand
Multiply values in two registers and expand the sum of adjacent result pairs.
{A1 A2 A3 A4 ...} // 8-bit
x {B1 B2 B3 B4 ...} // 8-bit
{A1B1+A2B2+A3B3+A4B4 ...} // 32-bit
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n/4>
v_dotprod_expand(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b)
typedef typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type q_type;
v_reg<q_type, n/4> s;
for( int i = 0; i < (n/4); i++ )
s.s[i] = (q_type)a.s[i*4 ]*b.s[i*4 ] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 1]*b.s[i*4 + 1] +
(q_type)a.s[i*4 + 2]*b.s[i*4 + 2] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 3]*b.s[i*4 + 3];
return s;
/** @brief Dot product of elements
Same as cv::v_dotprod_expand, but add a third element to the sum of adjacent pairs.
{A1 A2 A3 A4 ...} // 8-bit
x {B1 B2 B3 B4 ...} // 8-bit
{A1B1+A2B2+A3B3+A4B4+C1 ...} // 32-bit
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n/4>
v_dotprod_expand(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b,
const v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n / 4>& c)
typedef typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type q_type;
v_reg<q_type, n/4> s;
for( int i = 0; i < (n/4); i++ )
s.s[i] = (q_type)a.s[i*4 ]*b.s[i*4 ] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 1]*b.s[i*4 + 1] +
(q_type)a.s[i*4 + 2]*b.s[i*4 + 2] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 3]*b.s[i*4 + 3] + c.s[i];
return s;
/** @brief Fast Dot product of elements and expand
Multiply values in two registers and expand the sum of adjacent result pairs.
Same as cv::v_dotprod_expand, but it may perform unorder sum between result pairs in some platforms,
this intrinsic can be used if the sum among all lanes is only matters
and also it should be yielding better performance on the affected platforms.
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n/4>
v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
/** @brief Fast Dot product of elements
Same as cv::v_dotprod_expand_fast, but add a third element to the sum of adjacent pairs.
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n/4>
v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b,
const v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n / 4>& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
/** @brief Multiply and expand
Multiply values two registers and store results in two registers with wider pack type.
@ -1810,6 +1904,17 @@ template<int n> inline v_reg<double, n> v_cvt_f64(const v_reg<float, n*2>& a)
return c;
/** @brief Convert to double
Supported input type is cv::v_int64x2. */
template<int n> inline v_reg<double, n> v_cvt_f64(const v_reg<int64, n>& a)
v_reg<double, n> c;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
c.s[i] = (double)a.s[i];
return c;
template<typename _Tp> inline v_reg<_Tp, V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::nlanes128> v_lut(const _Tp* tab, const int* idx)
v_reg<_Tp, V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::nlanes128> c;

@ -160,6 +160,16 @@ void v_mul_expand(const __CV_V_UINT32&, const __CV_V_UINT32&, __CV_V_UINT64&, __
void v_mul_expand(const __CV_V_INT32&, const __CV_V_INT32&, __CV_V_INT64&, __CV_V_INT64&);
// Conversions
__CV_V_FLOAT32 v_cvt_f32(const __CV_V_INT32& a);
__CV_V_FLOAT32 v_cvt_f32(const __CV_V_FLOAT64& a);
__CV_V_FLOAT32 v_cvt_f32(const __CV_V_FLOAT64& a, const __CV_V_FLOAT64& b);
__CV_V_FLOAT64 v_cvt_f64(const __CV_V_INT32& a);
__CV_V_FLOAT64 v_cvt_f64_high(const __CV_V_INT32& a);
__CV_V_FLOAT64 v_cvt_f64(const __CV_V_FLOAT32& a);
__CV_V_FLOAT64 v_cvt_f64_high(const __CV_V_FLOAT32& a);
__CV_V_FLOAT64 v_cvt_f64(const __CV_V_INT64& a);
/** Cleanup **/
#undef __CV_VX

@ -461,15 +461,124 @@ inline v_uint16x8 v_mul_hi(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
msa_mulq_u32(msa_paddlq_u16(a_hi), msa_paddlq_u16(b_hi)), 16));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
return v_int32x4(msa_dotp_s_w(a.val, b.val));
//////// Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_int32x4(msa_dotp_s_w(a.val, b.val)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
return v_int32x4(msa_dpadd_s_w(c.val , a.val, b.val));
{ return v_int32x4(msa_dpadd_s_w(c.val , a.val, b.val)); }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_int64x2(msa_dotp_s_d(a.val, b.val)); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_int64x2(msa_dpadd_s_d(c.val , a.val, b.val)); }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
v8u16 even_a = msa_shrq_n_u16(msa_shlq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, a.val), 8), 8);
v8u16 odd_a = msa_shrq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, a.val), 8);
v8u16 even_b = msa_shrq_n_u16(msa_shlq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, b.val), 8), 8);
v8u16 odd_b = msa_shrq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, b.val), 8);
v4u32 prod = msa_dotp_u_w(even_a, even_b);
return v_uint32x4(msa_dpadd_u_w(prod, odd_a, odd_b));
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
v8u16 even_a = msa_shrq_n_u16(msa_shlq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, a.val), 8), 8);
v8u16 odd_a = msa_shrq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, a.val), 8);
v8u16 even_b = msa_shrq_n_u16(msa_shlq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, b.val), 8), 8);
v8u16 odd_b = msa_shrq_n_u16(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v8u16, b.val), 8);
v4u32 prod = msa_dpadd_u_w(c.val, even_a, even_b);
return v_uint32x4(msa_dpadd_u_w(prod, odd_a, odd_b));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
v8i16 prod = msa_dotp_s_h(a.val, b.val);
return v_int32x4(msa_hadd_s32(prod, prod));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b,
const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
v4u32 even_a = msa_shrq_n_u32(msa_shlq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, a.val), 16), 16);
v4u32 odd_a = msa_shrq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, a.val), 16);
v4u32 even_b = msa_shrq_n_u32(msa_shlq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, b.val), 16), 16);
v4u32 odd_b = msa_shrq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, b.val), 16);
v2u64 prod = msa_dotp_u_d(even_a, even_b);
return v_uint64x2(msa_dpadd_u_d(prod, odd_a, odd_b));
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b,
const v_uint64x2& c)
v4u32 even_a = msa_shrq_n_u32(msa_shlq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, a.val), 16), 16);
v4u32 odd_a = msa_shrq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, a.val), 16);
v4u32 even_b = msa_shrq_n_u32(msa_shlq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, b.val), 16), 16);
v4u32 odd_b = msa_shrq_n_u32(MSA_TPV_REINTERPRET(v4u32, b.val), 16);
