Merge pull request #16066 from dmatveev:dm/gapi_slides
* G-API: Added G-API Overview slides & its source code - Sample code snippets are moved to separate files; - Introduced a separate benchmark to measure Fluid/OpenCV performance; - Added notes on API changes (it is still a 4.0, not a 4.2 talk!) - Added a "Metropolis" beamer download-n-build script. * G-API: Addressed review issues on G-API overview slidespull/16171/head
9 changed files with 781 additions and 1 deletions
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# G-API Overview |
This is the latest overview slide deck on G-API. |
## Prerequisites |
- [Emacs] v24 or higher; |
- [Org]-mode 8.2.10; |
- `pdflatex`; |
- `texlive-latex-recommended` ([Beamer] package); |
- `texlive-font-utils` (`epstopdf`); |
- `wget` (for ``). |
## Building |
1. Download and build the [Metropolis] theme with the script: |
``` |
$ ./ |
``` |
2. Now open `` with Emacs and press `C-c C-e l P`. |
[Emacs]: |
[Org]: |
[Beamer]: |
[Metropolis]: |
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#+TITLE: OpenCV 4.0 Graph API |
#+AUTHOR: Dmitry Matveev\newline Intel Corporation |
#+OPTIONS: H:2 toc:t num:t |
#+LATEX_CLASS: beamer |
#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation] |
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{transparent} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{mtheme.sty/beamerthememetropolis} |
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setbeamertemplate{frame footer}{OpenCV 4.0 G-API: Overview and programming by example} |
#+BEAMER_HEADER: \subtitle{Overview and programming by example} |
#+BEAMER_HEADER: \titlegraphic{ \vspace*{3cm}\hspace*{5cm} {\transparent{0.2}\includegraphics[height=\textheight]{ocv_logo.eps}}} |
* G-API: What is, why, what's for? |
** OpenCV evolution in one slide |
*** Version 1.x -- Library inception |
- Just a set of CV functions + helpers around (visualization, IO); |
*** Version 2.x -- Library rewrite |
- OpenCV meets C++, ~cv::Mat~ replaces ~IplImage*~; |
*** Version 3.0: -- Welcome Transparent API (T-API) |
- ~cv::UMat~ is introduced as a /transparent/ addition to |
~cv::Mat~; |
- With ~cv::UMat~, an OpenCL kernel can be enqeueud instead of |
immediately running C code; |
- ~cv::UMat~ data is kept on a /device/ until explicitly queried. |
** OpenCV evolution in one slide (cont'd) |
# FIXME: Learn proper page-breaking! |
*** Version 4.0: -- Welcome Graph API (G-API) |
- A new separate module (not a full library rewrite); |
- A framework (or even a /meta/-framework); |
- Usage model: |
- /Express/ an image/vision processing graph and then /execute/ it; |
- Fine-tune execution without changes in the graph; |
- Similar to Halide -- separates logic from |
platform details. |
- More than Halide: |
- Kernels can be written in unconstrained platform-native code; |
- Halide can serve as a backend (one of many). |
** Why G-API? |
*** Why introduce a new execution model? |
- Ultimately it is all about optimizations; |
- or at least about a /possibility/ to optimize; |
- A CV algorithm is usually not a single function call, but a |
composition of functions; |
- Different models operate at different levels of knowledge on the |
algorithm (problem) we run. |
** Why G-API? (cont'd) |
# FIXME: Learn proper page-breaking! |
*** Why introduce a new execution model? |
- *Traditional* -- every function can be optimized (e.g. vectorized) |
