Optimizes OpenCL resize and optical flow to use image extension.

Aaron Kunze 11 years ago
parent 8176e893c0
commit ebbac3c66d
  1. 19
  2. 150
  3. 64
  4. 82
  5. 13
  6. 30
  7. 4

@ -151,6 +151,10 @@ public:
bool imageSupport() const;
bool imageFromBufferSupport() const;
uint imagePitchAlignment() const;
uint imageBaseAddressAlignment() const;
size_t image2DMaxWidth() const;
size_t image2DMaxHeight() const;
@ -602,12 +606,25 @@ class CV_EXPORTS Image2D
explicit Image2D(const UMat &src);
// src: The UMat from which to get image properties and data
// norm: Flag to enable the use of normalized channel data types
// alias: Flag indicating that the image should alias the src UMat.
// If true, changes to the image or src will be reflected in
// both objects.
explicit Image2D(const UMat &src, bool norm = false, bool alias = false);
Image2D(const Image2D & i);
Image2D & operator = (const Image2D & i);
// Indicates if creating an aliased image should succeed. Depends on the
// underlying platform and the dimensions of the UMat.
static bool canCreateAlias(const UMat &u);
// Indicates if the image format is supported.
static bool isFormatSupported(int depth, int cn, bool norm);
void* ptr() const;
struct Impl;

@ -882,7 +882,6 @@ OCL_FUNC_P(cl_mem, clCreateImage2D,
cl_int *errcode_ret),
(context, flags, image_format, image_width, image_height, image_row_pitch, host_ptr, errcode_ret))
OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clGetSupportedImageFormats,
(cl_context context,
cl_mem_flags flags,
@ -892,6 +891,7 @@ OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clGetSupportedImageFormats,
cl_uint * num_image_formats),
(context, flags, image_type, num_entries, image_formats, num_image_formats))
OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clGetMemObjectInfo,
(cl_mem memobj,
cl_mem_info param_name,
@ -1912,6 +1912,38 @@ bool Device::hostUnifiedMemory() const
bool Device::imageSupport() const
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT) : false; }
bool Device::imageFromBufferSupport() const
bool ret = false;
if (p)
size_t pos = p->getStrProp(CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS).find("cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer");
if (pos != String::npos)
ret = true;
return ret;
uint Device::imagePitchAlignment() const
return p ? p->getProp<cl_uint, uint>(CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT) : 0;
return 0;
uint Device::imageBaseAddressAlignment() const
return p ? p->getProp<cl_uint, uint>(CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_BASE_ADDRESS_ALIGNMENT) : 0;
return 0;
size_t Device::image2DMaxWidth() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<size_t, size_t>(CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH) : 0; }
@ -2705,9 +2737,15 @@ struct Kernel::Impl
haveTempDstUMats = true;
void addImage(const Image2D& image)
void finit()
if(e) { clReleaseEvent(e); e = 0; }
@ -2725,6 +2763,7 @@ struct Kernel::Impl
enum { MAX_ARRS = 16 };
UMatData* u[MAX_ARRS];
int nu;
std::list<Image2D> images;
bool haveTempDstUMats;
@ -2838,6 +2877,7 @@ int Kernel::set(int i, const void* value, size_t sz)
int Kernel::set(int i, const Image2D& image2D)
cl_mem h = (cl_mem)image2D.ptr();
return set(i, &h, sizeof(h));
@ -4408,11 +4448,11 @@ int predictOptimalVectorWidth(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, InputArray src3,
struct Image2D::Impl
Impl(const UMat &src)
Impl(const UMat &src, bool norm, bool alias)
handle = 0;
refcount = 1;
init(src, norm, alias);
@ -4421,24 +4461,55 @@ struct Image2D::Impl
void init(const UMat &src)
static cl_image_format getImageFormat(int depth, int cn, bool norm)
cl_image_format format;
int err, depth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels();
CV_Assert(cn <= 4);
static const int channelTypes[] = { CL_UNSIGNED_INT8, CL_SIGNED_INT8, CL_UNSIGNED_INT16,
static const int channelTypesNorm[] = { CL_UNORM_INT8, CL_SNORM_INT8, CL_UNORM_INT16,
CL_SNORM_INT16, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
static const int channelOrders[] = { -1, CL_R, CL_RG, -1, CL_RGBA };
int channelType = channelTypes[depth], channelOrder = channelOrders[cn];
if (channelType < 0 || channelOrder < 0)
CV_Error(Error::OpenCLApiCallError, "Image format is not supported");
int channelType = norm ? channelTypesNorm[depth] : channelTypes[depth];
int channelOrder = channelOrders[cn];
format.image_channel_data_type = (cl_channel_type)channelType;
format.image_channel_order = (cl_channel_order)channelOrder;
return format;
static bool isFormatSupported(cl_image_format format)
cl_context context = (cl_context)Context::getDefault().ptr();
// Figure out how many formats are supported by this context.