v2u64 prod = msa_dpadd_u_d(c.val, even_a, even_b);
return v_uint64x2(msa_dpadd_u_d(prod, odd_a, odd_b));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
v4i32 prod = msa_dotp_s_w(a.val, b.val);
return v_int64x2(msa_hadd_s64(prod, prod));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod(a, b)); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
//////// Fast Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_MSA_LOGIC_OP(_Tpvec, _Tpv, suffix) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_MSA_BIN_OP(&, _Tpvec, msa_andq_##suffix) \
@ -1311,6 +1420,11 @@ inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x4& a)
return v_float64x2(msa_cvtfhq_f64_f32(a.val));
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x2& a)
return v_float64x2(msa_cvtfintq_f64_s64(a.val));
////////////// Lookup table access ////////////////////
inline v_int8x16 v_lut(const schar* tab, const int* idx)

#define CV_SIMD128_64F 0
#define CV_NEON_DOT 0
//////////// Utils ////////////
#if CV_SIMD128_64F
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UNZIP(_Tpv, _Tpvx2, suffix) \
inline void _v128_unzip(const _Tpv& a, const _Tpv& b, _Tpv& c, _Tpv& d) \
{ c = vuzp1q_##suffix(a, b); d = vuzp2q_##suffix(a, b); }
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UNZIP_L(_Tpv, _Tpvx2, suffix) \
inline void _v128_unzip(const _Tpv&a, const _Tpv&b, _Tpv& c, _Tpv& d) \
{ c = vuzp1_##suffix(a, b); d = vuzp2_##suffix(a, b); }
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UNZIP(_Tpv, _Tpvx2, suffix) \
inline void _v128_unzip(const _Tpv& a, const _Tpv& b, _Tpv& c, _Tpv& d) \
{ _Tpvx2 ab = vuzpq_##suffix(a, b); c = ab.val[0]; d = ab.val[1]; }
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UNZIP_L(_Tpv, _Tpvx2, suffix) \
inline void _v128_unzip(const _Tpv& a, const _Tpv& b, _Tpv& c, _Tpv& d) \
{ _Tpvx2 ab = vuzp_##suffix(a, b); c = ab.val[0]; d = ab.val[1]; }
#if CV_SIMD128_64F
template <typename T> static inline \
_Tpv vreinterpretq_##suffix##_f64(T a) { return (_Tpv) a; } \
template <typename T> static inline \
float64x2_t vreinterpretq_f64_##suffix(T a) { return (float64x2_t) a; }
template <typename T> static inline \
_Tpv vreinterpretq_##suffix##_f64(T a) { return (_Tpv) a; } \
template <typename T> static inline \
float64x2_t vreinterpretq_f64_##suffix(T a) { return (float64x2_t) a; }
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX(_Tpv, _Tpvl, suffix) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UNZIP(_Tpv##_t, _Tpv##x2_t, suffix) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UNZIP_L(_Tpvl##_t, _Tpvl##x2_t, suffix) \
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX_I64(_Tpv, _Tpvl, suffix) \
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX_F64(_Tpv, _Tpvl, suffix) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UNZIP(_Tpv##_t, _Tpv##x2_t, suffix)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX(uint8x16, uint8x8, u8)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX(uint16x8, uint16x4, u16)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX(int16x8, int16x4, s16)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX(uint32x4, uint32x2, u32)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX(int32x4, int32x2, s32)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX(float32x4, float32x2, f32)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX_I64(uint64x2, uint64x1, u64)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX_I64(int64x2, int64x1, s64)
#if CV_SIMD128_64F
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_UTILS_SUFFIX_F64(float64x2, float64x1,f64)
//////////// Types ////////////
struct v_uint8x16
typedef uchar lane_type;
@ -528,20 +568,272 @@ inline v_uint16x8 v_mul_hi(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
//////// Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
int32x4_t c = vmull_s16(vget_low_s16(a.val), vget_low_s16(b.val));
int32x4_t d = vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(a.val), vget_high_s16(b.val));
int32x4x2_t cd = vuzpq_s32(c, d);
return v_int32x4(vaddq_s32(cd.val[0], cd.val[1]));
int16x8_t uzp1, uzp2;
_v128_unzip(a.val, b.val, uzp1, uzp2);
int16x4_t a0 = vget_low_s16(uzp1);
int16x4_t b0 = vget_high_s16(uzp1);
int16x4_t a1 = vget_low_s16(uzp2);
int16x4_t b1 = vget_high_s16(uzp2);
int32x4_t p = vmull_s16(a0, b0);
return v_int32x4(vmlal_s16(p, a1, b1));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
v_int32x4 s = v_dotprod(a, b);
return v_int32x4(vaddq_s32(s.val , c.val));
int16x8_t uzp1, uzp2;
_v128_unzip(a.val, b.val, uzp1, uzp2);
int16x4_t a0 = vget_low_s16(uzp1);
int16x4_t b0 = vget_high_s16(uzp1);
int16x4_t a1 = vget_low_s16(uzp2);
int16x4_t b1 = vget_high_s16(uzp2);
int32x4_t p = vmlal_s16(c.val, a0, b0);
return v_int32x4(vmlal_s16(p, a1, b1));
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
int32x4_t uzp1, uzp2;
_v128_unzip(a.val, b.val, uzp1, uzp2);
int32x2_t a0 = vget_low_s32(uzp1);
int32x2_t b0 = vget_high_s32(uzp1);
int32x2_t a1 = vget_low_s32(uzp2);
int32x2_t b1 = vget_high_s32(uzp2);
int64x2_t p = vmull_s32(a0, b0);
return v_int64x2(vmlal_s32(p, a1, b1));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
int32x4_t uzp1, uzp2;
_v128_unzip(a.val, b.val, uzp1, uzp2);
int32x2_t a0 = vget_low_s32(uzp1);
int32x2_t b0 = vget_high_s32(uzp1);
int32x2_t a1 = vget_low_s32(uzp2);
int32x2_t b1 = vget_high_s32(uzp2);
int64x2_t p = vmlal_s32(c.val, a0, b0);
return v_int64x2(vmlal_s32(p, a1, b1));
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
return v_uint32x4(vdotq_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0), a.val, b.val));
const uint8x16_t zero = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0));
const uint8x16_t mask = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0x00FF00FF));
const uint16x8_t zero32 = vreinterpretq_u16_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0));
const uint16x8_t mask32 = vreinterpretq_u16_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0x0000FFFF));
uint16x8_t even = vmulq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u8(vbslq_u8(mask, a.val, zero)),
vreinterpretq_u16_u8(vbslq_u8(mask, b.val, zero)));
uint16x8_t odd = vmulq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u8(a.val), 8),
vshrq_n_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u8(b.val), 8));
uint32x4_t s0 = vaddq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u16(vbslq_u16(mask32, even, zero32)),
vreinterpretq_u32_u16(vbslq_u16(mask32, odd, zero32)));
uint32x4_t s1 = vaddq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u16(even), 16),
vshrq_n_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u16(odd), 16));
return v_uint32x4(vaddq_u32(s0, s1));
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b,