and parallelized, the rest is up to programmer to care about. |
- *Queue-based* -- kernels are enqueued dynamically with no guarantee |
where the end is or what is called next; |
- *Graph-based* -- nearly all information is there, some compiler |
magic can be done! |
** What is G-API for? |
*** Bring the value of graph model with OpenCV where it makes sense: |
- *Memory consumption* can be reduced dramatically; |
- *Memory access* can be optimized to maximize cache reuse; |
- *Parallelism* can be applied automatically where it is hard to do |
it manually; |
- It also becomes more efficient when working with graphs; |
- *Heterogeneity* gets extra benefits like: |
- Avoiding unnecessary data transfers; |
- Shadowing transfer costs with parallel host co-execution; |
- Increasing system throughput with frame-level pipelining. |
* Programming with G-API |
** G-API Basics |
*** G-API Concepts |
- *Graphs* are built by applying /operations/ to /data objects/; |
- API itself has no "graphs", it is expression-based instead; |
- *Data objects* do not hold actual data, only capture /dependencies/; |
- *Operations* consume and produce data objects. |
- A graph is defined by specifying its /boundaries/ with data objects: |
- What data objects are /inputs/ to the graph? |
- What are its /outputs/? |
** A code is worth a thousand words |
:BEAMER_opt: shrink=42 |
:END: |
*** Traditional OpenCV :B_block:BMCOL: |
:BEAMER_env: block |
:BEAMER_col: 0.45 |
:END: |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { |
using namespace cv; |
if (argc != 3) return 1; |
Mat in_mat = imread(argv[1]); |
Mat gx, gy; |
Sobel(in_mat, gx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
Sobel(in_mat, gy, CV_32F, 0, 1); |
Mat mag, out_mat; |
sqrt(gx.mul(gx) + gy.mul(gy), mag); |
mag.convertTo(out_mat, CV_8U); |
imwrite(argv[2], out_mat); |
return 0; |
} |
*** OpenCV G-API :B_block:BMCOL: |
:BEAMER_env: block |
:BEAMER_col: 0.5 |
:END: |
#include <opencv2/gapi.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { |
using namespace cv; |
if (argc != 3) return 1; |
GMat in; |
GMat gx = gapi::Sobel(in, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
GMat gy = gapi::Sobel(in, CV_32F, 0, 1); |
GMat mag = gapi::sqrt( gapi::mul(gx, gx) |
+ gapi::mul(gy, gy)); |
GMat out = gapi::convertTo(mag, CV_8U); |
GComputation sobel(GIn(in), GOut(out)); |
Mat in_mat = imread(argv[1]), out_mat; |
sobel.apply(in_mat, out_mat); |
imwrite(argv[2], out_mat); |
return 0; |
} |
** A code is worth a thousand words (cont'd) |
# FIXME: sections!!! |
*** What we have just learned? |
- G-API functions mimic their traditional OpenCV ancestors; |
- No real data is required to construct a graph; |
- Graph construction and graph execution are separate steps. |
*** What else? |
- Graph is first /expressed/ and then /captured/ in an object; |
- Graph constructor defines /protocol/; user can pass vectors of |
inputs/outputs like |
cv::GComputation(cv::GIn(...), cv::GOut(...)) |
- Calls to ~.apply()~ must conform to graph's protocol |
** On data objects |
Graph *protocol* defines what arguments a computation was defined on |
(both inputs and outputs), and what are the *shapes* (or types) of |
those arguments: |
| *Shape* | *Argument* | Size | |