cl_uint numFormats = 0;
cl_int err = clGetSupportedImageFormats(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
NULL, &numFormats);
AutoBuffer<cl_image_format> formats(numFormats);
err = clGetSupportedImageFormats(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
formats, NULL);
CV_OclDbgAssert(err == CL_SUCCESS);
for (cl_uint i = 0; i < numFormats; ++i)
if (!memcmp(&formats[i], &format, sizeof(format)))
return true;
return false;
void init(const UMat &src, bool norm, bool alias)
int err, depth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels();
CV_Assert(cn <= 4);
cl_image_format format = getImageFormat(depth, cn, norm);
if (!isFormatSupported(format))
CV_Error(Error::OpenCLApiCallError, "Image format is not supported");
cl_context context = (cl_context)Context::getDefault().ptr();
cl_command_queue queue = (cl_command_queue)Queue::getDefault().ptr();
@ -4448,6 +4519,7 @@ struct Image2D::Impl
// run on OpenCL 1.1 platform if library binaries are compiled with OpenCL 1.2 support
const Device & d = ocl::Device::getDefault();
int minor = d.deviceVersionMinor(), major = d.deviceVersionMajor();
CV_Assert(!alias || canCreateAlias(src));
if (1 < major || (1 == major && 2 <= minor))
cl_image_desc desc;
@ -4456,9 +4528,9 @@ struct Image2D::Impl
desc.image_height = src.rows;
desc.image_depth = 0;
desc.image_array_size = 1;
desc.image_row_pitch = 0;
desc.image_row_pitch = alias ? src.step[0] : 0;
desc.image_slice_pitch = 0;
desc.buffer = NULL;
desc.buffer = alias ? (cl_mem)src.handle(ACCESS_RW) : 0;
desc.num_mip_levels = 0;
desc.num_samples = 0;
handle = clCreateImage(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &format, &desc, NULL, &err);
@ -4467,6 +4539,7 @@ struct Image2D::Impl
CV_Assert(!alias); // This is an OpenCL 1.2 extension
handle = clCreateImage2D(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &format, src.cols, src.rows, 0, NULL, &err);
@ -4476,7 +4549,7 @@ struct Image2D::Impl
size_t region[] = { src.cols, src.rows, 1 };
cl_mem devData;
if (!src.isContinuous())
if (!alias && !src.isContinuous())
devData = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, src.cols * src.rows * src.elemSize(), NULL, &err);
CV_OclDbgAssert(err == CL_SUCCESS);
@ -4487,14 +4560,19 @@ struct Image2D::Impl
CV_OclDbgAssert(clFlush(queue) == CL_SUCCESS);
devData = (cl_mem)src.handle(ACCESS_READ);
CV_Assert(devData != NULL);
CV_OclDbgAssert(clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage(queue, devData, handle, 0, origin, region, 0, NULL, 0) == CL_SUCCESS);
if (!src.isContinuous())
if (!alias)
CV_OclDbgAssert(clFlush(queue) == CL_SUCCESS);
CV_OclDbgAssert(clReleaseMemObject(devData) == CL_SUCCESS);
CV_OclDbgAssert(clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage(queue, devData, handle, 0, origin, region, 0, NULL, 0) == CL_SUCCESS);
if (!src.isContinuous())
CV_OclDbgAssert(clFlush(queue) == CL_SUCCESS);
CV_OclDbgAssert(clReleaseMemObject(devData) == CL_SUCCESS);
@ -4508,9 +4586,37 @@ Image2D::Image2D()
p = NULL;
Image2D::Image2D(const UMat &src)
Image2D::Image2D(const UMat &src, bool norm, bool alias)
p = new Impl(src);
p = new Impl(src, norm, alias);
bool Image2D::canCreateAlias(const UMat &m)
bool ret = false;
const Device & d = ocl::Device::getDefault();
if (d.imageFromBufferSupport())
// This is the required pitch alignment in pixels
uint pitchAlign = d.imagePitchAlignment();
if (pitchAlign && !(m.step % (pitchAlign * m.elemSize())))
// We don't currently handle the case where the buffer was created
if (!m.u->tempUMat())
ret = true;
return ret;
bool Image2D::isFormatSupported(int depth, int cn, bool norm)
cl_image_format format = Impl::getImageFormat(depth, cn, norm);
return Impl::isFormatSupported(format);
Image2D::Image2D(const Image2D & i)

@ -2037,15 +2037,6 @@ static void ocl_computeResizeAreaTabs(int ssize, int dsize, double scale, int *
ofs_tab[dx] = k;
static void ocl_computeResizeAreaFastTabs(int * dmap_tab, int * smap_tab, int scale, int dcols, int scol)
for (int i = 0; i < dcols; ++i)
dmap_tab[i] = scale * i;
for (int i = 0, size = dcols * scale; i < size; ++i)
smap_tab[i] = std::min(scol - 1, i);
static bool ocl_resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
double fx, double fy, int interpolation)
@ -2075,7 +2066,39 @@ static bool ocl_resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
ocl::Kernel k;
size_t globalsize[] = { dst.cols, dst.rows };
if (interpolation == INTER_LINEAR)
ocl::Image2D srcImage;
// See if this could be done with a sampler. We stick with integer
// datatypes because the observed error is low.