const v_uint32x4& c)
return v_uint32x4(vdotq_u32(c.val, a.val, b.val));
return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c;
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
return v_int32x4(vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), a.val, b.val));
int16x8_t p0 = vmull_s8(vget_low_s8(a.val), vget_low_s8(b.val));
int16x8_t p1 = vmull_s8(vget_high_s8(a.val), vget_high_s8(b.val));
int16x8_t uzp1, uzp2;
_v128_unzip(p0, p1, uzp1, uzp2);
int16x8_t sum = vaddq_s16(uzp1, uzp2);
int16x4_t uzpl1, uzpl2;
_v128_unzip(vget_low_s16(sum), vget_high_s16(sum), uzpl1, uzpl2);
return v_int32x4(vaddl_s16(uzpl1, uzpl2));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b,
const v_int32x4& c)
return v_int32x4(vdotq_s32(c.val, a.val, b.val));
return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c;
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
const uint16x8_t zero = vreinterpretq_u16_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0));
const uint16x8_t mask = vreinterpretq_u16_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0x0000FFFF));
uint32x4_t even = vmulq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u16(vbslq_u16(mask, a.val, zero)),
vreinterpretq_u32_u16(vbslq_u16(mask, b.val, zero)));
uint32x4_t odd = vmulq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u16(a.val), 16),
vshrq_n_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u16(b.val), 16));
uint32x4_t uzp1, uzp2;
_v128_unzip(even, odd, uzp1, uzp2);
uint64x2_t s0 = vaddl_u32(vget_low_u32(uzp1), vget_high_u32(uzp1));
uint64x2_t s1 = vaddl_u32(vget_low_u32(uzp2), vget_high_u32(uzp2));
return v_uint64x2(vaddq_u64(s0, s1));
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
int32x4_t p0 = vmull_s16(vget_low_s16(a.val), vget_low_s16(b.val));
int32x4_t p1 = vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(a.val), vget_high_s16(b.val));
int32x4_t uzp1, uzp2;
_v128_unzip(p0, p1, uzp1, uzp2);
int32x4_t sum = vaddq_s32(uzp1, uzp2);
int32x2_t uzpl1, uzpl2;
_v128_unzip(vget_low_s32(sum), vget_high_s32(sum), uzpl1, uzpl2);
return v_int64x2(vaddl_s32(uzpl1, uzpl2));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b,
const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
#if CV_SIMD128_64F
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod(a, b)); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b,
const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
//////// Fast Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
int16x4_t a0 = vget_low_s16(a.val);
int16x4_t a1 = vget_high_s16(a.val);
int16x4_t b0 = vget_low_s16(b.val);
int16x4_t b1 = vget_high_s16(b.val);
int32x4_t p = vmull_s16(a0, b0);
return v_int32x4(vmlal_s16(p, a1, b1));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
int16x4_t a0 = vget_low_s16(a.val);
int16x4_t a1 = vget_high_s16(a.val);
int16x4_t b0 = vget_low_s16(b.val);
int16x4_t b1 = vget_high_s16(b.val);
int32x4_t p = vmlal_s16(c.val, a0, b0);
return v_int32x4(vmlal_s16(p, a1, b1));
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
int32x2_t a0 = vget_low_s32(a.val);
int32x2_t a1 = vget_high_s32(a.val);
int32x2_t b0 = vget_low_s32(b.val);
int32x2_t b1 = vget_high_s32(b.val);
int64x2_t p = vmull_s32(a0, b0);
return v_int64x2(vmlal_s32(p, a1, b1));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
int32x2_t a0 = vget_low_s32(a.val);
int32x2_t a1 = vget_high_s32(a.val);
int32x2_t b0 = vget_low_s32(b.val);
int32x2_t b1 = vget_high_s32(b.val);
int64x2_t p = vmlal_s32(c.val, a0, b0);
return v_int64x2(vmlal_s32(p, a1, b1));
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
return v_uint32x4(vdotq_u32(vdupq_n_u32(0), a.val, b.val));
uint16x8_t p0 = vmull_u8(vget_low_u8(a.val), vget_low_u8(b.val));
uint16x8_t p1 = vmull_u8(vget_high_u8(a.val), vget_high_u8(b.val));
uint32x4_t s0 = vaddl_u16(vget_low_u16(p0), vget_low_u16(p1));
uint32x4_t s1 = vaddl_u16(vget_high_u16(p0), vget_high_u16(p1));
return v_uint32x4(vaddq_u32(s0, s1));
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
return v_uint32x4(vdotq_u32(c.val, a.val, b.val));
return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c;
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
return v_int32x4(vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), a.val, b.val));
int16x8_t prod = vmull_s8(vget_low_s8(a.val), vget_low_s8(b.val));
prod = vmlal_s8(prod, vget_high_s8(a.val), vget_high_s8(b.val));
return v_int32x4(vaddl_s16(vget_low_s16(prod), vget_high_s16(prod)));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
return v_int32x4(vdotq_s32(c.val, a.val, b.val));
return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c;
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
uint32x4_t p0 = vmull_u16(vget_low_u16(a.val), vget_low_u16(b.val));
uint32x4_t p1 = vmull_u16(vget_high_u16(a.val), vget_high_u16(b.val));
uint64x2_t s0 = vaddl_u32(vget_low_u32(p0), vget_high_u32(p0));
uint64x2_t s1 = vaddl_u32(vget_low_u32(p1), vget_high_u32(p1));
return v_uint64x2(vaddq_u64(s0, s1));
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
int32x4_t prod = vmull_s16(vget_low_s16(a.val), vget_low_s16(b.val));
prod = vmlal_s16(prod, vget_high_s16(a.val), vget_high_s16(b.val));
return v_int64x2(vaddl_s32(vget_low_s32(prod), vget_high_s32(prod)));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
#if CV_SIMD128_64F
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod_fast(a, b)); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_LOGIC_OP(_Tpvec, suffix) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_BIN_OP(&, _Tpvec, vandq_##suffix) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_BIN_OP(|, _Tpvec, vorrq_##suffix) \
@ -1593,6 +1885,10 @@ inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x4& a)
return v_float64x2(vcvt_f64_f32(vget_high_f32(a.val)));
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x2& a)
{ return v_float64x2(vcvtq_f64_s64(a.val)); }
////////////// Lookup table access ////////////////////

@ -225,9 +225,13 @@ struct v_uint64x2
uint64 get0() const
#if !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(_M_X64)
int a = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(val);
int b = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_srli_epi64(val, 32));
return (unsigned)a | ((uint64)(unsigned)b << 32);
return (uint64)_mm_cvtsi128_si64(val);
__m128i val;
@ -247,9 +251,13 @@ struct v_int64x2
int64 get0() const
#if !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(_M_X64)
int a = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(val);
int b = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_srli_epi64(val, 32));
return (int64)((unsigned)a | ((uint64)(unsigned)b << 32));
return _mm_cvtsi128_si64(val);