|-------------+------------------+-----------------------------| |
| ~GMat~ | ~Mat~ | Static; defined during | |
| | | graph compilation | |
|-------------+------------------+-----------------------------| |
| ~GScalar~ | ~Scalar~ | 4 x ~double~ | |
|-------------+------------------+-----------------------------| |
| ~GArray<T>~ | ~std::vector<T>~ | Dynamic; defined in runtime | |
~GScalar~ may be value-initialized at construction time to allow |
expressions like ~GMat a = 2*(b + 1)~. |
** Customization example |
*** Tuning the execution |
- Graph execution model is defined by kernels which are used; |
- Kernels can be specified in graph compilation arguments: |
#+LaTeX: {\footnotesize |
#include <opencv2/gapi/fluid/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/fluid/imgproc.hpp> |
... |
auto pkg = gapi::combine(gapi::core::fluid::kernels(), |
gapi::imgproc::fluid::kernels(), |
cv::unite_policy::KEEP); |
sobel.apply(in_mat, out_mat, compile_args(pkg)); |
#+LaTeX: } |
- OpenCL backend can be used in the same way; |
#+LaTeX: {\footnotesize |
- *NOTE*: ~cv::unite_policy~ has been removed in OpenCV 4.1.1. |
#+LaTeX: } |
** Operations and Kernels |
*** Specifying a kernel package |
- A *kernel* is an implementation of *operation* (= interface); |
- A *kernel package* hosts kernels that G-API should use; |
- Kernels are written for different *backends* and using their APIs; |
- Two kernel packages can be *merged* into a single one; |
- User can safely supply his *own kernels* to either /replace/ or |
/augment/ the default package. |
- Yes, even the standard kernels can be /overwritten/ by user from |
the outside! |
- *Heterogeneous* kernel package hosts kernels of different backends. |
** Operations and Kernels (cont'd) |
# FIXME!!! |
*** Defining an operation |
- A type name (every operation is a C++ type); |
- Operation signature (similar to ~std::function<>~); |
- Operation identifier (a string); |
- Metadata callback -- desribe what is the output value format(s), |
given the input and arguments. |
- Use ~OpType::on(...)~ to use a new kernel ~OpType~ to construct graphs. |
#+LaTeX: {\footnotesize |
G_TYPED_KERNEL(GSqrt,<GMat(GMat)>,"org.opencv.core.math.sqrt") { |
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in) { return in; } |
}; |
#+LaTeX: } |
** Operations and Kernels (cont'd) |
# FIXME!!! |
*** Implementing an operation |
- Depends on the backend and its API; |
- Common part for all backends: refer to operation being implemented |
using its /type/. |
*** OpenCV backend |
- OpenCV backend is the default one: OpenCV kernel is a wrapped OpenCV |
function: |
#+LaTeX: {\footnotesize |
GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(GCPUSqrt, cv::gapi::core::GSqrt) { |
static void run(const cv::Mat& in, cv::Mat &out) { |
cv::sqrt(in, out); |
} |
}; |
#+LaTeX: } |
** Operations and Kernels (cont'd) |
# FIXME!!! |
*** Fluid backend |
- Fluid backend operates with row-by-row kernels and schedules its |
execution to optimize data locality: |
#+LaTeX: {\footnotesize |
GAPI_FLUID_KERNEL(GFluidSqrt, cv::gapi::core::GSqrt, false) { |
static const int Window = 1; |
static void run(const View &in, Buffer &out) { |
hal::sqrt32f(in .InLine <float>(0) |
out.OutLine<float>(0), |
out.length()); |
} |
}; |
#+LaTeX: } |
- Note ~run~ changes signature but still is derived from the operation |