bool useSampler = (interpolation == INTER_LINEAR && ocl::Device::getDefault().imageSupport() &&
ocl::Image2D::canCreateAlias(src) && depth <= 4 &&
ocl::Image2D::isFormatSupported(depth, cn, true));
if (useSampler)
int wdepth = std::max(depth, CV_32S);
char buf[2][32];
cv::String compileOpts = format("-D USE_SAMPLER -D depth=%d -D T=%s -D T1=%s "
"-D convertToDT=%s -D cn=%d",
depth, ocl::typeToStr(type), ocl::typeToStr(depth),
ocl::convertTypeStr(wdepth, depth, cn, buf[1]),
k.create("resizeSampler", ocl::imgproc::resize_oclsrc, compileOpts);
useSampler = false;
// Convert the input into an OpenCL image type, using normalized channel data types
// and aliasing the UMat.
srcImage = ocl::Image2D(src, true, true);
k.args(srcImage, ocl::KernelArg::WriteOnly(dst),
(float)inv_fx, (float)inv_fy);
if (interpolation == INTER_LINEAR && !useSampler)
char buf[2][32];
@ -2180,25 +2203,14 @@ static bool ocl_resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
int wdepth2 = std::max(CV_32F, depth), wtype2 = CV_MAKE_TYPE(wdepth2, cn);
buildOption = buildOption + format(" -D convertToT=%s -D WT2V=%s -D convertToWT2V=%s -D INTER_AREA_FAST"
" -D XSCALE=%d -D YSCALE=%d -D SCALE=%ff",
ocl::convertTypeStr(wdepth2, depth, cn, cvt[0]),
ocl::typeToStr(wtype2), ocl::convertTypeStr(wdepth, wdepth2, cn, cvt[1]),
iscale_x, iscale_y, 1.0f / (iscale_x * iscale_y));
" -D XSCALE=%d -D YSCALE=%d -D SCALE=%ff",
ocl::convertTypeStr(wdepth2, depth, cn, cvt[0]),
ocl::typeToStr(wtype2), ocl::convertTypeStr(wdepth, wdepth2, cn, cvt[1]),
iscale_x, iscale_y, 1.0f / (iscale_x * iscale_y));
k.create("resizeAREA_FAST", ocl::imgproc::resize_oclsrc, buildOption);
if (k.empty())
return false;
int smap_tab_size = dst.cols * iscale_x + dst.rows * iscale_y;
AutoBuffer<int> dmap_tab(dst.cols + dst.rows), smap_tab(smap_tab_size);
int * dxmap_tab = dmap_tab, * dymap_tab = dxmap_tab + dst.cols;
int * sxmap_tab = smap_tab, * symap_tab = smap_tab + dst.cols * iscale_y;
ocl_computeResizeAreaFastTabs(dxmap_tab, sxmap_tab, iscale_x, dst.cols, src.cols);
ocl_computeResizeAreaFastTabs(dymap_tab, symap_tab, iscale_y, dst.rows, src.rows);
Mat(1, dst.cols + dst.rows, CV_32SC1, (void *)dmap_tab).copyTo(dmap);
Mat(1, smap_tab_size, CV_32SC1, (void *)smap_tab).copyTo(smap);
@ -2228,7 +2240,7 @@ static bool ocl_resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
ocl::KernelArg srcarg = ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnly(src), dstarg = ocl::KernelArg::WriteOnly(dst);
if (is_area_fast)
k.args(srcarg, dstarg, ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(dmap), ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(smap));
k.args(srcarg, dstarg);
k.args(srcarg, dstarg, inv_fxf, inv_fyf, ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(tabofsOcl),
ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(mapOcl), ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(alphaOcl));

@ -67,7 +67,64 @@
#define TSIZE (int)sizeof(T1)*cn
#if defined USE_SAMPLER
#if cn == 1
#define READ_IMAGE(X,Y,Z) read_imagef(X,Y,Z).x
#elif cn == 2
#define READ_IMAGE(X,Y,Z) read_imagef(X,Y,Z).xy
#elif cn == 3
#define READ_IMAGE(X,Y,Z) read_imagef(X,Y,Z).xyz
#elif cn == 4
#define READ_IMAGE(X,Y,Z) read_imagef(X,Y,Z)
#define __CAT(x, y) x##y
#define CAT(x, y) __CAT(x, y)
#define INTERMEDIATE_TYPE CAT(float, cn)
#define float1 float
#if depth == 0
#define RESULT_SCALE 255.0f
#elif depth == 1