__m128i val;
@ -791,15 +799,195 @@ inline void v_mul_expand(const v_uint32x4& a, const v_uint32x4& b,
inline v_int16x8 v_mul_hi(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b) { return v_int16x8(_mm_mulhi_epi16(a.val, b.val)); }
inline v_uint16x8 v_mul_hi(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b) { return v_uint16x8(_mm_mulhi_epu16(a.val, b.val)); }
//////// Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_int32x4(_mm_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
return v_int32x4(_mm_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val));
#if CV_SSE4_1
__m128i even = _mm_mul_epi32(a.val, b.val);
__m128i odd = _mm_mul_epi32(_mm_srli_epi64(a.val, 32), _mm_srli_epi64(b.val, 32));
return v_int64x2(_mm_add_epi64(even, odd));
__m128i even_u = _mm_mul_epu32(a.val, b.val);
__m128i odd_u = _mm_mul_epu32(_mm_srli_epi64(a.val, 32), _mm_srli_epi64(b.val, 32));
// convert unsigned to signed high multiplication (from: Agner Fog(veclib) and H S Warren: Hacker's delight, 2003, p. 132)
__m128i a_sign = _mm_srai_epi32(a.val, 31);
__m128i b_sign = _mm_srai_epi32(b.val, 31);
// |x * sign of x
__m128i axb = _mm_and_si128(a.val, b_sign);
__m128i bxa = _mm_and_si128(b.val, a_sign);
// sum of sign corrections
__m128i ssum = _mm_add_epi32(bxa, axb);
__m128i even_ssum = _mm_slli_epi64(ssum, 32);
__m128i odd_ssum = _mm_and_si128(ssum, _mm_set_epi32(-1, 0, -1, 0));
// convert to signed and prod
return v_int64x2(_mm_add_epi64(_mm_sub_epi64(even_u, even_ssum), _mm_sub_epi64(odd_u, odd_ssum)));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
__m128i a0 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_slli_si128(a.val, 1), 8); // even
__m128i a1 = _mm_srli_epi16(a.val, 8); // odd
__m128i b0 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_slli_si128(b.val, 1), 8);
__m128i b1 = _mm_srli_epi16(b.val, 8);
__m128i p0 = _mm_madd_epi16(a0, b0);
__m128i p1 = _mm_madd_epi16(a1, b1);
return v_uint32x4(_mm_add_epi32(p0, p1));
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
__m128i a0 = _mm_srai_epi16(_mm_slli_si128(a.val, 1), 8); // even
__m128i a1 = _mm_srai_epi16(a.val, 8); // odd
__m128i b0 = _mm_srai_epi16(_mm_slli_si128(b.val, 1), 8);
__m128i b1 = _mm_srai_epi16(b.val, 8);
__m128i p0 = _mm_madd_epi16(a0, b0);
__m128i p1 = _mm_madd_epi16(a1, b1);
return v_int32x4(_mm_add_epi32(p0, p1));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
v_uint32x4 c, d;
v_mul_expand(a, b, c, d);
v_uint64x2 c0, c1, d0, d1;
v_expand(c, c0, c1);
v_expand(d, d0, d1);
c0 += c1; d0 += d1;
return v_uint64x2(_mm_add_epi64(
_mm_unpacklo_epi64(c0.val, d0.val),
_mm_unpackhi_epi64(c0.val, d0.val)
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
v_int32x4 prod = v_dotprod(a, b);
v_int64x2 c, d;
v_expand(prod, c, d);
return v_int64x2(_mm_add_epi64(
_mm_unpacklo_epi64(c.val, d.val),
_mm_unpackhi_epi64(c.val, d.val)
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
#if CV_SSE4_1
return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod(a, b));
v_float64x2 c = v_cvt_f64(a) * v_cvt_f64(b);
v_float64x2 d = v_cvt_f64_high(a) * v_cvt_f64_high(b);
return v_float64x2(_mm_add_pd(
_mm_unpacklo_pd(c.val, d.val),
_mm_unpackhi_pd(c.val, d.val)
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
//////// Fast Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_fast(a, b) + c; }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
__m128i a0 = v_expand_low(a).val;
__m128i a1 = v_expand_high(a).val;
__m128i b0 = v_expand_low(b).val;
__m128i b1 = v_expand_high(b).val;
__m128i p0 = _mm_madd_epi16(a0, b0);
__m128i p1 = _mm_madd_epi16(a1, b1);
return v_uint32x4(_mm_add_epi32(p0, p1));
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
#if CV_SSE4_1
__m128i a0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(a.val);
__m128i a1 = v_expand_high(a).val;
__m128i b0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(b.val);
__m128i b1 = v_expand_high(b).val;
__m128i p0 = _mm_madd_epi16(a0, b0);
__m128i p1 = _mm_madd_epi16(a1, b1);
return v_int32x4(_mm_add_epi32(p0, p1));
return v_dotprod_expand(a, b);
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
return v_int32x4(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_madd_epi16(a.val, b.val), c.val));
v_uint32x4 c, d;
v_mul_expand(a, b, c, d);
v_uint64x2 c0, c1, d0, d1;
v_expand(c, c0, c1);
v_expand(d, d0, d1);
c0 += c1; d0 += d1;
return c0 + d0;
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
v_int32x4 prod = v_dotprod(a, b);
v_int64x2 c, d;
v_expand(prod, c, d);
return c + d;
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
v_float64x2 v_fma(const v_float64x2& a, const v_float64x2& b, const v_float64x2& c);
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_fma(v_cvt_f64(a), v_cvt_f64(b), v_cvt_f64_high(a) * v_cvt_f64_high(b)); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_fma(v_cvt_f64(a), v_cvt_f64(b), v_fma(v_cvt_f64_high(a), v_cvt_f64_high(b), c)); }
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_SSE_LOGIC_OP(_Tpvec, suffix, not_const) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_SSE_BIN_OP(&, _Tpvec, _mm_and_##suffix) \
@ -2739,6 +2927,32 @@ inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x4& a)
return v_float64x2(_mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_movehl_ps(a.val, a.val)));
// from (Mysticial and wim)
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x2& v)
// constants encoded as floating-point
__m128i magic_i_hi32 = _mm_set1_epi64x(0x4530000080000000); // 2^84 + 2^63
__m128i magic_i_all = _mm_set1_epi64x(0x4530000080100000); // 2^84 + 2^63 + 2^52
__m128d magic_d_all = _mm_castsi128_pd(magic_i_all);
// Blend the 32 lowest significant bits of v with magic_int_lo
#if CV_SSE4_1
__m128i magic_i_lo = _mm_set1_epi64x(0x4330000000000000); // 2^52
__m128i v_lo = _mm_blend_epi16(v.val, magic_i_lo, 0xcc);
__m128i magic_i_lo = _mm_set1_epi32(0x43300000); // 2^52
__m128i v_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.val, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 2, 0)), magic_i_lo);
// Extract the 32 most significant bits of v
__m128i v_hi = _mm_srli_epi64(v.val, 32);
// Flip the msb of v_hi and blend with 0x45300000
v_hi = _mm_xor_si128(v_hi, magic_i_hi32);
// Compute in double precision
__m128d v_hi_dbl = _mm_sub_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(v_hi), magic_d_all);
// (v_hi - magic_d_all) + v_lo Do not assume associativity of floating point addition
__m128d result = _mm_add_pd(v_hi_dbl, _mm_castsi128_pd(v_lo));
return v_float64x2(result);
////////////// Lookup table access ////////////////////
inline v_int8x16 v_lut(const schar* tab, const int* idx)

@ -499,12 +499,6 @@ inline void v_mul_expand(const Tvec& a, const Tvec& b, Twvec& c, Twvec& d)
v_zip(p0, p1, c, d);