signature. |
* Understanding the "G-Effect" |
** Understanding the "G-Effect" |
*** What is "G-Effect"? |
- G-API is not only an API, but also an /implementation/; |
- i.e. it does some work already! |
- We call "G-Effect" any measurable improvement which G-API demonstrates |
against traditional methods; |
- So far the list is: |
- Memory consumption; |
- Performance; |
- Programmer efforts. |
Note: in the following slides, all measurements are taken on |
Intel\textregistered{} Core\texttrademark-i5 6600 CPU. |
** Understanding the "G-Effect" |
*** Memory consumption: Sobel Edge Detector |
- G-API/Fluid backend is designed to minimize footprint: |
#+LaTeX: {\footnotesize |
| Input | OpenCV | G-API/Fluid | Factor | |
| | MiB | MiB | Times | |
|-------------+--------+-------------+--------| |
| 512 x 512 | 17.33 | 0.59 | 28.9x | |
| 640 x 480 | 20.29 | 0.62 | 32.8x | |
| 1280 x 720 | 60.73 | 0.72 | 83.9x | |
| 1920 x 1080 | 136.53 | 0.83 | 164.7x | |
| 3840 x 2160 | 545.88 | 1.22 | 447.4x | |
#+LaTeX: } |
- The detector itself can be written manually in two ~for~ |
loops, but G-API covers cases more complex than that; |
- OpenCV code requires changes to shrink footprint. |
** Understanding the "G-Effect" |
*** Performance: Sobel Edge Detector |
- G-API/Fluid backend also optimizes cache reuse: |
#+LaTeX: {\footnotesize |
| Input | OpenCV | G-API/Fluid | Factor | |
| | ms | ms | Times | |
|-------------+--------+-------------+--------| |
| 320 x 240 | 1.16 | 0.53 | 2.17x | |
| 640 x 480 | 5.66 | 1.89 | 2.99x | |
| 1280 x 720 | 17.24 | 5.26 | 3.28x | |
| 1920 x 1080 | 39.04 | 12.29 | 3.18x | |
| 3840 x 2160 | 219.57 | 51.22 | 4.29x | |
#+LaTeX: } |
- The more data is processed, the bigger "G-Effect" is. |
** Understanding the "G-Effect" |
*** Relative speed-up based on cache efficiency |
\begin{figure} |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
\begin{axis}[ |
xlabel={Image size}, |
ylabel={Relative speed-up}, |
nodes near coords, |
width=0.8\textwidth, |
xtick=data, |
xticklabels={QVGA, VGA, HD, FHD, UHD}, |
height=4.5cm, |
] |
\addplot plot coordinates {(1, 1.0) (2, 1.38) (3, 1.51) (4, 1.46) (5, 1.97)}; |
\end{axis} |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{figure} |
The higher resolution is, the higher relative speed-up is (with |
speed-up on QVGA taken as 1.0). |
* Resources on G-API |
** Resources on G-API |
*** Repository |
- (see ~modules/gapi~) |
- Integral part of OpenCV starting version 4.0; |
*** Documentation |
- |
- A tutorial and a class reference are there as well. |
* Thank you! |
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1 0.00392157 0.00392157 rg |
225.648 478.363 m 171.051 509.887 144.43 574.156 160.746 635.051 c 177.066 |
695.945 232.254 738.277 295.301 738.277 c 358.348 738.277 413.535 695.945 |
429.855 635.051 c 446.172 574.156 419.551 509.887 364.949 478.363 c 323.008 |
551.008 l 344.73 563.547 355.324 589.117 348.832 613.34 c 342.34 637.566 |
320.383 654.41 295.301 654.41 c 270.219 654.41 248.262 637.566 241.77 613.34 |
c 235.277 589.117 245.871 563.547 267.59 551.008 c h |
225.648 478.363 m f |
0.00392157 0.00392157 1 rg |
523.949 444.637 m 578.551 413.113 605.172 348.844 588.855 287.949 c 572.535 |
227.055 517.348 184.723 454.301 184.723 c 391.254 184.723 336.066 227.055 |