#define RESULT_SCALE 127.0f
#elif depth == 2
#define RESULT_SCALE 65535.0f
#elif depth == 3
#define RESULT_SCALE 32767.0f
#define RESULT_SCALE 1.0f
__kernel void resizeSampler(__read_only image2d_t srcImage,
__global uchar* dstptr, int dststep, int dstoffset,
int dstrows, int dstcols,
float ifx, float ify)
const sampler_t sampler = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE |
int dx = get_global_id(0);
int dy = get_global_id(1);
float sx = ((dx+0.5f) * ifx), sy = ((dy+0.5f) * ify);
INTERMEDIATE_TYPE intermediate = READ_IMAGE(srcImage, sampler, (float2)(sx, sy));
#if depth <= 4
T uval = convertToDT(round(intermediate * RESULT_SCALE));
T uval = convertToDT(intermediate * RESULT_SCALE);
if(dx < dstcols && dy < dstrows)
storepix(uval, dstptr + mad24(dy, dststep, dstoffset + dx*TSIZE));
__kernel void resizeLN(__global const uchar * srcptr, int src_step, int src_offset, int src_rows, int src_cols,
__global uchar * dstptr, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
@ -185,8 +242,7 @@ __kernel void resizeNN(__global const uchar * srcptr, int src_step, int src_offs
__kernel void resizeAREA_FAST(__global const uchar * src, int src_step, int src_offset, int src_rows, int src_cols,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
__global const int * dmap_tab, __global const int * smap_tab)
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols)
int dx = get_global_id(0);
int dy = get_global_id(1);
@ -195,21 +251,21 @@ __kernel void resizeAREA_FAST(__global const uchar * src, int src_step, int src_
int dst_index = mad24(dy, dst_step, dst_offset);
__global const int * xmap_tab = dmap_tab;
__global const int * ymap_tab = dmap_tab + dst_cols;
__global const int * sxmap_tab = smap_tab;
__global const int * symap_tab = smap_tab + XSCALE * dst_cols;
int sx = xmap_tab[dx], sy = ymap_tab[dy];
int sx = XSCALE * dx;
int sy = YSCALE * dy;
WTV sum = (WTV)(0);
#pragma unroll
for (int y = 0; y < YSCALE; ++y)
for (int py = 0; py < YSCALE; ++py)
int src_index = mad24(symap_tab[y + sy], src_step, src_offset);
int y = min(sy + py, src_rows - 1);
int src_index = mad24(y, src_step, src_offset);
#pragma unroll
for (int x = 0; x < XSCALE; ++x)
sum += convertToWTV(loadpix(src + mad24(sxmap_tab[sx + x], TSIZE, src_index)));
for (int px = 0; px < XSCALE; ++px)
int x = min(sx + px, src_cols - 1);
sum += convertToWTV(loadpix(src + src_index + x*TSIZE));
storepix(convertToT(convertToWT2V(sum) * (WT2V)(SCALE)), dst + mad24(dx, TSIZE, dst_index));

@ -158,9 +158,10 @@ OCL_TEST_P(WarpPerspective, Mat)
//// resize
PARAM_TEST_CASE(Resize, MatType, double, double, Interpolation, bool)
PARAM_TEST_CASE(Resize, MatType, double, double, Interpolation, bool, int)
int type, interpolation;
int widthMultiple;
double fx, fy;
bool useRoi;
@ -174,6 +175,7 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(Resize, MatType, double, double, Interpolation, bool)
fy = GET_PARAM(2);
interpolation = GET_PARAM(3);
useRoi = GET_PARAM(4);
widthMultiple = GET_PARAM(5);
void random_roi()
@ -181,6 +183,9 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(Resize, MatType, double, double, Interpolation, bool)
CV_Assert(fx > 0 && fy > 0);
Size srcRoiSize = randomSize(1, MAX_VALUE), dstRoiSize;
// Make sure the width is a multiple of the requested value, and no more
srcRoiSize.width &= ~((widthMultiple * 2) - 1);
srcRoiSize.width += widthMultiple;