inline void v_mul_expand(const v_uint32x4& a, const v_uint32x4& b, v_uint64x2& c, v_uint64x2& d)
c.val = vec_mul(vec_unpackhu(a.val), vec_unpackhu(b.val));
d.val = vec_mul(vec_unpacklu(a.val), vec_unpacklu(b.val));
inline v_int16x8 v_mul_hi(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
vec_int4 p0 = vec_mule(a.val, b.val);
@ -1043,14 +1037,8 @@ inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_float32x4& a)
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x4& a)
{ return v_float64x2(vec_cvfo(vec_mergel(a.val, a.val))); }
// The altivec intrinsic is missing for this 2.06 insn
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x2& a)
vec_double2 out;
__asm__ ("xvcvsxddp %x0,%x1" : "=wa"(out) : "wa"(a.val));
return v_float64x2(out);
{ return v_float64x2(vec_ctd(a.val)); }
////////////// Lookup table access ////////////////////
@ -1322,12 +1310,134 @@ inline void v_cleanup() {}
////////// Matrix operations /////////
//////// Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_int32x4(vec_msum(a.val, b.val, vec_int4_z)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_int32x4(vec_msum(a.val, b.val, c.val)); }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
vec_dword2 even = vec_mule(a.val, b.val);
vec_dword2 odd = vec_mulo(a.val, b.val);
return v_int64x2(vec_add(even, odd));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
{ return v_uint32x4(vec_msum(a.val, b.val, c.val)); }
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
{ return v_uint32x4(vec_msum(a.val, b.val, vec_uint4_z)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
const vec_ushort8 eight = vec_ushort8_sp(8);
vec_short8 a0 = vec_sra((vec_short8)vec_sld(a.val, a.val, 1), eight); // even
vec_short8 a1 = vec_sra((vec_short8)a.val, eight); // odd
vec_short8 b0 = vec_sra((vec_short8)vec_sld(b.val, b.val, 1), eight);
vec_short8 b1 = vec_sra((vec_short8)b.val, eight);
return v_int32x4(vec_msum(a0, b0, vec_msum(a1, b1, vec_int4_z)));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
const vec_ushort8 eight = vec_ushort8_sp(8);
vec_short8 a0 = vec_sra((vec_short8)vec_sld(a.val, a.val, 1), eight); // even
vec_short8 a1 = vec_sra((vec_short8)a.val, eight); // odd
vec_short8 b0 = vec_sra((vec_short8)vec_sld(b.val, b.val, 1), eight);
vec_short8 b1 = vec_sra((vec_short8)b.val, eight);
return v_int32x4(vec_msum(a0, b0, vec_msum(a1, b1, c.val)));
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
const vec_uint4 zero = vec_uint4_z;
vec_uint4 even = vec_mule(a.val, b.val);
vec_uint4 odd = vec_mulo(a.val, b.val);
vec_udword2 e0 = (vec_udword2)vec_mergee(even, zero);
vec_udword2 e1 = (vec_udword2)vec_mergeo(even, zero);
vec_udword2 o0 = (vec_udword2)vec_mergee(odd, zero);
vec_udword2 o1 = (vec_udword2)vec_mergeo(odd, zero);
vec_udword2 s0 = vec_add(e0, o0);
vec_udword2 s1 = vec_add(e1, o1);
return v_uint64x2(vec_add(s0, s1));
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
v_int32x4 prod = v_dotprod(a, b);
v_int64x2 c, d;
v_expand(prod, c, d);
return v_int64x2(vec_add(vec_mergeh(c.val, d.val), vec_mergel(c.val, d.val)));
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod(a, b)); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
//////// Fast Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_int32x4(vec_msum(a.val, b.val, vec_int4_z)) + c; }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
{ return v_uint32x4(vec_msum(a.val, b.val, vec_uint4_z)) + c; }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
vec_short8 a0 = vec_unpackh(a.val);
vec_short8 a1 = vec_unpackl(a.val);
vec_short8 b0 = vec_unpackh(b.val);
vec_short8 b1 = vec_unpackl(b.val);
return v_int32x4(vec_msum(a0, b0, vec_msum(a1, b1, vec_int4_z)));
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
v_int32x4 prod = v_dotprod(a, b);
v_int64x2 c, d;
v_expand(prod, c, d);
return c + d;
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b) + c; }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_float32x4 v_matmul(const v_float32x4& v, const v_float32x4& m0,
const v_float32x4& m1, const v_float32x4& m2,
const v_float32x4& m3)

@ -682,6 +682,29 @@ template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n
return s;
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n/4>
v_dotprod_expand(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b)
typedef typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type q_type;
v_reg<q_type, n/4> s;
for( int i = 0; i < (n/4); i++ )
s.s[i] = (q_type)a.s[i*4 ]*b.s[i*4 ] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 1]*b.s[i*4 + 1] +
(q_type)a.s[i*4 + 2]*b.s[i*4 + 2] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 3]*b.s[i*4 + 3];
return s;
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n/4>
v_dotprod_expand(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b,
const v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type, n / 4>& c)
typedef typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::q_type q_type;
v_reg<q_type, n/4> s;
for( int i = 0; i < (n/4); i++ )
s.s[i] = (q_type)a.s[i*4 ]*b.s[i*4 ] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 1]*b.s[i*4 + 1] +
(q_type)a.s[i*4 + 2]*b.s[i*4 + 2] + (q_type)a.s[i*4 + 3]*b.s[i*4 + 3] + c.s[i];
return s;
template<typename _Tp, int n> inline void v_mul_expand(const v_reg<_Tp, n>& a, const v_reg<_Tp, n>& b,
v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n/2>& c,
v_reg<typename V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::w_type, n/2>& d)
@ -1282,6 +1305,14 @@ inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x4& a)
return c;
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x2& a)
v_float64x2 c;
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
c.s[i] = (double)a.s[i];
return c;
template<typename _Tp> inline v_reg<_Tp, V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::nlanes128> v_lut(const _Tp* tab, const int* idx)
v_reg<_Tp, V_TypeTraits<_Tp>::nlanes128> c;
@ -2398,6 +2429,8 @@ inline v_uint16x8 v_mul_hi(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
return v_uint16x8(wasm_v8x16_shuffle(c, d, 2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15,18,19,22,23,26,27,30,31));
//////// Dot Product ////////
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
v128_t a0 = wasm_i32x4_shr(wasm_i32x4_shl(a.val, 16), 16);
@ -2410,16 +2443,141 @@ inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
v128_t a0 = wasm_i32x4_shr(wasm_i32x4_shl(a.val, 16), 16);
v128_t a1 = wasm_i32x4_shr(a.val, 16);
v128_t b0 = wasm_i32x4_shr(wasm_i32x4_shl(b.val, 16), 16);
v128_t b1 = wasm_i32x4_shr(b.val, 16);
v128_t d = wasm_i32x4_mul(a0, b0);
v128_t e = wasm_i32x4_mul(a1, b1);
return v_int32x4(wasm_i32x4_add(wasm_i32x4_add(d, e), c.val));
#ifdef __wasm_unimplemented_simd128__