319.746 287.949 c 303.43 348.844 330.051 413.113 384.648 444.637 c 426.59 |
371.992 l 404.871 359.453 394.277 333.883 400.77 309.66 c 407.262 285.434 |
429.219 268.59 454.301 268.59 c 479.383 268.59 501.34 285.434 507.832 309.66 |
c 514.324 333.883 503.73 359.453 482.008 371.992 c h |
523.949 444.637 m f |
0.00392157 1 0.00392157 rg |
278.602 324 m 278.602 260.953 236.254 205.762 175.359 189.449 c 114.461 |
173.133 50.207 199.762 18.684 254.363 c -12.84 308.961 -3.773 377.922 40.805 |
422.504 c 85.383 467.082 154.352 476.164 208.949 444.637 c 167.008 371.992 |
l 145.289 384.535 117.852 380.922 100.117 363.188 c 82.383 345.453 78.773 |
318.016 91.316 296.297 c 103.855 274.574 129.418 263.98 153.645 270.473 |
c 177.871 276.961 194.719 298.918 194.719 324 c h |
278.602 324 m f |
0.0196078 g |
39.781 151.301 m 51.57 152.359 63.492 152.352 75.223 150.672 c 82.449 149.391 |
90.121 147.52 95.551 142.25 c 101.242 135.898 102.641 127.078 103.891 118.949 |
c 105.941 102.078 105.699 84.969 103.891 68.09 c 102.68 59.852 101.492 |
50.949 96.09 44.25 c 90.199 38.27 81.5 36.57 73.52 35.309 c 61.742 33.84 |
49.789 33.5 37.961 34.68 c 29.949 35.5 21.59 36.91 14.77 41.48 c 10.359 |
44.281 7.992 49.219 6.379 54.012 c 3.152 63.988 2.742 74.59 2.301 84.988 |
c 2.25 98.73 2.512 112.609 5.191 126.129 c 6.641 132.441 8.402 139.379 |
13.73 143.59 c 21.242 149.039 30.789 150.359 39.781 151.301 c h |
41.73 132.469 m 51.723 133.27 61.922 133.512 71.801 131.57 c 75.629 130.801 |
80.152 128.941 80.871 124.578 c 83.871 112.309 83.172 99.531 83.289 86.988 |
c 82.922 78.07 83.129 68.852 80.141 60.309 c 77.531 54.699 70.422 54.238 |
65.062 53.422 c 54.312 52.809 43.152 52.27 32.723 55.461 c 27.91 56.73 |
26.391 61.891 25.652 66.219 c 23.652 79.051 24.301 92.102 24.551 105.031 |
c 25.082 112.281 24.992 119.801 27.602 126.691 c 30.59 131.309 36.77 131.719 |
41.73 132.469 c h |
41.73 132.469 m f* |
147.07 112.219 m 154.23 116.77 163.121 117.512 171.379 116.762 c 179.09 |
116.102 187.652 113.48 191.781 106.379 c 196.711 97.469 196.992 86.941 |
197.332 77 c 197.109 66.781 196.922 56.109 192.699 46.609 c 190.289 40.84 |
184.75 37.059 178.82 35.57 c 169.742 33.34 159.762 33.102 151.012 36.719 |
c 146.281 38.57 143.012 42.59 140.301 46.711 c 140.301 0 l 120.301 0 l |
120.312 38.66 120.281 77.328 120.312 115.988 c 126.781 116.02 133.25 116.02 |
139.711 115.988 c 139.492 112.012 139.27 108.039 139.16 104.051 c 141.562 |
106.98 143.789 110.199 147.07 112.219 c h |
153.582 101.781 m 159.18 102.211 165.102 102.328 170.34 100.02 c 173.66 |
98.59 175.41 95.078 176 91.68 c 177.742 82.91 177.52 73.852 176.902 64.969 |
c 176.281 59.609 175.422 52.672 169.52 50.59 c 162.699 48.359 154.922 48.219 |
148.18 50.828 c 141.91 53.469 141.18 61.059 140.562 66.949 c 140.191 75.988 |
139.742 85.289 142.289 94.07 c 143.641 99.051 148.82 101.41 153.582 101.781 |
c h |
153.582 101.781 m f* |
221.262 112.07 m 231.09 117.121 242.602 117.301 253.391 116.789 c 262.371 |
116.039 273.27 114.539 278.223 105.949 c 283.801 95.578 282.891 83.379 |
283.672 72 c 228.961 72 l 229.602 66.129 228.84 59.801 231.801 54.422 c |
234.332 50.172 239.699 49.301 244.242 49.051 c 249.852 49.012 255.891 48.551 |
261.062 51.16 c 264.02 53.48 264.039 57.602 264.422 61 c 270.82 61.012 |
277.223 61.012 283.621 61 c 283.379 54.32 282.52 46.84 277.16 42.141 c 269.109 |