dstRoiSize.width = cvRound(srcRoiSize.width * fx);
dstRoiSize.height = cvRound(srcRoiSize.height * fy);
@ -334,14 +339,16 @@ OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ImgprocWarp, Resize, Combine(
Values(0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 0.2),
Values(0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 0.2),
Values((Interpolation)INTER_NEAREST, (Interpolation)INTER_LINEAR),
Values(1, 16)));
OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ImgprocWarpResizeArea, Resize, Combine(
Values((MatType)CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4, CV_32FC1, CV_32FC4),
Values(0.7, 0.4, 0.5),
Values(0.3, 0.6, 0.5),
Values(1, 16)));
Values(CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_32F),

@ -890,6 +890,26 @@ namespace cv
std::vector<UMat> prevPyr; prevPyr.resize(maxLevel + 1);
std::vector<UMat> nextPyr; nextPyr.resize(maxLevel + 1);
// allocate buffers with aligned pitch to be able to use cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer extention
// This is the required pitch alignment in pixels
int pitchAlign = (int)ocl::Device::getDefault().imagePitchAlignment();
if (pitchAlign>0)
prevPyr[0] = UMat(prevImg.rows,(prevImg.cols+pitchAlign-1)&(-pitchAlign),prevImg.type()).colRange(0,prevImg.cols);
nextPyr[0] = UMat(nextImg.rows,(nextImg.cols+pitchAlign-1)&(-pitchAlign),nextImg.type()).colRange(0,nextImg.cols);
for (int level = 1; level <= maxLevel; ++level)
int cols,rows;
// allocate buffers with aligned pitch to be able to use image on buffer extention
cols = (prevPyr[level - 1].cols+1)/2;
rows = (prevPyr[level - 1].rows+1)/2;
prevPyr[level] = UMat(rows,(cols+pitchAlign-1)&(-pitchAlign),prevPyr[level-1].type()).colRange(0,cols);
cols = (nextPyr[level - 1].cols+1)/2;
rows = (nextPyr[level - 1].rows+1)/2;
nextPyr[level] = UMat(rows,(cols+pitchAlign-1)&(-pitchAlign),nextPyr[level-1].type()).colRange(0,cols);
prevImg.convertTo(prevPyr[0], CV_32F);
nextImg.convertTo(nextPyr[0], CV_32F);
@ -969,8 +989,10 @@ namespace cv
if (!kernel.create("lkSparse", cv::ocl::video::pyrlk_oclsrc, build_options))
return false;
ocl::Image2D imageI(I);
ocl::Image2D imageJ(J);
CV_Assert(I.depth() == CV_32F && J.depth() == CV_32F);
ocl::Image2D imageI(I, false, ocl::Image2D::canCreateAlias(I));
ocl::Image2D imageJ(J, false, ocl::Image2D::canCreateAlias(J));
int idxArg = 0;
idxArg = kernel.set(idxArg, imageI); //image2d_t I
idxArg = kernel.set(idxArg, imageJ); //image2d_t J
@ -1070,7 +1092,9 @@ void cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK( InputArray _prevImg, InputArray _nextImg,
TermCriteria criteria,
int flags, double minEigThreshold )
bool use_opencl = ocl::useOpenCL() && (_prevImg.isUMat() || _nextImg.isUMat());
bool use_opencl = ocl::useOpenCL() &&
(_prevImg.isUMat() || _nextImg.isUMat()) &&
ocl::Image2D::isFormatSupported(CV_32F, 1, false);
if ( use_opencl && ocl_calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_prevImg, _nextImg, _prevPts, _nextPts, _status, _err, winSize, maxLevel, criteria, flags/*, minEigThreshold*/))

@ -352,7 +352,9 @@ OpticalFlowDual_TVL1::OpticalFlowDual_TVL1()
void OpticalFlowDual_TVL1::calc(InputArray _I0, InputArray _I1, InputOutputArray _flow)
CV_OCL_RUN(_flow.isUMat(), calc_ocl(_I0, _I1, _flow))
CV_OCL_RUN(_flow.isUMat() &&
ocl::Image2D::isFormatSupported(CV_32F, 1, false),
calc_ocl(_I0, _I1, _flow))
Mat I0 = _I0.getMat();
Mat I1 = _I1.getMat();