v128_t a0 = wasm_i64x2_shr(wasm_i64x2_shl(a.val, 32), 32);
v128_t a1 = wasm_i64x2_shr(a.val, 32);
v128_t b0 = wasm_i64x2_shr(wasm_i64x2_shl(b.val, 32), 32);
v128_t b1 = wasm_i64x2_shr(b.val, 32);
v128_t c = (v128_t)((__i64x2)a0 * (__i64x2)b0);
v128_t d = (v128_t)((__i64x2)a1 * (__i64x2)b1);
return v_int64x2(wasm_i64x2_add(c, d));
fallback::v_int32x4 a_(a);
fallback::v_int32x4 b_(b);
return fallback::v_dotprod(a_, b_);
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
#ifdef __wasm_unimplemented_simd128__
return v_dotprod(a, b) + c;
fallback::v_int32x4 a_(a);
fallback::v_int32x4 b_(b);
fallback::v_int64x2 c_(c);
return fallback::v_dotprod(a_, b_, c_);
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
v128_t a0 = wasm_u16x8_shr(wasm_i16x8_shl(a.val, 8), 8);
v128_t a1 = wasm_u16x8_shr(a.val, 8);
v128_t b0 = wasm_u16x8_shr(wasm_i16x8_shl(b.val, 8), 8);
v128_t b1 = wasm_u16x8_shr(b.val, 8);
return v_uint32x4((
v_dotprod(v_int16x8(a0), v_int16x8(b0)) +
v_dotprod(v_int16x8(a1), v_int16x8(b1))).val
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
v128_t a0 = wasm_i16x8_shr(wasm_i16x8_shl(a.val, 8), 8);
v128_t a1 = wasm_i16x8_shr(a.val, 8);
v128_t b0 = wasm_i16x8_shr(wasm_i16x8_shl(b.val, 8), 8);
v128_t b1 = wasm_i16x8_shr(b.val, 8);
return v_int32x4(
v_dotprod(v_int16x8(a0), v_int16x8(b0)) +
v_dotprod(v_int16x8(a1), v_int16x8(b1))
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
fallback::v_uint16x8 a_(a);
fallback::v_uint16x8 b_(b);
return fallback::v_dotprod_expand(a_, b_);
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
fallback::v_uint16x8 a_(a);
fallback::v_uint16x8 b_(b);
fallback::v_uint64x2 c_(c);
return fallback::v_dotprod_expand(a_, b_, c_);
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
fallback::v_int16x8 a_(a);
fallback::v_int16x8 b_(b);
return fallback::v_dotprod_expand(a_, b_);
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
fallback::v_int16x8 a_(a);
fallback::v_int16x8 b_(b);
fallback::v_int64x2 c_(c);
return fallback::v_dotprod_expand(a_, b_, c_);
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_cvt_f64(v_dotprod(a, b)); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b) + c; }
//////// Fast Dot Product ////////
// 16 >> 32
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 32 >> 64
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod(a, b, c); }
// 8 >> 32
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint8x16& a, const v_uint8x16& b, const v_uint32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_int32x4 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int8x16& a, const v_int8x16& b, const v_int32x4& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
// 16 >> 64
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_uint64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_uint16x8& a, const v_uint16x8& b, const v_uint64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_int64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int16x8& a, const v_int16x8& b, const v_int64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
// 32 >> 64f
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b); }
inline v_float64x2 v_dotprod_expand_fast(const v_int32x4& a, const v_int32x4& b, const v_float64x2& c)
{ return v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c); }
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_WASM_BIN_OP(&, _Tpvec, wasm_v128_and) \
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_WASM_BIN_OP(|, _Tpvec, wasm_v128_or) \
@ -3815,6 +3973,16 @@ inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x4& a)
return fallback::v_cvt_f64_high(a_);
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_int64x2& a)
#ifdef __wasm_unimplemented_simd128__
return v_float64x2(wasm_convert_f64x2_i64x2(a.val));
fallback::v_int64x2 a_(a);
return fallback::v_cvt_f64(a_);
////////////// Lookup table access ////////////////////
inline v_int8x16 v_lut(const schar* tab, const int* idx)

@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ VSX_FINLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a, const rg& b) \
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_uint4, vec_ushort8, vec_mulo, __builtin_vec_mulo)
// dword2 support arrived in ISA 2.07 and GCC 8+
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_dword2, vec_int4, vmulesw, vec_mule)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_udword2, vec_uint4, vmuleuw, vec_mule)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_dword2, vec_int4, vmulosw, vec_mulo)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_udword2, vec_uint4, vmulouw, vec_mulo)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_dword2, vec_int4, vmulosw, vec_mule)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_udword2, vec_uint4, vmulouw, vec_mule)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_dword2, vec_int4, vmulesw, vec_mulo)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_udword2, vec_uint4, vmuleuw, vec_mulo)

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ typedef TestBaseWithParam<MatType_Length_t> MatType_Length;
PERF_TEST_P( MatType_Length, dot,
testing::Values( CV_8UC1, CV_32SC1, CV_32FC1 ),
testing::Values( CV_8UC1, CV_8SC1, CV_16SC1, CV_16UC1, CV_32SC1, CV_32FC1 ),
testing::Values( 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 )

@ -2320,26 +2320,22 @@ double dotProd_8u(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, int len)
while (i < len0)
blockSize = std::min(len0 - i, blockSize0);
v_int32 v_sum = vx_setzero_s32();
v_uint32 v_sum = vx_setzero_u32();
const int cWidth = v_uint16::nlanes;
int j = 0;
for (; j <= blockSize - cWidth * 2; j += cWidth * 2)
v_uint16 v_src10, v_src20, v_src11, v_src21;
v_expand(vx_load(src1 + j), v_src10, v_src11);
v_expand(vx_load(src2 + j), v_src20, v_src21);
v_sum += v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_src10), v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_src20));
v_sum += v_dotprod(v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_src11), v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_src21));
v_uint8 v_src1 = vx_load(src1 + j);
v_uint8 v_src2 = vx_load(src2 + j);
v_sum = v_dotprod_expand_fast(v_src1, v_src2, v_sum);
for (; j <= blockSize - cWidth; j += cWidth)
v_int16 v_src10 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src1 + j));
v_int16 v_src20 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(vx_load_expand(src2 + j));
v_sum += v_dotprod(v_src10, v_src20);
v_sum += v_reinterpret_as_u32(v_dotprod_fast(v_src10, v_src20));
r += (double)v_reduce_sum(v_sum);
@ -2348,48 +2344,6 @@ double dotProd_8u(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, int len)
i += blockSize;
#elif CV_NEON
if( cv::checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_NEON) )