34.922 257.59 34.172 247.289 33.969 c 238.199 34.238 228.602 34.699 220.461 |
39.18 c 213.871 43.07 211.77 51.059 210.609 58.102 c 209.141 68.559 208.77 |
79.219 210.02 89.719 c 211.039 98.012 213.27 107.762 221.262 112.07 c h |
232.949 99.34 m 238.41 102.66 245.172 101.988 251.301 101.898 c 255.102 |
101.488 259.73 101.27 262.199 97.91 c 264.723 93.762 264.27 88.68 264.289 |
84.02 c 252.52 84 240.762 83.969 229 84.031 c 229.18 89.211 228.77 95.531 |
232.949 99.34 c h |
232.949 99.34 m f* |
326.262 112.121 m 333.18 116.922 342.121 117.59 350.262 116.648 c 357.191 |
115.922 364.531 113.281 368.621 107.301 c 372.25 102.34 373.262 96.02 373.312 |
90.012 c 373.281 71.672 373.32 53.34 373.301 35 c 366.961 34.988 360.629 |
34.988 354.312 35 c 354.281 52.352 354.332 69.691 354.281 87.031 c 354.09 |
90.82 354.242 95.199 351.391 98.121 c 348.352 101.41 343.582 102.051 339.332 |
102.02 c 334.191 102.051 328.629 101.172 324.672 97.621 c 320.801 94.32 |
319.332 89 319.312 84.078 c 319.281 67.719 319.32 51.359 319.289 35.012 |
c 312.961 34.988 306.629 34.988 300.312 35 c 300.301 62 300.301 89 300.312 |
116 c 306.531 116.02 312.762 116.012 318.98 116 c 318.949 111.262 318.48 |
106.551 318.34 101.809 c 320.379 105.641 322.52 109.68 326.262 112.121 |
c h |
326.262 112.121 m f* |
407.691 147.602 m 418.172 151.121 429.34 151.621 440.301 152.012 c 450.922 |
151.961 462.02 151.859 471.941 147.578 c 476.98 145.48 480.473 140.879 |
482.172 135.801 c 484.941 128.211 485.02 119.988 485.082 112 c 477.77 112 |
470.461 111.98 463.16 112.012 c 463.039 117.629 463.473 123.93 459.992 |
128.711 c 456.473 132.309 450.973 132.301 446.301 132.852 c 436.801 133.031 |
426.91 133.641 417.812 130.359 c 414.531 129.32 412.832 126.039 412.172 |
122.879 c 410.301 114.398 410.289 105.648 410.301 97 c 410.41 85.441 410.23 |
73.711 412.699 62.34 c 413.352 58.18 417.18 55.621 421.02 54.699 c 429.902 |
52.488 439.172 52.809 448.242 53.352 c 452.973 53.969 458.73 54.281 461.699 |
58.621 c 464.871 63.801 464.34 70.172 464.172 75.988 c 471.551 76.02 478.922 |
76.012 486.301 75.988 c 486.211 66.801 486.051 57.309 482.711 48.609 c |
480.992 44.059 477.441 40.199 472.84 38.461 c 463.812 34.84 453.91 34.609 |
444.332 34.031 c 433.223 33.84 421.973 34.109 411.109 36.699 c 404.742 |
38.359 397.781 41.281 394.832 47.609 c 391.062 55.98 390.371 65.289 389.402 |
74.301 c 388.59 86.199 388.07 98.121 388.359 110.039 c 388.93 119.691 389.812 |
129.859 395.02 138.27 c 397.789 142.949 402.652 145.879 407.691 147.602 |
c h |
407.691 147.602 m f* |
489.902 150.969 m 497.52 150.961 505.141 151.18 512.75 150.859 c 520.16 |
127.352 528.301 104.078 535.781 80.602 c 538.691 71.578 540.75 62.301 543.762 |
53.309 c 547.129 63.012 549.289 73.09 552.59 82.809 c 559.902 105.52 567.41 |
128.16 574.711 150.871 c 582.23 151.191 589.77 150.91 597.301 151.012 c |
597.301 148.52 l 584.922 110.789 572.832 72.961 560.699 35.141 c 549.379 |
34.91 538.039 34.879 526.723 35.16 c 514.66 73.828 502.02 112.32 489.902 |
150.969 c h |
489.902 150.969 m f* |
Q Q |
showpage |
%%Trailer |
end restore |
%%EOF |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
#include "perf_precomp.hpp" |
#include "../test/common/gapi_tests_common.hpp" |
namespace opencv_test |
{ |
struct SobelEdgeDetector: public TestPerfParams<cv::Size> {}; |
PERF_TEST_P_(SobelEdgeDetector, Fluid) |