int len0 = len & -8, blockSize0 = (1 << 15), blockSize;
uint32x4_t v_zero = vdupq_n_u32(0u);
CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) uint buf[4];
while( i < len0 )
blockSize = std::min(len0 - i, blockSize0);
uint32x4_t v_sum = v_zero;
int j = 0;
for( ; j <= blockSize - 16; j += 16 )
uint8x16_t v_src1 = vld1q_u8(src1 + j), v_src2 = vld1q_u8(src2 + j);
uint16x8_t v_src10 = vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(v_src1)), v_src20 = vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(v_src2));
v_sum = vmlal_u16(v_sum, vget_low_u16(v_src10), vget_low_u16(v_src20));
v_sum = vmlal_u16(v_sum, vget_high_u16(v_src10), vget_high_u16(v_src20));
v_src10 = vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(v_src1));
v_src20 = vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(v_src2));
v_sum = vmlal_u16(v_sum, vget_low_u16(v_src10), vget_low_u16(v_src20));
v_sum = vmlal_u16(v_sum, vget_high_u16(v_src10), vget_high_u16(v_src20));
for( ; j <= blockSize - 8; j += 8 )
uint16x8_t v_src1 = vmovl_u8(vld1_u8(src1 + j)), v_src2 = vmovl_u8(vld1_u8(src2 + j));
v_sum = vmlal_u16(v_sum, vget_low_u16(v_src1), vget_low_u16(v_src2));
v_sum = vmlal_u16(v_sum, vget_high_u16(v_src1), vget_high_u16(v_src2));
vst1q_u32(buf, v_sum);
r += buf[0] + buf[1] + buf[2] + buf[3];
src1 += blockSize;
src2 += blockSize;
i += blockSize;
return r + dotProd_(src1, src2, len - i);
@ -2412,20 +2366,16 @@ double dotProd_8s(const schar* src1, const schar* src2, int len)
int j = 0;
for (; j <= blockSize - cWidth * 2; j += cWidth * 2)
v_int16 v_src10, v_src20, v_src11, v_src21;
v_expand(vx_load(src1 + j), v_src10, v_src11);
v_expand(vx_load(src2 + j), v_src20, v_src21);
v_sum += v_dotprod(v_src10, v_src20);
v_sum += v_dotprod(v_src11, v_src21);
v_int8 v_src1 = vx_load(src1 + j);
v_int8 v_src2 = vx_load(src2 + j);
v_sum = v_dotprod_expand_fast(v_src1, v_src2, v_sum);
for (; j <= blockSize - cWidth; j += cWidth)
v_int16 v_src10 = vx_load_expand(src1 + j);
v_int16 v_src20 = vx_load_expand(src2 + j);
v_sum += v_dotprod(v_src10, v_src20);
v_int16 v_src1 = vx_load_expand(src1 + j);
v_int16 v_src2 = vx_load_expand(src2 + j);
v_sum = v_dotprod_fast(v_src1, v_src2, v_sum);
r += (double)v_reduce_sum(v_sum);
@ -2434,130 +2384,104 @@ double dotProd_8s(const schar* src1, const schar* src2, int len)
i += blockSize;
#elif CV_NEON
if( cv::checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_NEON) )
int len0 = len & -8, blockSize0 = (1 << 14), blockSize;
int32x4_t v_zero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) int buf[4];
while( i < len0 )
blockSize = std::min(len0 - i, blockSize0);
int32x4_t v_sum = v_zero;
int j = 0;
for( ; j <= blockSize - 16; j += 16 )
int8x16_t v_src1 = vld1q_s8(src1 + j), v_src2 = vld1q_s8(src2 + j);
int16x8_t v_src10 = vmovl_s8(vget_low_s8(v_src1)), v_src20 = vmovl_s8(vget_low_s8(v_src2));
v_sum = vmlal_s16(v_sum, vget_low_s16(v_src10), vget_low_s16(v_src20));
v_sum = vmlal_s16(v_sum, vget_high_s16(v_src10), vget_high_s16(v_src20));
v_src10 = vmovl_s8(vget_high_s8(v_src1));
v_src20 = vmovl_s8(vget_high_s8(v_src2));
v_sum = vmlal_s16(v_sum, vget_low_s16(v_src10), vget_low_s16(v_src20));
v_sum = vmlal_s16(v_sum, vget_high_s16(v_src10), vget_high_s16(v_src20));
for( ; j <= blockSize - 8; j += 8 )
int16x8_t v_src1 = vmovl_s8(vld1_s8(src1 + j)), v_src2 = vmovl_s8(vld1_s8(src2 + j));
v_sum = vmlal_s16(v_sum, vget_low_s16(v_src1), vget_low_s16(v_src2));
v_sum = vmlal_s16(v_sum, vget_high_s16(v_src1), vget_high_s16(v_src2));
return r + dotProd_(src1, src2, len - i);
vst1q_s32(buf, v_sum);
r += buf[0] + buf[1] + buf[2] + buf[3];
double dotProd_16u(const ushort* src1, const ushort* src2, int len)
double r = 0.0;
int i = 0;
src1 += blockSize;
src2 += blockSize;
i += blockSize;
#elif CV_MSA
int len0 = len & -8, blockSize0 = (1 << 14), blockSize;
v4i32 v_zero = msa_dupq_n_s32(0);
CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) int buf[4];
int len0 = len & -v_uint16::nlanes, blockSize0 = (1 << 24), blockSize;
while( i < len0 )
while (i < len0)
blockSize = std::min(len0 - i, blockSize0);
v4i32 v_sum = v_zero;
v_uint64 v_sum = vx_setzero_u64();
const int cWidth = v_uint16::nlanes;
int j = 0;
for( ; j <= blockSize - 16; j += 16 )
v16i8 v_src1 = msa_ld1q_s8(src1 + j), v_src2 = msa_ld1q_s8(src2 + j);
v8i16 v_src10 = msa_movl_s8(msa_get_low_s8(v_src1)), v_src20 = msa_movl_s8(msa_get_low_s8(v_src2));
v_sum = msa_mlal_s16(v_sum, msa_get_low_s16(v_src10), msa_get_low_s16(v_src20));
v_sum = msa_mlal_s16(v_sum, msa_get_high_s16(v_src10), msa_get_high_s16(v_src20));
v_src10 = msa_movl_s8(msa_get_high_s8(v_src1));
v_src20 = msa_movl_s8(msa_get_high_s8(v_src2));
v_sum = msa_mlal_s16(v_sum, msa_get_low_s16(v_src10), msa_get_low_s16(v_src20));
v_sum = msa_mlal_s16(v_sum, msa_get_high_s16(v_src10), msa_get_high_s16(v_src20));
for( ; j <= blockSize - 8; j += 8 )
for (; j <= blockSize - cWidth; j += cWidth)
v8i16 v_src1 = msa_movl_s8(msa_ld1_s8(src1 + j)), v_src2 = msa_movl_s8(msa_ld1_s8(src2 + j));
v_sum = msa_mlal_s16(v_sum, msa_get_low_s16(v_src1), msa_get_low_s16(v_src2));
v_sum = msa_mlal_s16(v_sum, msa_get_high_s16(v_src1), msa_get_high_s16(v_src2));
v_uint16 v_src1 = vx_load(src1 + j);
v_uint16 v_src2 = vx_load(src2 + j);
v_sum = v_dotprod_expand_fast(v_src1, v_src2, v_sum);
msa_st1q_s32(buf, v_sum);
r += buf[0] + buf[1] + buf[2] + buf[3];
r += (double)v_reduce_sum(v_sum);
src1 += blockSize;
src2 += blockSize;
i += blockSize;
return r + dotProd_(src1, src2, len - i);
double dotProd_16u(const ushort* src1, const ushort* src2, int len)
return dotProd_(src1, src2, len);
double dotProd_16s(const short* src1, const short* src2, int len)
return dotProd_(src1, src2, len);
double r = 0.0;
int i = 0;
int len0 = len & -v_int16::nlanes, blockSize0 = (1 << 24), blockSize;
while (i < len0)
blockSize = std::min(len0 - i, blockSize0);
v_int64 v_sum = vx_setzero_s64();
const int cWidth = v_int16::nlanes;
int j = 0;
for (; j <= blockSize - cWidth; j += cWidth)
v_int16 v_src1 = vx_load(src1 + j);
v_int16 v_src2 = vx_load(src2 + j);
v_sum = v_dotprod_expand_fast(v_src1, v_src2, v_sum);
r += (double)v_reduce_sum(v_sum);
src1 += blockSize;
src2 += blockSize;
i += blockSize;
return r + dotProd_(src1, src2, len - i);
double dotProd_32s(const int* src1, const int* src2, int len)
#if CV_SIMD128_64F
double r = 0.0;
#if CV_SIMD_64F
double r = .0;
int i = 0;
int lenAligned = len & -v_int32x4::nlanes;
v_float64x2 a(0.0, 0.0);
v_float64x2 b(0.0, 0.0);
for( i = 0; i < lenAligned; i += v_int32x4::nlanes )
v_int32x4 s1 = v_load(src1);
v_int32x4 s2 = v_load(src2);
#if CV_VSX
// Do 32x32->64 multiplies, convert/round to double, accumulate
// Potentially less precise than FMA, but 1.5x faster than fma below.