{ |
Size sz = GetParam(); |
initMatsRandU(CV_8UC3, sz, CV_8UC3, false); |
GMat in; |
GMat gx = gapi::Sobel(in, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
GMat gy = gapi::Sobel(in, CV_32F, 0, 1); |
GMat mag = gapi::sqrt(gapi::mul(gx, gx) + gapi::mul(gy, gy)); |
GMat out = gapi::convertTo(mag, CV_8U); |
GComputation sobel(in, out); |
auto pkg = gapi::combine(gapi::core::fluid::kernels(), |
gapi::imgproc::fluid::kernels()); |
auto cc = sobel.compile(cv::descr_of(in_mat1), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::use_only{pkg})); |
cc(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi); |
{ |
cc(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi); |
} |
} |
PERF_TEST_P_(SobelEdgeDetector, OpenCV) |
{ |
Size sz = GetParam(); |
initMatsRandU(CV_8UC3, sz, CV_8UC3, false); |
Mat gx, gy; |
Mat mag; |
auto cc = [&](const cv::Mat &in_mat, cv::Mat &out_mat) { |
using namespace cv; |
Sobel(in_mat, gx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
Sobel(in_mat, gy, CV_32F, 0, 1); |
sqrt(gx.mul(gx) + gy.mul(gy), mag); |
mag.convertTo(out_mat, CV_8U); |
}; |
cc(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi); |
{ |
cc(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi); |
} |
} |
PERF_TEST_P_(SobelEdgeDetector, OpenCV_Smarter) |
{ |
Size sz = GetParam(); |
initMatsRandU(CV_8UC3, sz, CV_8UC3, false); |
Mat gx, gy; |
Mat ggx, ggy; |
Mat sum; |
Mat mag; |
auto cc = [&](const cv::Mat &in_mat, cv::Mat &out_mat) { |
cv::Sobel(in_mat, gx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
cv::Sobel(in_mat, gy, CV_32F, 0, 1); |
cv::multiply(gx, gx, ggx); |
cv::multiply(gy, gy, ggy); |
cv::add(ggx, ggy, sum); |
cv::sqrt(sum, mag); |
mag.convertTo(out_mat, CV_8U); |
}; |
cc(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi); |
{ |
cc(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi); |
} |
} |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Benchmark, SobelEdgeDetector, |
Values(cv::Size(320, 240), |
cv::Size(640, 480), |
cv::Size(1280, 720), |
cv::Size(1920, 1080), |
cv::Size(3840, 2170))); |
} // opencv_test
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
#include <opencv2/videoio.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/imgproc.hpp> |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
(void) argc; |
(void) argv; |
using namespace cv; |
Mat in_mat = imread("lena.png"); |
Mat gx, gy; |
Sobel(in_mat, gx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
Sobel(in_mat, gy, CV_32F, 0, 1); |
Mat mag; |
sqrt(gx.mul(gx) + gy.mul(gy), mag); |
Mat out_mat; |
mag.convertTo(out_mat, CV_8U); |
imwrite("lena-out.png", out_mat); |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
#include <opencv2/videoio.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/imgproc.hpp> |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
(void) argc; |
(void) argv; |
using namespace cv; |
Mat in_mat = imread("lena.png"); |
Mat out_mat; |
GMat in; |
GMat gx = gapi::Sobel(in, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
GMat gy = gapi::Sobel(in, CV_32F, 0, 1); |
GMat mag = gapi::sqrt( gapi::mul(gx, gx) |
+ gapi::mul(gy, gy)); |
GMat out = gapi::convertTo(mag, CV_8U); |
GComputation sobel(GIn(in), GOut(out)); |
sobel.apply(in_mat, out_mat); |
imwrite("lena-out.png", out_mat); |
return 0; |
} |
Reference in new issue