a += v_cvt_f64(v_int64(vec_mule(s1.val, s2.val)));
b += v_cvt_f64(v_int64(vec_mulo(s1.val, s2.val)));
a = v_fma(v_cvt_f64(s1), v_cvt_f64(s2), a);
b = v_fma(v_cvt_f64_high(s1), v_cvt_f64_high(s2), b);
const int step = v_int32::nlanes;
v_float64 v_sum0 = vx_setzero_f64();
#if CV_SIMD_WIDTH == 16
const int wstep = step * 2;
v_float64 v_sum1 = vx_setzero_f64();
for (; i < len - wstep; i += wstep, src1 += wstep, src2 += wstep)
v_int32 v_src10 = vx_load(src1);
v_int32 v_src20 = vx_load(src2);
v_int32 v_src11 = vx_load(src1 + step);
v_int32 v_src21 = vx_load(src2 + step);
v_sum0 = v_dotprod_expand_fast(v_src10, v_src20, v_sum0);
v_sum1 = v_dotprod_expand_fast(v_src11, v_src21, v_sum1);
v_sum0 += v_sum1;
src1 += v_int32x4::nlanes;
src2 += v_int32x4::nlanes;
a += b;
r = v_reduce_sum(a);
for (; i < len - step; i += step, src1 += step, src2 += step)
v_int32 v_src1 = vx_load(src1);
v_int32 v_src2 = vx_load(src2);
v_sum0 = v_dotprod_expand_fast(v_src1, v_src2, v_sum0);
r = v_reduce_sum(v_sum0);
return r + dotProd_(src1, src2, len - i);
return dotProd_(src1, src2, len);

@ -603,12 +603,14 @@ template<typename R> struct TheTest
return *this;
TheTest & test_dot_prod()
TheTest & test_dotprod()
typedef typename V_RegTraits<R>::w_reg Rx2;
typedef typename Rx2::lane_type w_type;
Data<R> dataA, dataB(2);
Data<R> dataA, dataB;
dataA += std::numeric_limits<LaneType>::max() - R::nlanes;
dataB += std::numeric_limits<LaneType>::min() + R::nlanes;
R a = dataA, b = dataB;
Data<Rx2> dataC;
@ -621,12 +623,95 @@ template<typename R> struct TheTest
resE = v_dotprod(a, b, c);
const int n = R::nlanes / 2;
w_type sumAB = 0, sumABC = 0, tmp_sum;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
SCOPED_TRACE(cv::format("i=%d", i));
EXPECT_EQ(dataA[i*2] * dataB[i*2] + dataA[i*2 + 1] * dataB[i*2 + 1], resD[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(dataA[i*2] * dataB[i*2] + dataA[i*2 + 1] * dataB[i*2 + 1] + dataC[i], resE[i]);
tmp_sum = (w_type)dataA[i*2] * (w_type)dataB[i*2] +
(w_type)dataA[i*2 + 1] * (w_type)dataB[i*2 + 1];
sumAB += tmp_sum;
EXPECT_EQ(tmp_sum, resD[i]);
tmp_sum = tmp_sum + dataC[i];
sumABC += tmp_sum;
EXPECT_EQ(tmp_sum, resE[i]);
w_type resF = v_reduce_sum(v_dotprod_fast(a, b)),
resG = v_reduce_sum(v_dotprod_fast(a, b, c));
EXPECT_EQ(sumAB, resF);
EXPECT_EQ(sumABC, resG);
return *this;
TheTest & test_dotprod_expand()
typedef typename V_RegTraits<R>::q_reg Rx4;
typedef typename Rx4::lane_type l4_type;
Data<R> dataA, dataB;
dataA += std::numeric_limits<LaneType>::max() - R::nlanes;
dataB += std::numeric_limits<LaneType>::min() + R::nlanes;
R a = dataA, b = dataB;
Data<Rx4> dataC;
Rx4 c = dataC;
Data<Rx4> resD = v_dotprod_expand(a, b),
resE = v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c);
l4_type sumAB = 0, sumABC = 0, tmp_sum;
for (int i = 0; i < Rx4::nlanes; ++i)
SCOPED_TRACE(cv::format("i=%d", i));
tmp_sum = (l4_type)dataA[i*4] * (l4_type)dataB[i*4] +
(l4_type)dataA[i*4 + 1] * (l4_type)dataB[i*4 + 1] +
(l4_type)dataA[i*4 + 2] * (l4_type)dataB[i*4 + 2] +
(l4_type)dataA[i*4 + 3] * (l4_type)dataB[i*4 + 3];
sumAB += tmp_sum;
EXPECT_EQ(tmp_sum, resD[i]);
tmp_sum = tmp_sum + dataC[i];
sumABC += tmp_sum;
EXPECT_EQ(tmp_sum, resE[i]);
l4_type resF = v_reduce_sum(v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b)),
resG = v_reduce_sum(v_dotprod_expand_fast(a, b, c));
EXPECT_EQ(sumAB, resF);
EXPECT_EQ(sumABC, resG);
return *this;
TheTest & test_dotprod_expand_f64()
#if CV_SIMD_64F
Data<R> dataA, dataB;
dataA += std::numeric_limits<LaneType>::max() - R::nlanes;
dataB += std::numeric_limits<LaneType>::min();
R a = dataA, b = dataB;
Data<v_float64> dataC;
v_float64 c = dataC;
Data<v_float64> resA = v_dotprod_expand(a, a),
resB = v_dotprod_expand(b, b),
resC = v_dotprod_expand(a, b, c);
const int n = R::nlanes / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
SCOPED_TRACE(cv::format("i=%d", i));
EXPECT_EQ((double)dataA[i*2] * (double)dataA[i*2] +
(double)dataA[i*2 + 1] * (double)dataA[i*2 + 1], resA[i]);
EXPECT_EQ((double)dataB[i*2] * (double)dataB[i*2] +
(double)dataB[i*2 + 1] * (double)dataB[i*2 + 1], resB[i]);
EXPECT_EQ((double)dataA[i*2] * (double)dataB[i*2] +
(double)dataA[i*2 + 1] * (double)dataB[i*2 + 1] + dataC[i], resC[i]);
return *this;
@ -1165,6 +1250,29 @@ template<typename R> struct TheTest
return *this;
TheTest & test_cvt64_double()
#if CV_SIMD_64F
Data<R> dataA(std::numeric_limits<LaneType>::max()),
dataB += R::nlanes;
R a = dataA, b = dataB;
v_float64 c = v_cvt_f64(a), d = v_cvt_f64(b);
Data<v_float64> resC = c;
Data<v_float64> resD = d;
for (int i = 0; i < R::nlanes; ++i)
SCOPED_TRACE(cv::format("i=%d", i));
EXPECT_EQ((double)dataA[i], resC[i]);
EXPECT_EQ((double)dataB[i], resD[i]);
return *this;
TheTest & test_matmul()
Data<R> dataV, dataA, dataB, dataC, dataD;
@ -1341,6 +1449,7 @@ void test_hal_intrin_uint8()
@ -1378,6 +1487,7 @@ void test_hal_intrin_int8()
@ -1408,6 +1518,7 @@ void test_hal_intrin_uint16()
@ -1437,7 +1548,8 @@ void test_hal_intrin_int16()
@ -1497,6 +1609,8 @@ void test_hal_intrin_int32()
@ -1538,6 +1652,7 @@ void test_hal_intrin_int64()
